Looky, looky, "classic colors" Elite Guard from the SDCC pack! I'd say that lends credence that we might see a regular Shredder again...or a red battle damaged one anyway. Either/or
As someone who already has the NYCC Shredder, I actually really want to see NECA rerelease him. I'd like to have one with those really nice updated hips, ankle pivots, and so I can have one to toy around with without worrying about potentially damaging a super expensive hard-to-find figure.
Here's hoping we see that soon!
I have the original Shredder and I too want NECA to rerelease him. There's no reason to lock the #1 baddie for TMNT behind a NYCC exclusive paywall. I imagine he's coming very soon along with battle damage.
I feel like we'll get battle damaged first, then regular down the road. Best way to milk every penny out of people.
I have two of the SDCC Foot sets. So I took one set and swapped heads between an Elite and Shredder, so that Shredder is wearing the cape. The heads are compatible, so maybe the head from battle damage Shredder can pop onto the Elite also, for a makeshift "classic color" Shredder (with a cape).
The turtle 4-pack will be part of NECA's Black Friday sale. I have no idea if it's an in-stock sale or a pre-order, but there you go. This is the last of the announcements too.
EDIT: Preternia is reporting that it's a preorder.
I found the red Casey Jones today. I now have her on a shelf with the Lawson four pack and Splinter. These things just look so incredible together. This really is a dream line for me and it's such a rush watching them all come together.
I have downscaled my collecting habits pretty dramatically to include only favorite characters with most lines, but I'm still in for at least Rat King, a classic Shredder, classic Foot Soldier, and April. Might grab a Fugitoid and Triceraton too.
Just so great.
Preternia has some links up for in stock items on Target's website, including Mirage Savanti Romero
Actually SAW Savanti Romero at a Target in OKC. So he is in stores now.
Spotted Savanti in store this morning also. Passed because he was being delivered from Target.com today as well.
Opened him up, and man, he is big and ugly. The package is a little taller than the typical Mirage boxes. His legs are fully extended, though if they bent them like the haunch position they should be in, they probably could have made the package the same size as the rest. His accessories are cool. The staff comes apart, which alarmed me, but the hand part plugs right back on. The Kirby Krackle effect clips to the staff, but is a little heavy and feels unstable. The glowing effect for his left open hand is ok, but because it’s opaque, doesn’t look like energy as much as it looks like green hair. I didn’t realize also that his jaw opens. Pretty cool function. Wasn’t originally planning to pick this one up but I have no regrets.
I snagged him at a comic shop a few weeks ago. I love him. I need to redo my shelves, though, because there's no room for him on either the Mirage shelf nor Toon/Archie (where I want him, and where Renet & Fugitoid already are), lol.
I ordered Savanti from BBTS. I clicked "ship" on my pile of loot and 4 hours later got the "in stock" message for him. Now I have to wait for other stuff to come in or pay an additional 4 dollars to ship Savanti by himself. Sigh. I don't buy everything from this line but I'm looking forward to this one.
A local friend in West Virginia was at Target the other day and spotted this on the shelves.
Other than staff just not giving a shit, I'm puzzled how this made it back on the shelf.
The figure-swapping thing must not be considered a huge loss for Target since they clearly don't do anything about it. Just having the person working the register have to compare it to a picture on their store would solve most of these issues.