I'm in for at least He-Man, maybe Skeletor depending upon how he looks. Still have the actual figures that were in store when this show launched. Barely watched the show, but the nostalgia was too much.
I sold off all my original 200x a few years ago after Classics had gotten pretty robust but then regretted it and bought most of them back for much more than I sold them for. I'm still missing the rare ones and still plan to pick them up at some point. It and Marvel Legends were my gateway into adult action figure collecting so it gets me nostalgic still.
Well fuck.
I saw that Mondo would be doing 1:12 RGB figures, but didn't realize this panel slide was also promoting 1:12 MotU. I don't do much Mondo, since they've made a name for themselves in 1:6 figures. I don't know what their pricing will be for these. If they're affordable (in the NECA Ultimates range tops) I'd consider it. But I already collect both current Mattel mainstream lines, and adding a third seems excessive. I'm sure I'll be whistling a different tune once actual product is shown. Mondo makes some stellar toys.
I would expect this to be in the $100 to $125 price range.
Damn, when i see the Mondo name, its like the Rolls-Royce of action figures. This new line will hinder multiverse at 1/12 scale. Imagine if they 1/12 with the regular MOTU line. Ive always said if Mondo gets into the 1/12 scale world, it will be lights over for Multiverse for sure. their 1/6 scale Skeletor is too perfect. (i dont collect 1/6 scale by the way)
@nightwolf not if their prices are anywhere near what they are charging for their Ghostbusters. Which I know they won't be AS much but even at half price ($50) I don't think this Masterverse that much.
Damn, when i see the Mondo name, its like the Rolls-Royce of action figures. This new line will hinder Multiverse at 1/12 scale. Imagine if they 1/12 with the regular MOTU line. Ive always said if Mondo gets into the 1/12 scale world, it will be lights over for Multiverse for sure. their 1/6 scale Skeletor is too perfect. (i dont collect 1/6 scale by the way)
I don't think this is true AT ALL for the same reason that Rolls Royce was not "lights over" for Honda, Ford or whoever else.
Mondo's 1/12 figures are going to be hideously expensive - like $75 to $100 per 6 inch figure for sure. There is no way that provides any competition for what Masterverse is doing. None. Especially if Mondo really does hew more to a 1/12 scale since Masterverse is much closer to 1/10.
I could see myself maybe springing for a character I love - say Buzz Off or Clawful - at this scale and price point, but there's no way I'll be collecting everything.
Masterverse is something where you can reasonably assemble a universe of characters together. But when you can buy an entire wave of Masterverse for the price of one of these Mondo figures it's not going to be a contest for me, and alot of collectors.
Mondo's 1/12 figures are going to be hideously expensive - like $75 to $100 per 6 inch figure for sure
Confirmed? since we are speculating, maybe they will be closer to 1/10 and 50 bucks??
I mean the only confirmation I have of a 1/12 scale and not a 1/10 scale is them plastering "1/12" all over the announcements of this line. It would be weird to announce it as 1/12 and then run it out as 1/10.
As for the price point - sure it's a guess. Their 1/6 scale figures come in retailing around $200 - some a little lower, most a little higher. Cutting the scale in half but reducing the costs by 3/4 is somewhat hard to imagine. They could surprise me - but I think they are angling to compete in the premium Mezco price point and not try to compete with the likes of NECA.
Boy, I was really confused for a second there about why a Mondo 6" He-Man line was going to put an end to a McFarlane 7" DC Comic line.
That conundrum resolved, I can see the concern; after all, Mezco Marvel figures famously put Hasbro Marvel Legends out of business.
@panthercult Definitely agree that we're likely looking at figures that are chasing the Mezco success. The 12" Mondos incorporate softgoods and I wouldn't be surprised if the 6" ones do as well, to justify a more 'Mezco-y' price point. We may get a price somewhere between Mezco and the more niche collector-oriented product like Super7, PDNA, or various 'Deluxe' figures out there from various lines; but then you're still looking at somewhere between 65-85, in my mind.
The thing I wouldn't be much stock in is plastering 1:12 on everything. Doesn't seem like half the companies operating right now have any idea how to market the scale of their products, or what any of it even means. Nacelle's Biker Mice were marketed as 1:12 as well and unless they're supposed to be elite level basketball players, they are definitely not 1:12 scale. Mezco Conan is 1:12 scale but tiny compared to Marvel Legends, which is also 1:12 scale, which are notably larger than Joe Classified, which is also 1:12 scale. I think we'll have to wait and see how the height and proportions of the final figures turn out.
I'm hoping they end up in that 'upper range of 1:12' so I can put these with my Marvel Legends. I've always wanted a good He-Man that works in Marvel Legends and it's just never happened.
Yeah... in the Real Ghostbusters thread it was confirmed that Mondo is pricing the single 1/12 figures for that line at $102 each - but they also confirm that the MOTU figures will be less expensive than that. So, I think you are probably right that we'll see them in the $60 to $70 range.
It's likely still more than I'm going to pay for every figure in a line of figures as expansive as MOTU. But as I said - maybe for one or two characters I love I might splurge.
@panthercult less expensive to Mondo is probably $99 so they can say they are under $100
Damn, when i see the Mondo name, its like the Rolls-Royce of action figures. This new line will hinder multiverse at 1/12 scale. Imagine if they 1/12 with the regular MOTU line. Ive always said if Mondo gets into the 1/12 scale world, it will be lights over for Multiverse for sure. their 1/6 scale Skeletor is too perfect. (i dont collect 1/6 scale by the way)
Meant to say MASTERverse, my bad.