What is it? A contest, Fellow Fwoosher… a contest of the highest magnitude, the first (but not the last) of its kind, destined to drive all of Fwoosh Fandom into a frothing frenzy of geeky glee. A contest in which YOU, True Believer, can win a one-of-a-kind custom Marvel Legends action figure, hand-crafted by one of the Fwoosh’s Finest!!
What’s the prize? The booty for the inaugural contest is a beautifully crafted, super-poseable Ultimate Wolverine custom, done by none other than master Fwoosh customizer (and all around sweetheart-of-a-guy) Maddog! Check out the picture for this amazing piece, destined to become the centerpiece of your Ultimate Marvel shelf, displaying proudly alongside your ultimate versions of Captain America, Nightcrawler, Iceman and Iron Man!
Who can enter? Sorry, guests… Only registered Fwooshers can enter this contest! If the thought of owning a free custom makes you drool, register now!
Mods and Admin are also ineligible… rank-n-file FOOF* only!
How do I enter? Simply send an email to [email protected] with the words ULTIMATE FWOOSH in the subject header. Be sure to include your Fwoosh name in the email! All entries must be recieved no later than 12 Midnight EST, September 21st 2006. No purchase necessary, your email addys will be kept private. One winner will be chosen at random on Sept 22, 2006, and announced here in the Fwoosh e-zine. Only one entry per Fwoosher… multiple emails will be deleted, and the sender will be disqualified.
IMPORTANT: Your email MUST include both your Fwoosh Name and the words ULTIMATE FWOOSH in the subject header! If these aren’t included, the entry will be invalid!
Special Thanks and an Official Fwoosh No-Prize go out to Maddog, for generously contributing this month’s prize. To see more of Maddog’s customs, check out his Fwoosh Gallery:
So… what are you waiting for–?!?
* FOOF: Friends of Ol’ Fwoosh!