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Masters of the Universe Origins

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I’m very hyped for this set personally, not as Grizzlor and Hordak but as blank canvas Horde members. I know a lot of people are laser focused on the classic line but stuff that allows me to expand the world is what gets me excited, I’m way more interested in this and the crossover lines than the Cartoon Collection, at least as far as Filmation versions of characters we already have. 

We’ll see if I still feel that way if this Transformers crossover turns out to be real.

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I really like the look of the 2-pack, but I don't know that I will be hunting it down up here (Canada) because pretty much the only way to get new releases anymore is either through e-tailers, or Mattel Creations.   Even TRU and Amazon are no longer at all reliable anymore.   

So I'll keep an eye out, but I will wait and see what the price is going to be for me.

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Yeah.... I'm trying to decide if I get one set or two.    I'm thinking maybe of trying to use the heads and armor to port onto classics bodies as well.     I think I have a good extra classics Grizzlor without the fur on that would be about perfect to use the head and harness from the guy on the left.    As for the one on the right... that will take some thinking but I'm sure there are parts that will work.   But I probably want a set for my origins figures too.

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I’m not particularly into this 2pk. If it goes on sale, like the Sun Men, maybe I’ll grab it. But I won’t be seeking it out.

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Had time to crack open the two Walmart deluxe figures just now and for real, the deluxe horde trooper is my favorite non-old school iconic character they've made. He's just a fun, fun figure, everything about him. Love his little evil robo-sidekick. I love him. 

Necro-conda... I think I'm tapping out on the snake men. He's got beautiful paint, better than most of the line, but the head sculpt feels so lifeless (no pun intended), like a guy wearing a helmet instead of a snake person. 

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Rio Blast going up for sale on Tuesday. With him, getting very close to the last of my old school wishlist. (Of course I'm on the road Tuesday but I think I can order from my phone if I'm smart about it. 

Preternia has photos 

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So I don't know a lot about Rio Blast.. I'm guessing he's some kind of cyborg? With all these cavities in his limbs and chest, he certainly can't be just human. The pics look great, very classic looking. 

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Rio Blast looks pretty great. Like doc, this is getting me a lot closer to rounding out the vintage figures I need. I've accepted, furiously, that Mattel isn't taking this line seriously anymore and have therefore kind of abandoned even caring if I get the cool 'didn't have it as a kid' stuff like Turbodactyl or the giants. But I really want to at least finish up the figures I had as a kid and Rio Blast puts me very, very close.

Although I have NEVER found Thunder Punch He-Man. That figure basically doesn't exist in Canada as he came out right around when Canadian stores stopped carrying new figures, and for whatever reason I never caught him up for sale on any online stores either. Very frustrating.

Of course, there's still lots of figures I'd -like- to have. But as I said, I have no faith in Mattel to take this much further. I am legitimately surprised that they put the money into tooling up parts for New Adventures HM and never gave him a single release. Maybe they're blaming him for how poorly that horribly overpriced set with the stupid metal weapons sold. Huge bummer.

@normdapito  I'm a little rusty at this point on my MOTU lore - but Rio is definitely a cyborg/tech-enhanced human/however-you-wanna-word-it.
I don't know if that was the original intention of the figure. I suspect the original idea was that all of his weapons pop out of his armor, which is why nothing with weapons attached on the original figure is skin-colored and the stuff that is skin-colored looks very normal. But the necessity of making it a toy; part size and tolerances, etc, meant that everything had to sort of come out of his body. And later versions of the character definitely embraced that and went further with it making it very clear he has a giant laser cannon inside his chest cavity and some versions even show cables and wiring running into and out of his skin.

I think you could definitely make the case for the vintage figure being a space cowboy with extra quick-draw laser guns in his chest armor and leg armor. Definitely not how he's portrayed, at the very least, since 2002. I don't recall how he looked in the mini-comics. I'll have to check that out when I'm at home.

Anyway.. hope I can nab him. This was actually one of my favorite MOTU good guys as a kid.

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In my head, I want to believe Rio Blast is wearing crazy armor, but the old school figure basically had hollow thighs for those guns to come out. Like a lot of MOTU, the lore's pretty fuzzy. 

(Fun stupid fact about me: Rio's "spin" style hand blasters were one of those weird mechanics that stuck in my head my whole life. I still once in a while spin something in my hand and envision it's a laser gun bolted to my palm. Rio's blasters and Spider-Man 2099's finger-claws live rent free in my brain.) 

I'm similarly souring on the line a little bit just due Mattel seeming to be inattentive about it. I missed a few of the Mattel Creations exclusives and once I start being unable to get characters I want to complete a collection I lose interest in a line. Distribution games bother me more than anything. I just want to hand someone money and get an action figure, dangit. 

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What time on Tuesday?

Super Camel
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12:00 PM EST/9:00 AM PST

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Toy Habits says Scorpia is coming to the cartoon collection:

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@cmoney Excellent. She’s easily among my favorite figures from Classics. Great design that will look awesome in Cartoon Origins.

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Posted by: @docsilence

In my head, I want to believe Rio Blast is wearing crazy armor, but the old school figure basically had hollow thighs for those guns to come out. Like a lot of MOTU, the lore's pretty fuzzy. 

(Fun stupid fact about me: Rio's "spin" style hand blasters were one of those weird mechanics that stuck in my head my whole life. I still once in a while spin something in my hand and envision it's a laser gun bolted to my palm. Rio's blasters and Spider-Man 2099's finger-claws live rent free in my brain.) 

I'm similarly souring on the line a little bit just due Mattel seeming to be inattentive about it. I missed a few of the Mattel Creations exclusives and once I start being unable to get characters I want to complete a collection I lose interest in a line. Distribution games bother me more than anything. I just want to hand someone money and get an action figure, dangit. 

This thread got a real bugbear in my brain about how Rio Blast might originally have been envisioned. While I'm a big fan of the idea that weapons coming out of his body was actually just a limitation of toy technology and the -intent- was guns coming out of his armor.... I did go back and look at his first mini-comics appearance.

He was very clearly shown in the comic to have the big gaping chest cavity where the main gun is stored. So either he was originally intended to be a type of cyborg, or the mini-comic was just copying the toy design 1:1 and didn't give it any thought beyond 'make it the same.' It's worth noting that there's a whole thing about how he's good at making barbeque. So he clearly needs to eat.

Also, he says he -used- to be a 'lawman' and speaks exclusively in the language of Hollywood Cowboy, predictably. Could go real crazy and assume that means he was an actual Earth cowboy that was grievously injured and 'repaired' on Eternia. Or it could mean Eternia has some form of cowboy lawmen and he's simply retired?  I think there's two other appearances of the character in the mini-comics but I didn't look for them.

And with that, I have now put more time and thought into Rio Blast than anyone at Mattel ever did.

Totally agree about 'I give you money, you give me toy.' Especially where I am, that concept has basically disappeared. No one like.. has toys.. anymore. And, as I've discussed here and elsewhere previously, the mark-up to get them elsewhere just often isn't really worth it. Even this drip-feed method from Mattel isn't worth it. I'll get Rio Blast because he's really important to me. But I've skipped all their recent stuff. I'm just not going to do this one-at-a-time, and pay shipping every time, bullshit. They could have had me on the last 5 or 6 figures that I skipped just by releasing them together. It's wild.

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@theknightdamien I now firmly want to believe Rio Blast, like a few other characters, is from our Earth and fell through space and time to Eternia due to some weird event, his body was wrecked in transit, and one of the CLEARLY many unhinged scientists with terrible concepts of physics and logic who inhabit Eternia made him into a cyborg gunslinger. I'm going with that forever now, thanks.

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