Popped back in after watching the weekly, the forums are loading much faster, nice work to whoever made that happen.
This Luke is closer to the BOBF face (which was a better deepfake than The Rescue version) and actually seems very close to ROTJ Hamill’s face. Threw together some comparisons.
With the shf too
50/50 Mark/shf
50/50 Mark/
I like the SHF, but I thought the face wasn’t that close to actual Luke, the Mafex face however looks great to my eyes.
I just don’t see it. It’s the eyes. The SHF nailed the eyes. Thankfully with the hood covering his eyes, the Mafex will look great.
That’s what I think doesn’t work on the shf, I just see Luke possessed by a Goa’uld.
Agree to disagree. 🙂
Yeah, the SHF face just looks goddamn hideous to me, I don’t get how anyone could look at it and think that’s any good. The Mafex ain’t perfect but I’ll take it any day over that horrorshow.
It's 'cause we have eyes. 😜
It’s revolting! His skin looks like he’s beginning to decompose! I cannot sanction your buffoonery sir, that corpse-Luuke abomination will never be acceptable.
Still, I doubt I’ll pick up the Mafex one either because he’ll likely tower over my mostly SHF collection. I can probably fudge it with Bo and Ahsoka but wouldn’t surprise me if Luke turns out at near Vader height.
Vader 1.5 now available at several Japanese retailers for in-stock sale. Very curious about what they improved over the previous version. The Black Series versions are so solid I'm not sure how stoked I am for this guy.
Mandalorian 2.0 and Book of Boba Fett Boba are also still marked for December. They've also still got Poison Ivy and Rescue slated for December, and both of those have slid their original dates already so I'm guessing Boba will get delayed. Mando might too, but he's a slight re-do so maybe he slides into December.
Really hoping the 2.0 Mando makes it. I'm quite excited for it, though I do think the upcoming Black Series Mando looks better sculpt-wise (and price-wise too, of course). But the Mafex's accessories are what're keeping me from cancelling. Their Pedro/Din sculpt looks fantastic, full stop. It also helps that all of the other company's Pedro sculpts have been bad (SHF) to godawful (both Black Series.)
Of course, to make matters even more complicated, the newly released season 3 SHF Mando also comes with the absolute best Grogu figure yet at this scale. He looks great, looks like he moves well (all things considered) and he has EAR articulation! <3
@enigmaticclarity Given Vader in Rogue One and Obi-Wan looked basically the same, I went for the SHF Obi-Wan over the new Mafex. The helmet looks better and the robes are cloth like the Black Series while the Mafex is still using plastic. Plus the SHF paints the left side of the mask differently to the right to replicate the film prop effect, I really appreciate that little touch.
I don't think the SHF face is perfect, but it certainly looks better than the Mafex.
Just got notices that Mando is pushed to January and Boba Fett to February. I ain't even mad.
@robokillah Yeah, frankly i hate getting packages during Christmas time, they hire so many untrained delivery drivers for the Christmas rush that half my stuff ends up at the wrong house.
Daaaaamn, saw a video review of the Rogue One Vader 1.5 and the new Figuarts blows it away. The guy got one with a loose leg and couldn't get the arms to stay on after swapping them out for the (awful) crossed arms option. But crucially, it just looks bad next to the OBW Figuarts, it's actually smaller, the head sculpt looks off, still has the plastic robe/skirt, etc.
Really quite surprised, I was expecting things to be much closer (and certainly wasn't expecting a Figuarts to be taller than a Mafex!)
After messing with it in hand I REGRET buying the Mafex 1.5 Vader. It's not good. It's too thin, the weird bottom torso never looks right, and the right arm pops out too easily.
This is the first Mafex figure that I might actually hate. What a waste of money...