He looks great... really, really great... but AMIDALA!!!
Not really sure why you need him if you already have Black Series figure. Articulation and more heads? Yeah...I guess. But do people really want another Jar Jar figure that much? Hasbro version was on sale for cheap...really cheap.
Eh...maybe on sale.
The smile on this one is very appealing. I only have TFA Han and TLJ Luke (since Hasbro refused to play ball) and they are fantastic.
If this one hits clearance prices, for sure I'll pick one up.
Not really sure why you need him if you already have Black Series figure. Articulation and more heads? Yeah...I guess. But do people really want another Jar Jar figure that much? Hasbro version was on sale for cheap...really cheap.Eh...maybe on sale.
I only pick up Black Series for characters I know there is 100% chance no one else will do, so the KotOR cast, or the Aphras and Krrsantans etc. I generally loathe the cheap, gummy plastic, bad head sculpts, and basic articulation of most TBS figures so barring said exceptions, I ignore it entirely. I'm not a completionist and if I do want a figure, I want the best version available.
Is there a difference between the original EpI Obi-Wan and the reissue? I know there's extra stuff with Qui-Gon and Maul, but Obi looks the same.
No new accessories or anything like that; it's just a straight reissue.
One thing, though: I don't have the old one anymore to compare, but my new one has an issue with his neck where the neutral head sits way too high and gives him giraffe neck. Not sure if that's a known issue or just mine.
They're teasing a new Anakin from Ahsoka. But it's not the Anakin from Ahsoka that comes to mind. It's ROTS Anakin.
New figuarts look good. Anakin, Han, Chewie and Yoda. I'm glad I have the old Han Solo but will gladly buy the new one too..
New figuarts look good. Anakin, Han, Chewie and Yoda. I'm glad I have the old Han Solo but will gladly buy the new one too..
Hell yes! I want Yoda and Chewie. I have the old Han and Anakin, but I'll be tempted to double-up on those two if they look like enough of an improvement.
I need a 6" ROTS Anakin. Is it worth it buying this one, or buying a "cheap" aka above MSRP Black Series Anakin, when I know Hasbro will likely produce a superior version quite soon?
Looks like they have AmiAmi listings, but they're not live until later tonight (CT time, anyway).
Rock and roll, loving these rereleases. Keep 'em coming.
Check Amazon Jo. Just got Anakin and Yoda after HLJ sold out last night. Might have the others too.
@schizm I can't speak to this one exactly, but I have the reissue of the RoTS Anakin and I absolutely love it. The face is a bit stylized, as most Figuarts are, but I think it's great and looks a lot better in person. This one looks very good as well, but I can't attest of course to how the portraits look in person.
There's a nuance to how the body flows in and out of poses that Black Series lacks. The BS looks very much like a plastic action figure to me, by SHF really comes to life in the display.
Ultimately though it's up to you if it's worth the price.