Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul rerelease
This is pretty neat. I think it's the first time SHF is re-releasing a figure that was an exclusive.
Re-release but adding new goodies to both. Qui-Gon gets the ship hologram, communicator, Jedi robe, poncho, and newer swingy lightsaber effect. Maul gets the heavy robe, lightsaber effect, and probe droid, which is cool since I lost the one that came with the Sith Speeder.
YES-YES-YES!! I've been wanting this Qui-Gon for years. Now do Chewbacca! Or ROTS Obi-Wan!
And the funny thing is that it doesn't seem to be an exclusive.
It's a good thing for us collectors in general. I won't take it as I have the original but this one is a great way to rerelease stuff and to make this one stop from being a Tamashii Webshop Exclusive.
Didn't they already rereleased ROTS Obi?
To be honest I never grabbed ROTS Anakin and Obi because I think there's something wrong with their face...
Looks like TPM Obi-Wan, ANH Luke, and TROS Rey are also getting re-releases.
Great news. Qui-Gon is a grail for me. Bonus to have all the accessories. Two soft goods? Hell yeah.
I don't like E1 Obi-Wan's look but I'll still cop. Add the BS Ani and I can make a My Two Dads corner on the shelf.
Confused about TRoS Rey. I'm one of the few it seems that liked that movie, but even still, I'm scratching my head over that choice since the figure is widely available and selling pretty cheap on the aftermarket. The figure itself has some problems which unfortunately they didn't see to correct, and it's a crime there hasn't been a release anywhere with the yellow lightsaber. A 1.5 with some cloth goods would have turned my head.
That they are bringing her back out makes me think it's by request of Disney, or there is some appearance she is going to make in 2024 that we don't know about.
Anyhow, glad to see 5 SW Figuarts coming up for preorder on the 1st. Not as good as 5 new figures but maybe this is a warm up for the line. Or they are maintaining a quota to retain the license with minimal effort. The world may never know.
I got my BOBF Boba Fett with the throne last week and put it on the shelf without opening it yet. It looks amazing and part of me can't wait to get in there but I think I'm saving it for when I have a really bad day at work or something.
Ooh these TPM rereleases are making the black series Padme and Anakin look better.
Any word on if the ANH Luke will be improved in anyway? Hopefully they rerelease Han and Leia too.
@meanstreak I think he is just a straight re-release. That said, the RoTS Anakin re-release had some small improvements. The face printing was better, looked less like he was covered in orange foundation, and the joints were a bit better. Basically slight QC improvements.
I think they are festooning Qui-Gon since he was a web exclusive originally, and this differentiates him from the OG release.
Also - anyone know what ungodly time in the morning these will be up for preorder??
Already have quigon and maul but i hope this means next year we'll get aotc anakin and padme reissues.
Hell yeah. Great news!
Too bad they won't throw us a bone and slip in Rey's yellow lightsaber. (Or release her TFA looks already.)
Also - anyone know what ungodly time in the morning these will be up for preorder??
Info on says...
Thank you! Scooped up Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. Very excited.
not available on amiami yet - hopefully they don't sell out too soon cause i'm thinking of grabbing up all the reissues. hoping anh han and leia are next after anh luke, and aotc ani and padme too.