I'm removing Lobot from my list and adding Darth Talon. Forgot about her. 🙂
After replaying Fallen Order and Survivor, and having just finished the Battle Scars novel, I'm doubling down on my desire for more figures. I really love the Mantis crew as characters- they're some of my favorite SW characters in a long time, maybe ever, and how we still don't have a Merrin, Cere, or Greez after all this time feels criminal. I'm glad we're getting Inquisitor Cal, and (hopefully) an unmasked Trilla, but I still need more. The Mantis Crew, Eno Cordova, Ninth Sister, Bode, and Dagan at least. Turgle, Skoova Stev, and Rayvis if they're feeling generous.
Hopefully now that Starkiller was released as a Gaming Greats but in the main line, we may start to see more JFO/JS in the main line as well. Otherwise, at least I know there's some pretty bangin' customs of Turgle, Greez, and Skoova Stev out there. Pricey, but worth it.
Sixth Brother
Seventh Sister
Eight Brother
Ninth Sister
Tenth Brother
Coleman Trebor
Bespin Luke (one that doesn't look like it was sculpted out of mashed potatoes)
Saesee Tiin
Agen Kolar
Depa Billaba
Beilert Valance
Ochi of Bestoon
Quinlan Vos
Pong Krell
Shmi Skywalker
Office Duel Palpatine*
Barriss Offee*
*Let's be honest, they'll turn these agile acrobats into salt & pepper shakers with with garbage plastic capes/cloaks. I still want their them, so I can more easily create enjoyable customs.
True, but I would still get Barriss anyway as well.
So the idea of this list is action figures in 6” scale they are less likely to make? Not including creatures or vehicles?
If I’m getting a genie style wish it’s not action figures. Creatures: Rancor, Bantha, Massif, Nexu, Loth-cat, Eopie, Reek, Acklay, Blurgg, and Mudhorn. Vehicles: M-68, Barc Speeder, Maul’s Sith Speeder, X-Wing, Tie Fighter, A-Wing, Anakin’s Pod Racer, Din’s N-1, Cobb Vanth’s Speeder, and Din’s Speeder.
Anyway figures:
Max Rebo band (Rebo, Droopy, and Snootles), Jabba guards (Weequay, Klatooian, and Nikto), Nien Nunb, Lobot, Chief Chirpa, Logray, Burg Devaronian, Darth Talon, Cade Skywalker, Embo, Agent Kallus, Medical Droid, Luminara Unduli, Watoo, Sebulba, and Young Leia.
I might have a hard time coming up with 20, but i'm gonna do this on the fly.... in no particular order, i guess:
1. Lobot
2. Nien Nunb
3. Captain Panaka
4. Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious
5. Geonosian
6. Bespin Guard
7. Zam Wessel
8. Bariss Offee
9. Luminara Unduli
10. Shaak Ti
11. Savage Opress
12. Weequay
13. Ree Yees
14. Squidhead
15. Padme (pilot suit)
16. Captain Typho
17. Sebulba
18. Ric Olie
19. General Madine
20. Prune Face
If we got half of those, I'd be satisfied. I'm one foot out the door with black series as is. I've loved collecting the line, but I'm finding that I'm buying fewer and fewer figures from each wave. So, my Black Series days are numbered. I already feel like it's a very comprehensive collection and adding some or all of those would just be gravy (apart from a few "necessary" ones left).
I think there's quite a few of us who feel out the door with Black Series at this point.
Yeah they do all the Disney+ stuff which is fine, but outside of that there are definite some giant holes in the prequel trilogy that seem to be largely ignored.
Padme in particular seems to get no love over there. We have just about every single Leia, but only two of Padme? She's one of the main characters and has virtually no representation. I get they may be hesitant after the first one, but I'm pretty sure it's unanimous that everyone HATES her hip articulation. If they did an Archive Collection Padme with that flaw fixed I'm sure I'd buy two.
From what I can see the prequel jedi sell really well too, so why are they moving at a glacial pace getting more of them out? Why don't the ones they have made pop up in the Archive Collection?
I just don't get the thought process with the brand.
Sixth Brother
Seventh Sister
Eight Brother
Ninth Sister
Tenth Brother
whoa. Â Momma and Papa be getting real busy. Â
Anywho for me:
Bren “Cliffy” DerlinÂ
Biggs Darklighter
Weeteef Cyubee
Weequay (any)
Dutch Vander
Djas Puhr
Amaiza Foxtrain
Free Amaiza!
SpoilerJust making it shorter but here was my list
- Boba Fett - Preproduction 1 suit ('eyes' helmet)
- Death Star Gunner
- Snowtrooper Officer
- Tessek
- Ree Yees
- Weequay - main skiff guard
- Klaatu - skiff guard
- Takeel
- RA-7
- Barriss Offee - AOTC
- Airborne Clonetrooper - ROTS
- Lumiya
- Darth Talon
- Merrin - Jedi Fallen Order
- Imperial Navy Commando -Force Unleashed
- Princess Leia Organa - Kenobi show
- Saw Gerrera - Rogue One opening sequence
- Two Tubes - Andor or Rogue One
- Dedra Meero - Andor
- Tusken Warrior - Book of Boba Fett
Looking back at my list, I've crossed some off but not because they were made but because I apparently am also dipping some toes out of the BS pool.
1. Janus Greejatus and Sim Aloo 2-Pack (ROTJ)
2. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru 2-Pack (ANH)
3. Luke Skywalker (Crait) (TLJ)
4. Ben Solo (TROS)
5. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (AOTC)
6. Princess Leia (Bespin Gown) (ESB)
7. Padmé Amidala (Mustafar) (ROTS)
8. General Leia (Blue Dress) (TLJ/TROS)
9. Jan Dodonna (ANH)
10. Mon Mothma (ROTJ)
11. General Madine (ROTJ)
12. Shmi Skywalker (TPM)
13. Force Ghost Anakin (Sebastian Shaw) (ROTJ)
14. Lobot (ESB)
15. Allegiant General Pryde (TROS)
16. Nute Gunray (TPM)
17. Poggle the Lesser (AOTC)
18. General Rieekan (ESB)
19. Darth Bane (Legends)
20. Darth Scion (Old Republic II)