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The Death of He-Man

This isn’t  a news item about the end of MOTUC or another online rant about ( I’m still annoyed at missing Battlecat, but that’s another post), but rather some artwork from artist Juan Bobillo’s blog.  Check it out:

I was directed to Juan’s blog by an interview in comics blog the beat.  I love to see different artists’ takes on properties like He-Man.  It’s fun to see these characters reimagined and tweaked.  I think that was part of the fun of Bobillo and Slott’s run on She-Hulk a few years back.  Man, I liked that book.  I’m trying to think of a book that was as fun as that title was for me.  It’s a little tough.  The current Powergirl book has that same sense of fun.  The Metal Men co-features in the recent Doom Patrol book were fun if almost too silly for my taste.  I need more fun in my comics.

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