I got the cartoon Ram Man and like his legs so much better than the irritating attempt to replicate his original action feature that the Vintage-styled Ram Man went with. However, I like the purely sculpted armor of the vintage-styled one over the overlay armor on the cartoon version, because the overlay is a little fiddly. Between that and the Masterverse version having those iffy rubber leg overlays, there seems to be some figures that toy companies just can't get 100 percent "right."
I got the cartoon Ram Man and like his legs so much better than the irritating attempt to replicate his original action feature that the Vintage-styled Ram Man went with. However, I like the purely sculpted armor of the vintage-styled one over the overlay armor on the cartoon version, because the overlay is a little fiddly. Between that and the Masterverse version having those iffy rubber leg overlays, there seems to be some figures that toy companies just can't get 100 percent "right."
Can you swap the legs, or is there too much difference between the two versions?
Also just took a look and Rio Blast is still available on Mattel Creations. I thought he would be a sell out based on the amount of chatter online. Maybe the end of Origins is already here and we just haven't realized it yet? I mean they are still selling out a couple of Origins items, but none of them are seemingly selling out same day as release anymore.
Looking back over the last bunch of exclusive releases it has been hit or miss on selling out. Two-Bad probably sold out due to the nature of his release, combined with the lack of an Origins release. So most people settled for that version. Sy-Klone was a pretty immediate sell out I think. Which isn't surprising based on the character and design. Extendar sold out, but I don't think it was immediate. Then he came back in stock and sold out again a couple months later. Demo-Man sold out, but it was at least a couple days, if not weeks, before that happened.
The remainig three (Rio Blast, Geldor and Night Stalker) are all still available. Now I think Rio Blast might sell out sooner or later and not hang on for months (years?). But I am now wondering if there is much feasibility in producing the remaining Origins figures for Mattel Creations only. Especially with the, seemingly, current lower interest of collectors and presumably higher costs coming this year if things keep going the way they are in the US.
After Rio, I really don't think there are any other figures that I even want. If they get around to releasing the other Rock person, I'd pass because I missed the previous one. I don't care much for the cyborg Horde members, even less for the Beyblade warriors. Don't need the movie ones either.
I do want an Origins Two-Bad though. The Cartoon Collection version can be a place holder, but it doesn't have the right aesthetic. I have them separated as Tuvar and Badrah in my Cartoon Collection. I have an extra set in case Origins never gets around to him/them.
I got the cartoon Ram Man and like his legs so much better than the irritating attempt to replicate his original action feature that the Vintage-styled Ram Man went with. However, I like the purely sculpted armor of the vintage-styled one over the overlay armor on the cartoon version, because the overlay is a little fiddly. Between that and the Masterverse version having those iffy rubber leg overlays, there seems to be some figures that toy companies just can't get 100 percent "right."
Can you swap the legs, or is there too much difference between the two versions?
Totally different. It would take some major plastic surgery.
@supercamel-1982 I also saw a pic of a cartoon Vultak some maybe that came from the same convention.
Awesome! I hadn't seen or heard about that. I'm glad they are doing some unique Filmation characters. I hope they do Fang Man and Lizard Man.
We should get a bunch of reveals next month no matter what. Mattel usually does a big MOTU reveal in March.
I was on the fence for Rio Blast, but have no connection to him, so passing for now. At this point, the only thing I'm waiting on is Two-bad. I feel like he'll be a instant sell-out, but then, maybe more and more folks are souring on this line now that's it 5 years in.
Apparently, at the German Toy Fair, there is a MOTU Origins Fright Zone Playset on display. Hopefully pictures come out soon. it's also being said it will be a retail release and not a Creations only item.
That's some interesting news. Now to wait and see what Mattel reveals.
More supposed info out of the German Toy Fair, detailing the Origins Mattel Creations list of exclusives for the year:
Multi-Bot, nice, I only got Modulok a couple of weeks ago.
Modulok should be arriving from Amazon tomorrow.
I guess I'll try to pick up Dragstor and Multibot, but neither are big priorities for me. If they hang around on Creations long enough to pick them up at the same time, I'll do it. Rokkon eluded me, so I'll pass on Stonedar. No use having just one.
BUT TWO BAD. That's the last one I really want at this point. I'll likely buy two, since I have one of everyone else still on card (except Moss Man and Sy-Klone, since they didn't come on the vintage style card).
More supposed info out of the German Toy Fair, detailing the Origins Mattel Creations list of exclusives for the year:
Nice! I'll be glad to get all of those. But that will still leave Blast Attack, Blade, Saurod, Gwildor, Hurricane Hordak, and Rotar and Twistoid to finish the vintage US released collection.
Sounds like that most likely will not happen this year. But maybe they will release some of those at places other than Mattel Creations in 2025. Who knows. I just want to finish this vintage collection.
So for the Hordak/Grizzlor sketchbook pack, I bookmarked the page when I first heard it had popped up (after it was sold out already, of course). Now the page says the item is not available at Target. Do we know if that is a timed exclusive that might turn up at BBTS or similar stores later?
I got cartoon She Ra today and in classic amazon fashion, her bubble was off of the card back. I'm an opener so ordering from amazon is OK. The figure is great and I really hope they make a Swiftwind for her to ride.