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NECA TMNT Mirage Line

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I picked up Battle Damaged Shredder from Wal-Mart for $17.  Gargoyles clearance was not as good, they were $30.  I never find any neca clearance at Walmart.  Sometimes they slap a yellow price tag on the box with the regular price.

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I just found something pretty cool at the store.

They look fantastic.  The colors really pop, especially when positioned next to each other.  I'm trying to not get in the habit of buying all these comics and alternate figures but damn do these look nice.  I always try and make it a habit of leaving something at the store when I'm not certain.  Because when you go home, and sit on it for one day and think about, you always learn whether or not you want something badly enough.

I'm going back to the store for these ones.

rat_king reacted
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Got a red shirt Casey to open, and the Foot Enforcer yesterday. I haven't opened the Enforcer, but that's a great looking paint job. Really pops. But it doesn't really match the Foot Soldier they just released. The Enforcer paint job is much better, with those lighter gradients. Are these meant to look like bodies in the dark? Or did they appear with these colors in the actual books? I'm still working with the Con exclusive Foot Soldiers and Shredder in my collection with the red uniforms. I'd prefer it if additional Foot Clan matched them.

Casey is great, his red really pops. I swapped the wrapped arms onto him and the unmasked head to differentiate him more from the grey shirt release. I like his wiry build and the accessories are neat. Glad they included some differences to make the redundant purchase worth it.

Space Cadet
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NECA should have just gated him behind Auto-T then they could have gotten away without adding new parts. The red Renet must have sold so poorly that they abandoned that idea and that's why you see her being peddled at Ross for $8.99. 

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@miraclemen No kidding ? I'd definitely get her for that price,i've never seen any NECA at Ross before.

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What sense is that supposed to make?

Space Cadet
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Posted by: @detrimental-fig


What sense is that supposed to make?


Terrible for users, but it's what I would have done if I worked at NECA.


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@miraclemen thank god you don't I guess.

TENIME and MiracleMen reacted
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Sooooo the Utrom bots are $27.99 at Best Buy... I have traveled to every Best Buy in my area to buy them... I may have a problem..

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Posted by: @moderntoyfare

Sooooo the Utrom bots are $27.99 at Best Buy... I have traveled to every Best Buy in my area to buy them... I may have a problem..

Wow. I don't feel compelled to army build past the three Utroms I have, but that's a nice price.


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It's amazing how much more attractive $27.99 is than $34.99.

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One of the Wal-Marts around here actually put out a few new things. Finally picked up the Black and White Ronin, but I saw Mirage Splinter and the Ult. Mirage Foot (IDW) on the shelf with battle damaged Shredder (who I know has been hitting Wal-Mart for a while now).

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I already have the og neca turtles, the movie turtles, the cartoon neca turtles, and the super 7 versions, so despite really liking the new Mirage versions I abstained. That is, until yesterday when I picked up the wanderer once I saw in store. Pretty cool figure, really like the details and feel of the figure.

I know that prices have gone up, but why are these Mirage figures so expensive? The cartoon two packs are still $55, why are comic figures $35-40? 

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The single figures are technically "Ultimates" with more accessories and extras, hence the higher price tag, though tbh it seems more like a label these days rather the figures actually being "ultimate".

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I think it's also more of a case where the two-packs, especially the toon ones, are just a better value than what else is out there. That's often the nature of the two-pack release since the company is essentially getting two sales instead of one, basically. There's no question that some figures come across as a better value than others out there, which is just the nature of the beast.

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