Welcome back to another edition of Demanded Characters. Last year we spent entire the month of February looking at some of the ladies of the DCU. In the last year we have seen 2 (Starfire and Barda)of the 4 characters talked about last year made with a possible third (Black Canary) being shown at NYCC. So this year lets talk about some new females, and hope in the next year we get them too. So let’s start the month off with a character who has had two identities, Jessie Quick
Last week it looked like Blue Devil was going to run away with the poll but Ragman and Zauriel gave him a run for the top spot.
When it comes to the red and yellow speedsters you usually think of the guys Wally, Barry, Bart, or Jay, but in this case the speedster is a female. Once again idea of legacy comes into play in this character’s life. Her mother was the Golden Age Liberty Bell and her father was the speedster Johnny Chambers aka Johnny Quick. She was born with her mother’s strength and was taught her father speed ability with his famous mathematical formula.
As with any kid Jesse was conflicted, should she be her father daughter or her mother’s? She has wavered and at times, and chosen to be her own person out of the hero game, but in the end she is a superhero. When her father passed away she took over the family business of Quickstart Industry. From her time on the Titans as the resident speedster, to her current role as a JSA member following in her mother’s foot steps, she has been an important part of the DCU.
She has had a number of looks over the years so lets see what she has to offer.
For Jesse the red and yellow are just in her blood. So when she choose to follow in her father’s footsteps she took on those colors. She is a smaller female so the Harley body would work on her, and we know from booster that googles can be done well.
This look embraces the flash while still holding on to her own identity. She sports the one piece suit and pushes the flash logo off to the side, making it least her symbol and more of a fashion piece.
When the Wally took some time off she wore the lightning bolt and took on the mantle only to be pushed out when he returned to the role. This look is something that puts her in a category with in the DCUC line but would not be her most iconic look for the character.
While this look does not have the symbol she looks like a flash. From her yellow boots to her red top, she is a speedster. The famous look of the 80’s and 90s of the hair coming out of the top of the costume really sets this costume apart from the rest.
The modern look of Jesse is almost the spiting image of her mother, without the cape. While the other costumes tried to show off skin this one shows off her curves. She is one of the hottest members of the new JSA and seems like she is a girl in love running around fight crime along side her husband Rex Tyler, Hourman another legacy character. This look would give us modern fans what we want while giving us the possibly of building a classic character for the fans of the golden age teams.
So what do you think should we get the speedster, with a variant? Or the modern Liberty Bell could give use a classic very easy.
Some images courtesy of Comic Vine
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