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Rio Blast has some crazy gear going on.  Someone on instagram was complaining at the official page for so many "boring" releases in a row.  I can't wrap my head around how someone thinks a robot cowboy is boring.  I hope they make this guy in Masterverse someday.

canprime reacted
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Posted by: @vicious7171

Rio Blast has some crazy gear going on.  Someone on instagram was complaining at the official page for so many "boring" releases in a row.  I can't wrap my head around how someone thinks a robot cowboy is boring.  I hope they make this guy in Masterverse someday.

Sorry but he is boring.   He should have light up effects, alternate alien face, cybernetic fluid pumping action and swivel-punch-blast action!!!!  Anything less is boring!!!!  (hahaha)


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@canprime lol!  He's boring because he's not 100% what I want!  Nevermind what I actually want, I'm just gonna say these toys are boring and then bounce 🤣 🤣  I can't imagine what they expect from a line that remakes 30-year-old toys.

oops i failed math, thanks NORM, 40 year old toys!

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40 year old toys!

vicious7171 and canprime reacted
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I have been very hesitant about the Cartoon Collection, I’m just not sure if I want to buy the whole crew all over again, but those of you who have been, I know the male characters have a slightly different body than previous Origins figures, but the women look pretty similar, are they using the Origins molds still? Thanks! 

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Posted by: @vicious7171

@canprime lol!  He's boring because he's not 100% what I want!  Nevermind what I actually want, I'm just gonna say these toys are boring and then bounce 🤣 🤣  I can't imagine what they expect from a line that remakes 30-year-old toys.

That's why it is probably a good thing that most of the brand teams don't listen too closely to the fans.

Although the Mattel MOTU team probably should have listened more when it came to the Snake Lair.......


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Posted by: @valo487

I have been very hesitant about the Cartoon Collection, I’m just not sure if I want to buy the whole crew all over again, but those of you who have been, I know the male characters have a slightly different body than previous Origins figures, but the women look pretty similar, are they using the Origins molds still? Thanks! 

Being in Canada it has made it easy for me to avoid the cartoon collection.   Amazon is the only "big" retailer who even carries Cartoon Collection figures, but even then it is kind of limited in selection and availability.   Also pricing has gotten to the point where it really isn't worth it anymore to double dip on a line I already have most characters from (Origins).


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@docsilence  Happy to help. And yeah! I think the 'they're actually from Earth' thing is already baked into the property thanks to Queen Marlena. Adam is literally half-Earthling. So it shouldn't strain credulity that other people have crossed over at various points. Eternia absolutely has the kind of 'why not?!' attitude toward technology and bio-engineering to start remaking random travelers that show up on the planet. "You looked lost and then you passed out from exhaustion, so we hooked you up to an IV and also there's a laser gun in your chest now."

@vicious7171  I mean.. I'd say in this case 'boring' is code for 'not the specific thing I wanted them to make.' Toy collectors are just often, like everyone else, kind of trash. And they desperately need to justify not wanting something by saying it's somehow bad instead of just 'not for me.'
I know I can be pretty negative at times about things that matter to me. But I can't imagine finding enough time to ever be able to run around bitching about every single toy that gets released that I don't personally want to buy.

@canprime  You're not kidding -- the real crazy thing is mostly when the Cartoon Collection (or Origins) figures do end up on Amazon, they're MORE expensive than Black Series and Marvel Legends. It's stupid.

As for the Mattel team, nah. They just need to, like a lot of toy companies, have the ability to parse good complaints and demands from bad ones. It's tempting to just stick your fingers in your ears because people on socials are being meanies. But goddamn, guys. We live in a world where companies have unprecedented access to FREE customer surveys on an hourly basis. If they can't find a way forward with all of that, and be successful, then they're just fucking idiots.

(The Joe Classified team, by the way, has done a great job on that front.)

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I don't really know the lore for most MotU characters, so my head canon has something to do with a colony ship crashing on Eternia in the distant past and the onboard AI having gone insane, restoring the crew/cargo a bit ... wrong in the process. 🙂

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Speaking of Marlena, when is she getting made? Yeah she’s probably incredibly boring as an action figure but she’s an incredibly important character. 

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Rio Blast is up now. I ordered two with no problem.

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My wife grabbed Rio for me today while I was at work. Apparently it was an absolute nightmare of captchas and the website refusing to accept any payment. I think we've seen this issue before from people trying to buy from Canada? Mattel absolutely fucking hates Canada, right?

Super Camel
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I got two Rio Blasts no problem.  I'm sorry to hear your wife had trouble KD, but I'm glad she got you one.  This looks like a great figure.

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Posted by: @theknightdamien

My wife grabbed Rio for me today while I was at work. Apparently it was an absolute nightmare of captchas and the website refusing to accept any payment. I think we've seen this issue before from people trying to buy from Canada? Mattel absolutely fucking hates Canada, right?

I don't know why people were freaking out about the captchas.   It was a different form than what we are probably used to, but it wasn't actually difficult.   I mean basically all you had to do was look at the top 3 photos and pick the one photo below that matched them.   I had 3 photos of tennis balls/sports balls and the bottom photos were all of animals except one of a tennis court.   Probably took as much, if not less, time as the usual captchas.   Now I don't know what happened with your wife so don't take that as casting aspersions her way.

As for payment....yep Mattel hates us Canucks.   Once more trying to pay while logged in was a complete waste of time.   It forced me to use ShopPay while trying to check out (I couldn't click it off) and kept telling me I couldn't pay using ShopPay.   So I had to log out and then I could pay as a guest.   Why the $@%* do I even have an account if you aren't going to let me check out while logged in?  

Otherwise it was a smooth transaction but nothing quite like paying $45Cdn for a single (standard) Origins figure.  $32Cdn for the figure (which is higher than the actual exchange rate Mattel) and $13 for shipping.   Thankfully no tax during the tax holiday.   I was slightly tempted to get 2 of Rio Blast, but I have too many other things coming up so I have to be somewhat responsible.

Again though.....Mattel!!  Great job on making us buy one figure every couple months and paying shipping all over again and again instead of, say, releasing a few at one time so we can combine to save on shipping.  And yes that was sarcasm.....


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@canprime  I asked my wife what the problem was and I think it was that the captchas weren't working properly so the pictures wouldn't match at all. She'd get like four completely different pictures (stairs, a car, a cookie, and a dog, for instance), and it's like.. wtf do I do with this? So she had to refresh a couple times to get something that made sense. And then the payment screen would fail and send her back to the captcha, etc. My wife used to do MattyCollector for me when I was at work, back in the pre-subscription MOTUC days. She said her experience today was worse, by far, than any white screen of death days.

Agree about pricing, though. It fucking stings, hard, to be paying this much for one figure that originally retailed, only a couple of years ago, for 15 dollars Canadian. I only can manage to comfort myself with the reminder that I'm almost completely done with this line unless something drastic changes. Same goes for how thoroughly they can fuck themselves with this one-off release schedule.

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