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Final Fantasy X Play Arts – Tidus (Square Enix)

The “Role Playing Games” (or RPG) genre has a much bigger fan base than I originally anticipated because not only do you have “Dungeons and Dragons” and “Warhammer” but it also expanded into the video game world. Final Fantasy also with many others is an ever growing popular RPG that never seems to end, spanning multiple generations of consoles and hitting a game count of XIII excluding any side stories. Fans would know that each one of the main games creates a whole new world with new characters and X is no exception. The first FF on Sony PlayStation 2 saw the new hero Tidus sucked into a world where his home city, Zanarkand, was destroyed 1000 years ago. With the help of some friends he makes along the way, his mission is to return to Zanarkand and fight the forces that destroyed it in the first place.


Note: The review is for the Diamond Comic distributed import of the figure


Much like the Final Fantasy Play Arts figures before it, Tidus is packaged in a bright window box with clear panels on four sides. The figure is displayed very well since the window panel in the front is large enough to display the accessories as well. Apart from tape to make the packaging more secure, it is an extremely collector friendly box so collectors can open the figure and place it back without any hassle. What I like about the packaging that makes it different from the past FF Play Arts is how the graphics are themed. The background inside is a fading blue while the outside has a streak of mixed blue, to keep with the game’s water-world setting. It’s a nice touch especially for MOC collectors.


Based on his main Blitzball outfit throughout the game, the sculptors of this figure of Tidus have gone to exceptional lengths to keep it true to the original design. The outfit in the game was always very different to every other outfit the main protagonists of the previous Final Fantasy games (and quite fruity at times, in my opinion) so when translated into 1/9 scale action figure form, it is easily recognizable as Tidus on first glance. But under long and close inspection, so many small details on the original design are on this figure, things that you might forgive them for missing, such as the team logo on his shorts with a miniscule version on the back of his overwear, the chain on the right gauntlet, and right on down to every zipper of the outfit. The head sculpt is exceptional as well with the detailed hair and “pretty boy” likeness and slight smirk, which I believe captures the character’s personality very well.


Readers may already know how well received the FF Play Arts line is with the Advent Children and VIII figures, but many have slight gripes about the accuracy of some of the head sculpts, especially Tifa and Rinoa where customization followed to make them as accurate as possible. I have to say that this is probably the FF figure that resembles their respective package prototype shots the best. I’ve found it incredibly hard to find something to criticize about the sculpt work. I absolutely love the work the sculptors did on the hair for the head sculpt with all the individual strands while the face is a nice clean sculpt with nothing out of place, preventing people to see Tidus.



As said before, the outfit was bizarre in the game but it has been translated well in this three dimensional representation. The overall body of the figure is proportioned well with the slight exposures of skin having appropriate detail to make it realistic as seen in the chest and legs. I like the use of real chain on the frontal part as well as on the right gauntlet as opposed to sculpted. This really is a great sculpt in the larger sense as well as focusing on the finer detail such as clothing threads and appropriate folds, sculpted logos, small zippers and boot soles. I cannot find anything negative to say about it.


Possibly the brightest looking character in terms of design and use of colour, a variety of paint was required to bring the figure to life. While many companies have failed to maintain a decent paint job when it comes to dealing with a multiple number of paints, Tidus seems to have faired quite well. In terms of quality, there is very little bleed. The only slop I could make out under very close inspection was just above the socks. Areas where you would expect some companies to paint poorly are executed well, such as the gold buckles on the boots and the tiny team logo on the back of the outfit. There is also a nice amount of detail in the paint, stopping it from being a bland tone. The hair is airbrushed to give it more depth and texture while the paint on the gauntlet arm seems to have been mixed with an extra colour to create a more material feel to the outfit.

However, I do have a slight complaint with the skin tone used. On its own it’s fine if you look at the different tones used, although it is a touch more orangy than expected. However, if you compare Tidus to any other Play Arts figure, it is evident how much darker the figure really is. To be honest, I can’t remember how his skin looked in the game so you will have to forgive me if his skin is supposed to be this dark, but I think it has a bit too much.


Measuring in at just over 7.5 inches, Tidus is in scale with the 8-inch scale system used for the Final Fantasy Play Arts figures such as Squall Leonhart, and I would presume the other two figures in the X line, Yuna and Auron. Though 1/9 scale is quite rare for the US market, I found that it could fit in with other Japanese 1/9 scale such as Biohazard 3 or even Resaurus’ Street Fighter line.


With articulation in the legs, moulded boots with level soles and a display base, the figure is not shy of methods to make it stable. Standing upright straight out of the box is no problem due to the level feet and tight articulation, while harder poses can be accompanied with the display base if needed. If you check the photos, the fight pose I used did not need the base so it is simply a question of whether the articulation has been used properly to balance the figure.


Tidus has approximately 17 points of articulation. Although that may not sound like a lot compared to the number that Marvel Legends figures have, he makes up in quality what he lacks in quantity. One thing you’ll notice is that apart from the pivoted elbow and knee, the other points are fairly invisible to the naked eye on first glance. He has ball jointed shoulders and neck, with modified ball jointed hips, a pivot left elbow, a hinged right elbow, knees and ankles and cut wrists and thighs. Although the range of motion for the ball joints isn’t exceptional, it is enough to use for some decent poses. The pivot joints work well and are tight enough to hold their position, especially important for the ankle joints. Be wary of his sword holding arm though. Due to the extra weight, this joint seems a little loose compared to the other pivots.


Keeping with Final Fantasy Play Arts tradition, the figure comes with multiple interchangeable hands and trademark sword. This time, Tidus is packaged with the “Brotherhood” sword and 2 open hands, one to hold the sword and another to help support the sword for two handed poses. The sword is a wonderful piece, using translucent plastic rather than being painted a light blue. The paint detail for the handle is well done while the attached piece at the end can be adjusted. The interchangeable hands are secure when connected in the arm but can be a little tricky to remove so I would suggest choosing and sticking with a certain hand rather than continually changing.


At £19.99, it isn’t a bad price for a new imported figure. I don’t feel like I have been cheated out of my cash since it is a very nice piece. To make a comparison, Diamond Select’s Marvel Select is roughly the same price but I feel that this is much better for my cash in terms of sculpt work, paint and good articulation. If you can find it for anything around the 20 mark for pound sterling or 22 for US dollars, you found yourself a deal.


When I got this from the usual comic shop I went to, they claimed that they had sold a lot already and that I made a wise choice in picking it up before they ran out, and I believe them 100 percent. People may believe that Final Fantasy VII is the most popular FF game but Final Fantasy X has its fans, male and female. Not only does the figure look interesting due to the design used in the PS2 game but Tidus is the main protagonist. So like Squall Leonhart and Cloud Strife, expect him to disappear fast during these first few weeks.




With my continuing lack of space, I wasn’t sure whether to pick up any more Final Fantasy Play Arts figures outside of Advent Children but I’m glad I buckled under my lack of self-control and picked this up. Play Arts are exceptional figures and seem to be treated as high-end goods by the Japanese with their display stands and interchangeable accessories. Tidus is a definite must to go with your pre-existing FF Play Arts or a great way to start a collection. Pick him up (as well as Auron and Yuna) if you can since I expect these to leave shelves extremely quickly.

Grade – 9/10




What would have been nice to see is Square Enix doing a SOTA, giving us an alternative head with a different expression, preferably angry. For example, for Final Fantasy VII and diorama lovers, there isn’t anything more annoying than a slightly smirking beaten down Tidus by the hands of Cloud Strife, as if mocking his Omnislash. Also, I think it would be excellent business for them to produce more than three characters for each game. I’m pretty sure fans would want Wakka and Lulu as well as my personal fave Kimahri from FFX, but also characters like Seifer Almasy and Aerith Gainsborough from other FF games.

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about yikhai

A usual lurker around the forums, yikhai can be found mainly in Spotlight On: forums ranting about why the quality of recent DC Direct is hurting his collection or why Jack Bauer doesn’t have a figure yet. Located in the UK, he has been collecting figures since 1998 when McFarlane Toys released figures for Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid. Now a member and part-time figure reviewer at, he specializes in spotlighting DC figures, Anime and Video Game figures as well as the odd TV and Movie licenses. Find out more about him on yikhai’s MySpace page