Found Karai at Target… so, add that to your shopping list if you want Karai
Found Karai at Target… so, add that to your shopping list if you want Karai
Just did the same today. They had a bunch. Also found Rat King.
That Karai looks so very good. Now I'm dying for her and Rat King.
The Target closest to my job had a MASSIVE NECA restock yesterday.
They had at least 5 Rat Kings and 10 Karai across the 2 sections NECA figs are stocked at this store.
The store also had 2 of the stump 3 pack, stump Leatherhead, Ultimate Slash and vacation Bebop & Rocksteady.
With so many Karai there, I held off getting her at the time since I was grabbing 4 other figures.
That Assassin looks cool, and I'll definitely pick one up when they release it in the right colors. Not sure who these exclusives are for, but they have placeholders on Target's site now...
I saw the assassin in store the other day. Likewise, I'll wait til they do a non-monochromatic version to decide on whether I want to pick it up or not.
Karai and Rat King are already out...? God, now that I have Mezco Casey, I may end up getting dragged into this line as well.
So far, Karai seems to be the one from the latest drop that is easiest to fine. A lot of stock combined with perhaps not as much excitement for the figure as some of the others. She's solid though, and do my eyes deceive me? Vertical hinged gripping hands! All kidding aside, finally NECA is seemingly interested in doing their gripping hands this way again. She looks good and her articulation is probably as good as a NECA figure is going to get. If her sash wasn't so restricting on the waist joint she would move very well. A lot of stuck hand hinges on mine though which I attribute to the metallic paint. Something to be mindful of. Still haven't come across Rat King in my travels, but one of the stores near me hasn't put anything out yet so I'm hoping to catch him there as I think I missed him at my main store.
This morning one of my Targets put up the end cap and I scored Rat King. No sign of Karai.
Those who have her, can someone put up some comparison shots of Karai with Mezco Casey, NECA Mirage Turtles, and some comparable 1/12 female figures and bodies? Tempted to grab her now but just gotta figure out her scale. Planning on sticking her unmasked head on some another body for a custom.
I spotted the Triceraton gladiator at an out of the way Target, at which I also picked up the last Karai they had in stock. Is there an online link for that guy yet?
Other than the Triceraton/blue Renet 2-pack that Walmart had during their Collector Con, I don't think the gladiator has been put up anywhere yet. I got one on ali becuase the particular shop had a first-time customer discount that saved me $5.
EDIT: Just remembered. There is a Target link, from even before SDCC, but it's still never been active.
Karai looks much smaller than the original Shredder figure, but surprisingly, their helmets are nearly the same size. Hers has better paint.
After having a chance to spend some time with Rat King, I must say this is one of my favorite figures in the line. He's not without imperfections. The leg wraps which I understand do change placement on the character in the books, are annoying since they constantly slide down the legs when handling the figure. I also wish this guy got the pinless treatment since he has an unsightly, green, peg going through his left bicep which is wrapped in bandages. Of course, if the pin were just that orange-brown color of the wrappings it would look fine. He's gnarly looking though and I'm not sure which head I prefer - the monstrous one or the "handsome" one. Also, it's quite peculiar that NECA included two sets of fists - one with the thumb outside the fingers and one set with it tucked under the fingers. It seems too specific to not have a purpose so I'm assuming it references something. Probably still unnecessary though and I would have preferred another rat or some vertically hinged gripping hands instead.
Gladiator Triceratons are hitting Targets. I saw around 5 at a local store this afternoon, and snagged 2 for myself.