Really glad they went back to the Turtles fore re-dos as I found all the non-Turtle figures pretty underwhelming. Hope to see the new Mike and Don at Toy Fair in a few weeks.
Some people probably started collecting this line as they assumed it would be a fairly small line to collect and therefore quite easy to be a completionist on.
Think again!! 😀
Where’s my Foot Zombies NECA? I really wanted Foot Werewolves to ge controlled by Dracula Shredder. With more options I can have the brothers in whatever monster configuration I want. I am curious what new monster they have cooked up for Mikey and Donny. I suppose they could do one as a vampire. I want it to be Shredder but they could throw a curve ball. Donny could be a mad scientist like the stereotypical Dr. Frankenstein. Mikey as Quizimodo.
Can we get a mod to correct the title to NECA, my OCDB is raging. heh. Thanks.
Can we get a mod to correct the title to NECA, my OCDB is raging. heh. Thanks.
Jesus, I started this thread and this is the first I noticed it. Now it's killing me too.
Black Lagoon Leonardo has reinvigorated my interest in this line. I really liked the Frankenstein's Monster Raphael, but Leo as a hunchback just seemed like such a lame crossover character choice when the other Turtles were all such iconic Universal Monsters. Now the problem is that there are going to be too many options, I don't need or want to dedicate space to multiple TMNT/UM variants, but Raphael looks so awesome as the Monster and the Wolf Man, I don't know which one I want. And if I grab Donatello and Mikey now, who knows what awesome alternate version NECA is going to release for them...
@presidentjuggernaut I'm in a similar boat, with FrankenRaph & Mummy Mike in my collection so far. I like Creature Leo, but I still need a Don. If there's second crack at him isn't something I want, I may just pick up a duplicate character & repaint the details purple...
I just buy the ones I like. And I've liked all the Turtle ones.
Creature from the (Blue) Lagoon has likewise reinvigorated my interest in this line; however while I think Raph looks better as the Wolfturtle, I do still need a Frankenstein-based character otherwise it feels like there's an obvious gap in the ensemble. Mike or Don would need a redo as Mummy/Frankenstein/Dracula, but Mummy Mike works for me, so I'd need Don as either Dracula or Frankenstein, and either of which would feel like someone's been omitted. I get the impression Shredder is going to be Dracula at some point given how Splinter's box description reads. But I've gone from being somewhat interested in this line, to not at all interested once I saw Hunchback Leo, to now considering whether I'll need to be buying at least the four brothers as yet another "Halloween Decoration" as I justify it to myself as a necessary expense.
I haven't wanted my FrankenRaph since I got him...
I just eat up all that glorious detail put into the figures. But I absolutely do want Gill-Leo and Wolf-Raph. They just scratch some itches.
Wolf Raph might get me. So far I only have Mikey as The Mummy and he's a Halloween decoration in my house. If I'm going to get Wolf Raph though, he's going to have to show up before Halloween and that's not looking too likely at this point. Maybe next year as I'm sure these will be shipping for years to come. Just saw a restock on FrankenRaph at my local Target.
Donnie's holding me back on picking up a 4-some of the Turtles. Right now, I'd get that Wolfman, The Creature and the Mummy, but the Invisible Man is really boring.
Hopefully he gets something more visually interesting. If I could paint at all, I'd be tempted to pick up Frankenstein, paint his mask purple and give him the Bride's microphone staff.
Donatello as Frankenstein would have made sense. He's the scientific turtle. Frankenstein is a science-created monster. Don as Invisible Man just isn't interesting to me. Not sure which monsters are left for another version of Don.
Frankenstein is NOT a "science-created monster."
Frankenstein is a human scientist who created a monster.
That said, that would mean that Donatello is the logical choice to be Dr. Frankenstein.