Promo pics for Leo as the Creature from the Black Lagoon
It bugs me that these promo images never have any shots from behind. The way the shell is done is an important factor for these characters.
Frankenstein is NOT a "science-created monster."
Frankenstein is a human scientist who created a monster.
That said, that would mean that Donatello is the logical choice to be Dr. Frankenstein.
Oh good lord. I think most people call Frankenstein's monster simply Frankenstein. If you leave the Dr. off, it's the monster. Arguing that is just pedantic.
Frankenstein is NOT a "science-created monster."
Frankenstein is a human scientist who created a monster.
That said, that would mean that Donatello is the logical choice to be Dr. Frankenstein.
Oh good lord. I think most people call Frankenstein's monster simply Frankenstein. If you leave the Dr. off, it's the monster. Arguing that is just pedantic.
more than just “culturally we call the monster Frankenstein”, the monster considers Victor his father, so he is “a Frankenstein” and calling him such isn’t some “uh, they’re not called Predators/Aliens/Tremors they’re actually called Yaujta/Xenomorphs/Graboids” mistake, it’s contextually what he is in the story.
plus Victor isn’t a doctor in the source novel so anyone who pulls the “Frankenstein is the scientist not the monster” card and then calls Victor “Dr.Frankenstein” is full on clownshoes mode.
Nice to see the time away from the boards made you two nicer.
Last Toy Store started shipping Creature Leo last week. Mine arrives tomorrow, some folks on FB already got it. It looks really cool.
Pretty surprised to see BBTS already got Creature Leo. Was for sure expecting one of the placeholders on the Target or Best Buy sites to go live beore they added him to my PoL.
Update/correction: I guess Creature Leo is in stock on Target's site. So much for notifications, Target. Also BBTS was only $1 more for a change.
Awesome, thanks for that. I saw earlier NECA had him up on their Amazon store, but they wanted $11 shipping. This is much better.
I had been pretty curious to see what they did with Wolf Man Raph's shell since none of the pics I'd seen managed to show it. Now that I have him in hand, I see they decided to give him a hairy shell as well. I don't know why I'm so tickled by that choice, but I am.
Once I saw the Wolfman Raph and Creature Leo I knew I had to have them. Since the Mummy is a big enough character from the monster movies I went ahead and bought Mummy Mike on clearance over Christmas. Today I received both Raph and Leo and they look great. So much better than the previous versions in my opinion. I'm hopeful they'll do a Dracula Don, or a Frankenstein's Monster Don (less likely I know), so I can have most of the major monsters as turtles to use for Halloween decorations. I suppose I could always get a Frankenraph and repaint the bandana purple if they don't make him or a Dracula version of Donnie. Thus far I'm pleased with 3 out of the 4 turtles. Don't feel like I need any other characters besides just the 4 though.
If anyone’s bothered by the choices of monster/turtle combination or the fact there’s going to be multiple versions of the Turtles as different monsters…
Just pretend they’re evil clones made by Dr.Quease.
That’s why none of the monsters have any real theming that makes cohesive sense (except “April is the girl!” and maybe “Donnie is a smart one?” if you’re extra generous, I don’t recall Frankenstein being a hot headed rebel or Mummy being a pizza loving surfer, but hey Universal, since the Dark Universe failed you can use that as the basis for your next UMCU attempt) he’s just squirting random Turtle DNA samples into his Monster-Clone-Inator and whatever plops out is what he gets.
so you got Two Raphs and Two Leos because he made two clones… easy!
why Dr.Quease?! because who cares that’s why!
I hear you JT Marsh. Donnie as Frankenstein’s Monster was a look I was hoping for. It is a simple mod sure. The accessories need work. But Franken-Don with Were-Raph, Creature-Leo, and Mummy-Mike would be a very well rounded group.
Mummy-Mike was my favorite of the line until I got Were-Raph and Creature-Leo today. Holy cow these are amazing. I can just sit and stare at the marvelous details. I do think these monsters skew more toward the Universal Monster than the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. I think the first renditions looked great but more like Turtle cos-play. Very good cos-play but these two are covered in fur and scales.
Were-Raph is covered in fur sculpt and shredded clothes. His shell is covered in fur. The shredded clothes on the shell are a bit odd like he added some tattered cloth over his shell. It keeps the look consistent to the the rest of the sculpt. I wish the sai loops were positioned more to the side or closer to his shell to give more clearance when he has his sais sheathed. The blades for the sais are skinny and you have to be careful with moving legs. One of his heads looks more like a disturbed Muppet. The other open mouth head with flurred fur looks more Wolfman like. You can also position the body and head to make it look like he is howling at the moon. He has dog leg joints at the lower leg. Claws. Teeth. He looks and moves great!
Creature-Leo takes the transformation to a new level. Wow. His hands alone show so much detail and paint. I wish he had alternate feet with more open webbing like his hands which look like he would as he is swimming. His head engineering also allows him to look up more again for swimming or hunched over posing. In addition to the scales and fins just everywhere he has wonderful accessories. His reimagined harpoon katanas are unique and cool! The fishnet web gear is pliable enough to store accessories and completes the look. He even comes with a little turtle buddy. Mummy-Mike has a cobra. Animal buddies. Not sure what buddy they could have given Were-Raph.
These two are the best. I know there are good figures already done and maybe another is your favorite. These two are just a cut above. Now bring on Shredder as Dracula. I know it is not Universal Monster but zombie Foot Soldiers would be the cherry on the top! I can see NECA going all out with the paint and sculpt for the rotting flesh. You know they would have alternate zombie heads and possibly alternate limbs to show more decay. It would definitely allow for building a small army for for Shreddula to command.
No word on this line?
I got FrankenRaph on a significant discount with the intention that I can always just paint the bandana purple if we don't get a Dracula Don. I like Raph better as the Wolf Man than Frankie, but if were not getting a Dracula turtle, I think Frankenstein is likely the next best thing. If we do get a Dracula Don, I can always sell off the second Raph. Hopefully we'll hear something soonish for release before fall / Halloween time.