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NECA TMNT Mirage Line

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Addendum: I saw a pic of the barcodes on reddit, but it turns out the guy was overseas and got them in a comic shop.  So I'm not aware of anyone finding them in-store in the US yet.

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Speaking of UK stock, classic colours Casey finally arrived end of last week. Nice to finally have him in hand.

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Individual Leo and Mike are up on Target's site now, Mike is 34.99 but Leo is priced at 19.99 for some reason. Move on that if you want it cheap.

supreme_d reacted
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Picked up NECA Mirage Rat King and naked Last Ronin for under $6 each at an out of the way Walmart today. Couldn’t pass on those prices.

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The solo Leo I ordered arrived. I placed this order back when it first went up, mis-priced at 19.99. They honored it, but now it's listed as 34.99. I wanted him to create a sort of "evolution" display of the Mirage versions, along with the exclusive sketch Turtles. The greens and reds match perfectly. I just need an original Mirage Turtle, preferably Raphael, since his greens and reds match. The big sketch turtle will become Donatello, and the smaller one Michelangelo.

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Spotted multiples of solo Leo and Mike at my Target today. 

supreme_d reacted
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So.... the Mirage Karai as Shredder figure is up for pre-order on BBTS and I'm super tempted.   I love the look of the figure,  but I'm wondering about the size.     I know when I bought the Mirage Renet figure I was terribly disappointed in how very tiny she was.    She wasn't even six inches tall so didn't fit in with any of the stuff I thought she would.    This Karai is in the same line, so I don't want to buy her if she's going to be similarly itty bitty.    Does anybody already have her in hand who can tell me is she closer to the 6.5 inch size I'd want or is she similarly miniature like Renet?    Apparently she is in stock at my local Target so I may be able to head over there this afternoon and see for myself.


The BBTS website lists Renet as 15.24 cm and Karai as 17.78 cm so I guess that should quell my anxiety that they are not the same size... if those listings are accurate.

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She's quite slight. I'd say she's thinner than Renet and just a tiny bit taller. I'm definitely not seeing a difference of 2cm when I look at my shelf. I don't have a picture handy of the two, but I have a picture of Karai with some other characters in the line:

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Thanks... yeah... I guess I need to skip it so I won't be disappointed.   I couldn't get rid of that Renet fast enough.

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Honestly, if you have any Targets nearby, check their collector sections, as some of my stores have had Karai in good numbers for over 2 months, and you can save any BBTS markup if it ends up being a figure you might like.

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You guys may have seen there's a new run of the 2008 4 brother bootlegs up on Aliexpress. I hesitantly ordered Raph, and he arrived today. 

My quick history: I had the original 2008 releases that I bought around 2010 on eBay, but sold them a couple years later. I wasn't really collecting figures at that time. 

I always regretted it. A little while back I went on the hunt for bootlegs and bought a set off of Walmart, but returned them because the paint and QC was gross. They looked like cheap bootlegs. I eventually bought a colored headband set of the-I think-2nd gen bootlegs off of eBay, and thought they were pretty good, and at least would represent this iteration on my shelf. 

Saw these go up in the clamshells with the stands and the extra accessories, which to my knowledge had not been bootlegged before. Pulled the trigger on Raph, thinking if he's superior I could swap out my old Raph. And he is much, much superior IMHO. The chest plate is soft, and the ab articulation works. Joints are good, hands hold the weapons better, pretty much superior to my 2nd gens in every way. And having the street scene stands are cool. Wound up placing an order for the other three. 

Anyhow, thought I'd share in case anyone was following this and curious about how they stack up, or were on the hunt to fill out their Mirage collection. Raph at least is fantastic. The store I bought him from was "White Nail Toy Store"



Misfit and NORM reacted
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@hopethisworks I have Raph en route from Alie, my first order from there. But I’m afraid it’s going to get held up due to the halt on incoming China goods thanks to the ew administration. Assuring to know the quality is solid.

supreme_d reacted
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Yeah its pretty weird, but I finally saw the individual Leo at Target and had to snag it. I preordered these sometime last summer on bbts. I like the figure, it will go well with the Don and Mike I got from ebay last May..

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Picked up a couple new Mirage figures: elite foot soldier and 2 foot soldiers in classic colors. Really loving the figures, hope we get more characters soon. This line I swore off when it got announced, but the seeing the quality of the figures in person all the time convinced me to take the plunge. 

Anyone know if they will release a classic colors Shredder without the slashes across his chest anytime soon? I want to finally complete that boxset I could never afford (from like 2016).

Still waiting on my individual Raph from BBTS…

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I would be surprised if they don't release another Shredder. They've re-released basically everything else. Maybe they'll use their new Shredder body for a new Mirage one too. They definitely know that there are collectors who want a red and gray Shredder to pair with the other Foot though so it will happen, it's just a matter of when.

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