Captain Tarpals
Yak Face
Nien Nunmb
Dexter Jettster
Ree Eyes
Momaw Nadon
Gungun Warrior
Max Rebo
Droopy McCool
Savage Opress
Coleman Trebor
Ephont Mon
Death Star Droid
Ewoks in general
Goodness, 20 is so many.
Nien Nunb
Mon Mothma
General Rieekan
Major Bren Derlin
Jek Porkins
Biggs Darklighter
Jan Dodonna
Max Rebo
Sy Snootles
Droopy McCool
Ellors Madak
Bo Shek
Ree Yees
Finn (RotS)
Poe Dameron (RotS)
20 seems like a lot, but also not enough, heh.
Mine is going to be very Rebels/Ahsoka heavy due to my current re-watch. And can only really think of 14 that I "need"...
01. Rex (Rebels)
02. Agent Kallus (Rebels)
03. Kanan (Rebels Season 3 Update)
04. Sabine (Rebels Season 3 Update)
05. Seventh Sister (Rebels)
06. Fenn Rau (Rebels)
07. Ahsoka (Ahsoka White Costume)
08. Ezra (Ahsoka)
09. Thrawn (Ahsoka)
10. Enoch (Ahsoka)
11. Savage Opress (Clone Wars)
12. Gar Saxon (Clone Wars)
13. Padme (Throne Room)
14. Obi-Wan (A New Hope)...upcoming archive wave perhaps?
1 - Theed Palace Amidala
2 - AOTC Rainbow Dress Padme
3 - ROTJ Beige Ugly Padme
4 - TPM Padme Naberrie Disguise
5 - AOTC Blue Midriff with Cloak (like the gorgeous 3.75" figure)
6 - End of TPM Ceremonial Amidala
7 - TROS Leia
8 - TLJ Leia
9 - Shaak Ti
10 - AOTC Leather Outfit
11 - Dead Padme with bier
12 - Peli Motto w/Pit Droids
13 - ROTS Purple Velvet with hair up
14 - Clone Wars Padme
15 - Handmaiden Disguise Padme with Alt Heads
16 - Nightsister or Mother Talzin
17 - Connix
18 - Deedra
19 - Kenobi Li'l Leia
20 - Lobot Darth Talon bc how could I forget?!
I don't think I can hit 20.
#1: Death Star Gunner
#2: AT-ST Driver
#3: Lobot
#4: 2-1B Medical Droid
#5: Bail Organa (any)
#6: Nute Gunray
#7: Shaak Ti
#8: Momaw Nadon
#9: Darth Sidious (Episode III Jedi Duel)
I don't think I can hit 20.
That's commendable. Not being greedy! And a couple of yours are coming soon, aren't they? So that list is about to get even shorter.
I don't think I can hit 20.
That's commendable. Not being greedy! And a couple of yours are coming soon, aren't they? So that list is about to get even shorter.
Are they?? Which ones?!? 😀 I may be a bit out of the loop - I thought I heard something about an Ep III Darth Sidious being in a pipeline, but I may have imagined it! (And if so, not sure which version.)
Old man Rex, and possibly Wolffe and Gregor. Also, the Nightsisters of Dathomir.
I don't think I can hit 20.
That's commendable. Not being greedy! And a couple of yours are coming soon, aren't they? So that list is about to get even shorter.
Are they?? Which ones?!? 😀 I may be a bit out of the loop - I thought I heard something about an Ep III Darth Sidious being in a pipeline, but I may have imagined it! (And if so, not sure which version.)
I also can't remember which Sidious either, now that you mention it. But yeah he was, and wasn't Momaw as well?
Mine is pretty Rebels heavy because I either love the characters or their designs (Ketsu for instance looks incredibly cool)
01. Agent Kallus (Rebels)
02. Old Man Rex (Rebels)
03. Kanan (Rebels Season 3 Update)
04. Sabine (Rebels Season 4 Update)
05. AP-5 (Rebels)
06. Fenn Rau (Rebels)
07. Commander Sato (Rebels)
08. General Madine (OT)
09. Captain Palleaon (Thrawn Trilogy)
10. Fenn Rau (Rebels)
11. Ketsu Onyo (Rebels)
12. General Dodonna (OT)
13. Carson Teva (He is everywhere!)
14. Talon Karrde (Thrawn Trilogy)
15. Peli Motto (Mando)
16. Froglady (Mando)
17. Nien Numb (OT)
18 Hammerhead - Non-Deluxe (OT)
That's all I got 8[
Captain Palleaon is more likely to come from The Mandalorian now.
Captain Palleaon is more likely to come from The Mandalorian now.
Yeah, I put the "Thrawn Trilogy" there, to make sure that Hasbro didn't think I wanted a Hologram-version or something 😉 😀
Heh heh, good call.
in no particular order:
Biggs Darklighter
Nien Numb
Major Bren Derlin
Dutch Vander
Amaiza Foxtrain
Weeteef Cyubee
Rancor Trainer (Trejo)
Beilert Valance
Sergeant Edian
Free Amaiza!