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Transformers G1 Reissues

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So it doesn’t seem like they’re continuing with straight G1 reissues with G1 deco and packaging. It seems to have evolved into G1 releases with movie/anime deco in similar packaging with new art. Still Walmart exclusive.

I’ve gotten Hot Rod, Hound, Starscream, and Thundercracker so far. Up next are Skywarp and Shrapnel, which I have POed at Pulse/Walmart.

But also announced are Perceptor and Kickback. They haven’t gone up on Pulse or Walmart, to my awareness. They are up on TFSource for about $15-20 more for each. Anyone know why they aren’t up on Pulse or Walmart yet? Will they?

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Received Skywarp and Shrapnel from Walmart earlier this week, then again from Pulse yesterday, so I'll be returning those to Walmart. They both look slick, anime colors are dull but clean. POed Perceptor from Pulse yesterday as well. But I'm guessing he and Kickback (if that's still coming) will be the last in the movie packaging, as this format seems to be moving into the 40th anniversary line.

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Yesterday I received the 40th Anniversary Blaster (anime colors) reissue from Walmart out of no where. Figure looks great, but I'd have to look at it side by side with the original or G1 reissue to compare and contrast. Steeljaw is included, and his differences are more obvious, with no decals to show the cassette details. I kinda wish it was Ramhorn, since I didn't have him as a kid and already have Steeljaw. The eject button works well on this one, which wasn't the case for my original. The anniversary packaging is sharp, but looks different enough from the original packaging because of the anniversary graphics. Hoping Soundwave isn't too far behind.

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I finally picked up Hound since $10 was too good of a deal to pass up.  He was always one of my favorite vintage figures, so I got two of him.  I figured he can be displayed in each mode.  I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked him when I opened the box.  I thought the colors would be weird, but I really like how he looks.  I almost skipped him, but I got a Hot Rod too.  I still haven't opened him though.  I hope I end up liking the repaint just as much as Hound.


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I reluctantly picked up missing link Prime due to FOMO and I'm really glad I did.  The figure is so much fun to play with.  Who could have imagined a G1 Optimus Prime holding his gun with both hands?!  The weird part is that I keep feeling like I'm going to break the figure since my brain has trouble accepting the there are so many new joints.  I was going to hold out for a clearance, but I have no regrets paying full price.  I just hope we get a couple more G1 toys like this.

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I have to admit I was "influenced" by YouTube into buying a missing link OP last week.  He arrived today from Pulse and I'm glad I got him.  I had a day one preorder for the trailer version, but canceled about a month before release.  This time I went with the cab version and I almost feel like I should've splurged on the whole thing.  Before I ordered, I questioned myself if I really needed another G1 trailer.  I feel like I'm sold on BB and Cliffjumper.

I'm surprised by how much happier I am with this purchase compared to something like a Yolopark Megatron, who I thought was a little overrated.

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I got both versions of Missing Link Optimus. I really wanted the sculpted toy deco from the version with the trailer, but the trailer offers almost nothing new. If you like that repair rig being a removable vehicle, get it. If not, and you don’t need sculpted toy deco, then the anime version is great since it has the upgraded articulation. I’m happy to have both. But if I could have pared down to one, it would have been the toy deco with no trailer. But that’s not a choice.

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I’m guessing Hasbro will still not do a reissue of G1 Megatron without it being altered?  

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Posted by: @leor

I’m guessing Hasbro will still not do a reissue of G1 Megatron without it being altered?  

I think you can kiss the idea of Megatron transforming into a gun goodbye. I temper my expectations at this point, into believing gun-Megatron will never happen again.


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Posted by: @normdapito

Posted by: @leor

I’m guessing Hasbro will still not do a reissue of G1 Megatron without it being altered?  

I think you can kiss the idea of Megatron transforming into a gun goodbye. I temper my expectations at this point, into believing gun-Megatron will never happen again.


Yeah Megatron as a realistic gun is one of those rare times where it might be safe to say it will never happen again.  At least in the US (most western countries).   Japan may be a different story, but even then the last time they did one was the Masterpiece version.  Before that it was the Core/Legend scale version that STILL had to come with an orange tip.  Before that it was the Classics version (green/purple). 

Hell they won't even promote Shockwave as a laser gun anymore, but rather some stupid "spaceship/sub" type thing when it is obviously just his gun mode upside down.

For those of you with the Missing Link Prime (any version) how is it, and why did you get it?  I just couldn't pull the trigger on another G1 version of Prime with some extra articulation.   Does the articulation make a big difference?  Does it help, or hinder, in unexpected ways?

As someone who has collected for decades, through the Japanese/TRU "book" style reissues, up to today, I am a bit burnt out on reissues.  The recent 40th Soundwave and Blaster were passes for me because I got the last reissues in the classic boxes and these don't really offer anything new in my opinion.   Cartoon colours and the 40th logo on the box are detrimental to me.   Also the price in Canada is beyond ridiculous.   Walmart Canada is asking $67 before tax.   So easy pass.

Also I think Hasbro has gotten a bit lazy with the reissues.  It seems like they have settled on the same 10 or so molds to release over and over again.   Back in the TRU "book" reissue days we got so many of the old molds that we have never seen again.  I would love to see some of them back in rotation along with maybe splurging on a couple of ruined molds (Dinobots, Wheeljack, etc.).

Either way we are pretty spoiled for choice from the last two decades and that is also good because it means the original toys that are starting to decay (becoming fragile) can be replaced with versions that will last for a couple more decades.


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I have both versions of Missing Link Optimus Prime and I don't really regret it. I got them mostly for FOMO, to see what the hype was about. It feels nearly exactly like the original toy. But then it does things you wish the original did. All of the familiar decals from the original are now painted and/or sculpted on. It may not seem like much, but his hips can pivot his legs forward. He has an ab crunch, and a mid torso waist swivel. He has range of motion in the shoulders comparable to a standard Marvel Legends action figure. His hands are not removable parts, but fold into the transformation. They also have hinged fingers so the hands can open. It comes with a Matrix that fits snugly into removable housing in his chest. His head swivels left and right. So it can do all of the things the original did, but what I listed are the things this has/can do that the original didn't.

The trailer also has one major difference in that the repair rig is completely removable from the trailer and can roll around as its own vehicle. I won't ever really use this feature, but it's nice to have that option. He comes with the aforementioned Matrix, his rifle, and a translucent energy axe that fits over either fist. He also comes with Roller, who has a panel that flips to house the rifle, or just have his standard repair kit.

I don't think it's worth the price I paid; I think I'd be comfortable with about $20-30 less. I also have the one with the cartoon deco that doesn't come with the trailer. It's identical outside of the deco. It also costs significantly less without the trailer. I like these figures with cartoon deco, it's something I've always wanted since childhood.

I'm a sucker for these kinds of figures, but it might not be everyone's cup of tea. I pick up nearly every G1 inspired Optimus Prime available to me. I would have bought the Hot Wheels, even as expensive as it is. So I imagine not everyone is committed to these kinds of offerings as I am. That's totally fine, but I'm also of the mindset that if I pass and change my mind later, it will cost quite a bit more later down the line. That happened to me for MP44. So I think it's another matter where your mileage may vary.

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Hmm. It looks like that Laser Tag school incident had lasting impact with Megatron. Ah well. I’ll ask again in another decade if I’m still around. 

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@normdapito That's cool to hear.   Definitely an improvement then, but as you said the price, and will I actually use the new articulation, are factors that make it easy for me to pass.  I am good with a straight up reissue of the original.

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Posted by: @leor

Hmm. It looks like that Laser Tag school incident had lasting impact with Megatron. Ah well. I’ll ask again in another decade if I’m still around. 

What is the Laser Tag incident?

I think it has more to do with the number of incidents that have accumulated over the years.  Even back in the 80s there were incidents of police shootings due to toy guns being mistaken for real guns.  No big corporation is going to want to be associated with, let alone possibly be held liable for, a death because of their products.   Lots of dollar stores still sell toy guns with the orange cap, but those are all Chinese companies making them and not a North American company branding them.

Frankly I'm surprised the dollar stores still carry them, but I guess most of them don't know, or care, enough to not sell them until someone sues them for wrongful death for selling them.   Then they'll probably stop.


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Anyway, back on topic a bit more.  

Who would you like to see next in the Missing Link line?

Not that I have any clue, but I think they might try the Seekers next.   Starscream to start of course because of the easy repaints afterwards.

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