I really like the Bandai Model kit General Grievous once I finally put him together and added a bit of paint wash. He’s a little fiddly and delicate, so I’d be down for a more playable figure from Hasbro or Figuarts, but the sculpt and detail is fantastic. The one part I don’t absolutely love is his cape. They did a weird hybrid of a plastic and soft goods that doesn’t quite work for me, so I was glad to see CJESIM made a soft goods cape for sale. Let’s take a look at the General Grievous cape from CJESIM!
The cape is double sided, beautifully finished and includes a sturdy snap at the neck for easy removal. Grievous did tend to throw that thing off when he was going to fight. I found that I liked the clasp placed just left of center.
The highlight for me is that there is a poseable wire sewn along the seam of the cape that allows for more dynamic posing. It’s really the first cape I’ve bought that has this feature and it’s a ton of fun figuring out how to use this in posing.
Another cool feature is that they have included pockets on the inside to store lightsabers. I didn’t put the Grievous sabers in there because it’s kind of a pain to pull apart his hands every time you want to swap parts, but regular Black Series sabers look great in there.
The cape really amped up the fun factor for this figure for me. It hangs nicely and has a more accurate color scheme than the included cape. I like having the option to keep the cape on when I pop on those split arms.
CJESIM has this for sale on their website here. It’s a little pricey, but I feel like it’s good value for professional grade soft goods.
“Your Lightsaber will make a fine addition to my collection”.