In the wake of their monster Toy Fair reveals from yesterday, Mattel has passed along press photos from the upcoming DCUC series 17 and 18. Enjoy!
Series 17
- Black Lantern Hal Jordan
- White Lantern Hal Jordan (Variant)
- Star Sapphire Wonder Woman
- Indigo Lantern Atom
- Blue Lantern Flash
- Sinestro Corps Scarecrow
- Orange Lantern Lex Luthor
- Anti-Monitor Collect and Connect
Series 18
- Samurai
- Black Vulcan
- El Dorado
- Toyman
- Bronze Tiger
- Captain Boomerang
- Apache Chief Collect and Connect
DCUC 18 El Dorado
DCUC 17 Blue Lantern Flash
DCUC 18 Bronze Tiger (unmasked)
DCUC 18 Samurai
DCUC 17 Anti-Monitor Collect and Connect
DCUC 18 Apache Chief Collect and Connect
DCUC 18 Black Vulcan
DCUC 18 Captain Boomerang
DCUC 17 Star Sapphire Wonder Woman
DCUC Black Lantern Hal Jordan
DCUC White Lantern Hal Jordan
DCUC 18 Toyman
DCUC 17 Sinestro Corps Scarecrow
DCUC 17 Indigo Lantern Atom
DCUC 18 Bronze Tiger (masked)
DCUC Orange Lantern Lex Luthor
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