The main man arrived today and yeah, I’m over the moon, he’s wonderful.
No more traffic cone’ing, the cloth goods are all wired, the red lenses, the swooshy lightsaber effect, the damaged parts for that ‘Obi-Wan just kicked my arse (again)’ look…they even did the different paint apps on the two sides of the mask thing, he looks so good.
Barring some madman doing a 1/12 with leds for the belt lights, I think this has got to be the definitive version for me. Love ‘im.
Does anyone have both the new Obi-Wan Vader and the RotJ Vader from Figuarts?
I was wondering if you could swap the heads on them.
New mando Ahsoka from Ahsoka coming.
Kind of annoyed by the line now. So many missed opportunities for characters and we get another version of a character already done by a few different companies now.
Makes sense to me. It's not like Figuarts ever really did any esoteric characters outside of easy troop builder variants.
I think the Ahsoka looks great!
Ahsoka is 13200 JPY to Vader’s 10000 and the new Mando and Grogu’s 12100.
So she is higher, but with the falling Yen, it’s not significantly so and with Vader especially, there was a lot of reuse. Ahsoka is 100% newly sculpted.
That's true about the all new sculpt. She was really only about $10 more than I expected, plus I preordered from HLJ where they are sometimes more expensive. I woke up at 2am est when HLJ had her available, while she was "on sale soon" at amiami at a slightly lower price
@mrboshek lmao, that face is terrible, like she just sniffed all the farts in the galaxy. Hard pass.
Good thing there’s two other faces 😊
Late to the party here, but I think Ahsoka looks outstanding. It's the kind of figure that makes me wish I had a connection to the character so I could justify buying it.
Well, I think we can all say, hands down, that is the best, and likely forever will be the best, Jar Jar Binks action figure ever made.
Folks have been clamoring for TPM figures.