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Manga Realization Samurai Spider-Man

Bandai Manga Realization SpiderMan Featured 1

We’ve seen a mix of popular characters mixed with samurai aesthetics in the Star Wars Movie Realization line, but now Tamashii Nations is setting their sights on Marvel. First one up: Spider-Man?

Please don’t get me wrong, the more I look at this figure the more I like it, but it just seems like an odd choice. With the Star Wars line they are taking armored characters and making them…armored characters. So when you think of doing the same thing with the Marvel Universe, you think Iron Man. Duh, that’s a given. I’d even go with Thor. Cap is wearing some armor these days. But Spidey just screams ninja. Unencumbered by armor, shadowy, lithe. But then again, that’s pretty much describing his regular costume in darker shades of red and blue, so what do I know? I don’t make ’em, I just buy ’em.

Bandai Manga Realization SpiderMan 10

The armor pieces are said to be made of a soft material, and judging from the pics it doesn’t seem to hinder articulation overall. Which is good, it’s Spider-Man. That blue on the back is throwing me though. Like, the red should have continued around the back and the baggy under suit should be that lighter blue. But again, what do I know?

Bandai Manga Realization SpiderMan 11

Accessories are listed as three sets of hands (fists, grips, and thwip), a set of samurai swords, and a set of chain parts including bracelet parts left and right. The pic above looks to have actual chain, but judging from the below picture there is also a wrist attachment with a straight chain to simulate web shooting.

Bandai Manga Realization SpiderMan 5

Now THAT is cool.

Set to release in August, this badboy will cost around $85. Pre-orders start April 28th.