Villains in green with "wind" in their name them month continues at MMM! with the classic Avengers villain Whirlwind!
Last week’s poll re-cap: With 71%, you chose solo-series Thunderstrike as the version of the character you most want made for Marvel Legends. Thunderstrike also had one of the largest non-X-Men voting turnouts since MMM! started (pretty nifty also considering that he’s been dead for over a decade), indicating that this might be one that the ‘bro might want to seriously consider sooner rather than later.
Make My Marvel! – Whirlwind
David Cannon was bad from the beginning. A mutant with the ability to move his body at great speeds, David initially used his powers as a bully during his formative years. When he reached adulthood, David found work in several professions including circus performer, wrestling, and ice skating. Yes, ice skating and not a career porn which having a name like that almost requires.
After losing a cherry gig at My Little Pony on Ice, David decided that turning his talents towards crime was a more dignified livelihood. Cannon designed a costume and, calling himself The Human Top, began looting various department stores. He was eventually stopped by the Wasp and Giant-man. After several more incarcerations resulting from dust-ups with the duo, David went on criminal hiatus to perfect his fighting techniques and re-design his costume. Now calling himself Whirlwind, Cannon swore revenge on Giant Man and Wasp.
Whirlwind crafted a new identity as Wasp’s Chauffeur. He used the access this gave him as a means to trap Wasp and Giant-Man in an ant colony. Though they were able to turn the tables on him, Whirlwind escaped. He later returned as part of the second incarnation of the Masters of Evil. His identity as Janet Van Dyne’s chauffeur remained secret, allowing Whirlwind more chances at revenge for several more years.
From then on, Whirlwind chose to attack as part of a team, rather than on his own. Unfortunately for him, his ego and impatience often became the direct cause of his defeats. He was incarcerated again, but has been granted parol and is currently working as one of the Thunderbolts.
How to make it: This one would need a new sculpt and removable saw blades are a must. A removable helmet wouldn’t be bad either.
Which version of Whirlwind do you most want made for Marvel Legends?
First Appearance/Human Top
Whirlwind 1st.
Whirlwind 2nd./Classic
Modern/Heroes Reborn
Modern? ver. 2
*Images courtesy of Comicvine*
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