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Mattel WWE lines

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Superstars is the only WWE line I'm on, liking the reveals there.  Still haven't found several at retail though, so once again hoping Mattel gets their distribution sorted out.

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Has anyone found Kane/Davey/Ali for WWE Superstars at retail?  The prices on ebay are still insane so I'm not sure if they've made it out yet or how hard I should be looking...and the next wave is already starting to show as presale on ebay as well.

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I still need a Doink and Andre. Heck, I would take a Hogan from the wave. It's either blink and miss them at my nearby stores or they're not stocking because of older figures crowding the pegs.  

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I've seen Doink/Andre twice, at one store.  The others around me are full of Shango and DiBiase with occasional other older figures sprinkled in here and there.

Super Camel
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I know it's more of a kid's line, but have any of you picked up any WWE Knuckle Crunchers and the Knuckle Crunchers Ring?

I cannot stress how fun these little 2 to 3" Mini Figures are, especially with the ring.  Because when you slam them on the stretched out soft canvas ring mat, they bounce crazy high and far.  If you just gently drop them on the mat they will go flying out of the ring.

Also, all the little accessories the figures and ring come with.

The mini figures have nice articulation, and the arms and waist are on a ratchet like joint and make a cracking sound when you move them.

The Mini figures are like $8 and the ring is $22.  And I can't recommend them enough.

The ring comes with Brock Lesnar.  Wave 1 is Roman, Rollins, The Rock, and Cena (in green shirt/hat).

Wave 2 and 3 have been announced, and they are

Wave 2 - Cody, Sheamus, Lashley, Stone Cold
Wave 3 - AJ Styles, Rey Mysterio, Dominik, and Cena (in red shirt/hat)

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Looking at Preview Night, I see so many figures I'm not going to actually see in Walmart.

supreme_d reacted
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Yeah, I was excited for Cactus Jack and the Hart Foundation in the Superstars line but I'll never find them.  I haven't seen anything local past the Andre wave.

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I'd love the opportunity to at least preorder the Superstars.  I preordered all of Walmart's collector con figures up today and also two figures I missed during their last con, UE Mankind and Eddie.

Super Camel
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Does anyone know if they had any Knuckle Crunchers on display?  I haven't seen any in the photos on toynewsi or toyark.  But I didn't know if there were some at the booth or if anyone had any walkthroughs where some were shown.

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Posts: 123

Found Superstars Kane at two different local stores now.  No sign of Davey or Muhammad Ali yet.  And it looks like there are two waves already piling up behind them soon as well, based on in hand ebay listings.  Wish these two companies could get their distribution crap straight.

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@jonaskane I got lucky yesterday.  My brother's company has Friday's off, so he stopped in Walmart earlier in the morning and found Kane/Bulldog/Ali.  They must be four figure cases with Kane packed twice.  Probably wouldn't have been there if I had to wait until after work.  Still need Andre and Doink.

jonaskane reacted
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Found Bossman, Angle (x2), and Tatanka today at a store that also had two Kanes left over.  Kinda thinking I may just go ahead and pay the eBay finders fee for a Davey Boy at this point.

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A couple weeks ago I decided to go with an Amazon Prime seller for Andre.  He was $35. My brother came through again, this time with Tantanka, Angle, and Bossman.

jonaskane reacted
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It's a miracle. Tiffany Stratton has new ankles like nearly every modern figure since the end of ToyBiz.

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I had a miracle happen as well.  Found the Casey Jones Cody Rhodes at Target.  I say it's a miracle because distribution and collectors in my area keep me from finding any wrestlers or TMNT I want at stores, so this was a crazy find.  Bless my Target for randomly stocking mid-day because the scalpers hit up all the stores every morning.  Anyways, this is my first Cody figure since the old "Dashing" Cody figure with the clear mask (which looks to be getting a rerelease with double elbows) and he looks great.  This gear looks like something he'd totally wear, even if I think of modern Cody as more of a Leonardo than Casey.  Modern Sheamus acts a bit more like Casey, but this works better visually, so let's go.  

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