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Make My Marvel! – Warpath

Following last week’s box set idea, it’s back to the individual spotlights with the x-man Warpath. He’s already had two figures from the old TB 5" lines, but now it’s time he got some 6" love.  (Audience participation time!  Insert your own gay joke here.)  Come on in and let’s gab about Warpath.

Penis jokes will be kept to a respectul minimum.  Pinky-swear!

Last week’s poll recap: 82% of you liked the re-paint set idea with better than half of that number not liking all of the character selection.  Based on the comments, there’s a lot of love for the Rogue repaint while there’s almost no desire for another Ultron unless it’s an all-new sculpt based on the classic design.  MK repaint Deadpool proved somewhat popular with a mixture of collectors wanting an updated DP figure and those who missed out and just want to get their hands on a Deadpool figure period.  Juggs and symbiote Spidey seemed to be hit & miss.  What personally shocked me was how few of you wanted white Vision.  Racists!

Anyway, the desire for some simple repaints is there, Hasbro.  Tinker with the character selection and you’ll please some collectors while making some easy money.

Make My Marvel! – Warpath

James Proudstar, formerly of X-Force and currently one of the X-men, initially took up the mantle of "Thunderbird" after the death of his brother, the original Thunderbird, John Proudstar. James initially blamed Professor X and the X-Men for the loss of his brother, but eventually worked through his grief and became part of Xavier’s brood.

The death of Thunderbird has proven to be one of the X-Men’s more poignant moments.  Of course, the first Thunderbird only lasted a handful of issues and there wasn’t much to the character beyond his powers, so it wasn’t a huge loss.  Thankfully, James, now callng himself Warpath, has the personality his brother lacked, not to mention enough sense to let go of a burning plane before it explodes.

I don’t think he liked that last part.

Like his brother, Warpath has superhuman strength, speed, dexterity, durability, and senses, making him a formidable fighter.  He’s the embodiment of the German misinterpretation of the "ubermensch" except for the not being blonde, blue-eyed, or Caucasian, which must totally cheese off Hitler’s ghost.

Awww, poor baby.

For the majority of his comics career Warpath has shunned weapons, but was seen briefly wielding a bo staff in X-Force’s last incarnation.  Currently, he utilizes a pair of vibranium bowie knives as part of Havok’s team of X-Men.

This is another instance where an all-new sculpt is necessary.  Warpath is 7’2", so he’d have to be a big figure, but probably not BAF big.  If Hasbro were to make Warpath in his modern costume, then he’d also need the twin knives as accessories.

If made, Warpath would be the first Native American Marvel Legend (a plus for the pc-crowd) and he’s at the height of his popularity.  Who knows how long that will last?  Now’s the time to take advantage of it and give a great character his dues.

Which costume for Warpath?

A. Modern 

B. Hellions

C. Thunderbird I/retro

D. X-Force II

E. X-Force III

F. "New" X-Force

G. X-Corps

As always, head over the MakeMyMarvel! thread in the Unofficial Marvel forum and vote in this week’s costume poll.  Post comments about this article and make suggestions for upcoming MMMs! 

Note: pictures courtesy of