Didn't know there was a legit variant for him. Another one to hunt for, I guess.
Managed to find Hogan, Piper, Perfect, and Macho Man a few days ago. It's the first time I've seen anyone from wave 4 or 5 in store and obviously 6 is hitting so still on the hunt for Earthquake, Typhoon, and Rude.
This site has a checklist and shows the announced figs/variants: https://wrestlingfiguredatabase.com/collections/mattel-wwe-superstars
Thanks for that link. Hadn't seen the next(?) wave with Andre etc yet. Hoping we get a Bret and the other Faces of Foley soon.
Has anyone seen the new Hogan figure in Central or Metrowest Massachusetts?
I hope the Coliseum Collection Roddy Piper & George the Animal Steele wasn't cancelled. I was looking forward to them the most of any so far! 😐
Found the Legends Greatest Hits sidecap at my closest Target. Just grabbed the ECW Funk I regretted not grabbing years before. Saw people talking about a fading jumpsuit on the old HTM and dug mine out of storage and sure enough faded. It was stored in a Ziploc baggie in a box but still faded. Anyway went back and the shipper was cleaned out. Luckily another store had an untouched one so I bought all four.
Thought we got the purple Winged Eagle before but I guess we just got two of the light blue straps. I also could have sworn we already got an update of the old Legends British Bulldog but we didn't. Got so dang many of these things I have no idea what I have!
Has anyone found Albano or Vader in stores yet? I see them on EBay, but Walmart pushed my preorders from November to February so not feeling all that warm and fuzzy about those showing up.
I've not seen them. I'm still looking for Rude and Earthquake. I found Mr. perfect so that wave did hit my area.
Found Elite 105 at WM this morning. Grabbed Iyo, Dom and Steiner. Glad to see the double pinless legs on them all. Are we finally getting all pinless joints now?!
RSC is selling Tiffany Stratton Basic for $30 and she's on back order, so they sold through their initial preorder quantity. I saw RSC's instagram post late tonight, but I guess she started at $25, then increased the price after the preorder qty sold through. Usually it works the other way, where the price decreases on back order. People in a panic over WWE Basics.
I very rarely bother with the Basics anymore. Got the blue pants/white shirt Hogan pre-ordered on Amazon but that's just because I focus collect him, Macho, and Warrior. I was interested in grabbing LA Knight but seeing he has an Elite coming I won't. Most times they'll get better Elites down the road. I think the last one I bought at retail was the variant Tamina since she'll probably never see an Elite!
RSC is selling Tiffany Stratton Basic for $30 and she's on back order, so they sold through their initial preorder quantity. I saw RSC's instagram post late tonight, but I guess she started at $25, then increased the price after the preorder qty sold through. Usually it works the other way, where the price decreases on back order. People in a panic over WWE Basics.
There's a whole scarcity thing going on with recent female figures as Aaliyah, Jacy Jane and Gigi Dolan have been super low numbers or just not had their waves appear. Speculation is they were part of lost shipping containers that sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Also, Jazzwares has started making female characters as chase figures, starting with The Bunny, so people are losing their minds and eBaying.
There's always been a subset of collectors that focus collect females too. When I managed at TRU we had a guy that called every Saturday to ask what female Jakks figures were on the pegs at the moment. I think Jazzwares is making a mistake if that's the plan for all females going forward. These things are hard enough to find on the pegs. I already hate the chase thing they do, don't need to be doing that for regular release females too.
@theghost the shipping container speculation is interesting, but a lot of the recent 1st in line women wrestlers have been tough to find in my area, figures like Chelsea, Teegan, Xia, etc.
@zombief-body the wfigs board used to have several female only collectors back in the Divas days, lol. My local Walmart is crowded with the recent Thunder Rosa.
I had a small haul of bargain figures today from retail and online. Greatest Hits Honky and Bulldog from Target for $11.50 and some figures from RSC's sale like DM HBK, DM Bret, DM Mankind, and Vader. Also got Roxanne from RSC.
@theghost the shipping container speculation is interesting, but a lot of the recent 1st in line women wrestlers have been tough to find in my area, figures like Chelsea, Teegan, Xia, etc.
Yeah, my theory is they are shortpacked more than a Becky/Bianca/Charlotte would be. I actually found all 3 in Australia (Chelsea and Teegan were AGES ago!), with Xia Li found multiple times. I've stumbled on Jacy/Gigi once (like that entire wave) and never seen the Aaliyah wave.
At least with other waves, they've generally been seen, but those recent couple of waves are a mystery with such low numbers.