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Posted by: @canprime

@normdapito Yeah Transformers had that issue for a little while as well.   Hopefully the factory gets a heads up about the issue and changes the adhesive they are using.

So any word on the possible Origins Rio Blast?   The rumour seemed to indicate that today would be the day to have him go up for order on Mattel Creations.   However nothing has shown up.   I am going to assume he will show up later in the month.


Their calendar now says the 21st.


canprime reacted
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@jonaskane Yep.

Looks like they have learned their lesson about putting up multiple big fandom items on the same day/time.   

Glad to see it moved to another day by itself.

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BBTS just put up pre-orders for Catra, Leech and Faker.


Don't love the cartoon Faker that's just He Man with weird glowy eyes.


LOVE the Leech figure.   Love the full black leotard he's wearing and the pale skin.   Thought I might skip him, but that's a definite purchase.   Also have to order Catra - for the little companion cat if for nothing else.

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Faker could be a second shot at He-Man for those that missed him. I ordered all three.

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Posted by: @normdapito

Faker could be a second shot at He-Man for those that missed him. I ordered all three.

I would have agreed with that, except Mattel gotta Mattel and it would appear they've removed any mention of the extra head that Faker came with - which was originally shown and was a more normal-looking HM head, without the glowing eyes. So this Faker fails. It fails to upgrade the body with the wrist articulation it needs (SO easy.. they already have it on Adam and I bet most MOTU collectors would have double-dipped just for that). It fails to offer a second shot at He-Man because they dropped the He-Man head. Yeah. Not great.

It's fine if you just want to have Faker, of course. But given the opportunity this figure had to do a few extra things and win some extra purchases - it's just more definitive proof that the Mattel team (or their oversight) are fucking dumb as shit.


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Posted by: @theknightdamien

Posted by: @normdapito

Faker could be a second shot at He-Man for those that missed him. I ordered all three.

I would have agreed with that, except Mattel gotta Mattel and it would appear they've removed any mention of the extra head that Faker came with - which was originally shown and was a more normal-looking HM head, without the glowing eyes. So this Faker fails. It fails to upgrade the body with the wrist articulation it needs (SO easy.. they already have it on Adam and I bet most MOTU collectors would have double-dipped just for that). It fails to offer a second shot at He-Man because they dropped the He-Man head. Yeah. Not great.

It's fine if you just want to have Faker, of course. But given the opportunity this figure had to do a few extra things and win some extra purchases - it's just more definitive proof that the Mattel team (or their oversight) are fucking dumb as shit.


Aw man, did they really cut the non-glowy eyes head? It's still shown in the item photo on the Amazon listing.


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@normdapito  I mean.. I haven't seen the figure in person or anything. But the official shots sent out by Mattel to be posted by places like TNI, and all of the photos BBTS posted when they put pre-orders up yesterday (day before?) do not include the extra head. BBTS also does not list the head with the accessories. So, my guess is that the extra head got axed to save a few pennies. Because Mattel.

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I bet the extra head is Amazon exclusive then.

Super Camel reacted
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I think I might be burning out on the cartoon line - I only preorded Catra. Don't really need the Faker and for some reason Leech NEVER appeals to me--I haven't ever picked him up. Not sure why. I think I just never had him as a kid so he doesn't connect with me. 

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Leech looked alright in the Kevin Smith show, I thought, but he would've looked REALLY cool (to me) if the CG show had gotten another season:

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Not being an overall Origins collector, I don't know how new Snake Face and Dragon Blaster Skeletor are, but they're listed on Target's site this morning for sale and I don't remember having seen them there before or often?

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Not available yet, but Sketchbook Hordak and Manbearpig have a listing on Target if you want to set an alert:

Super Camel reacted
Super Camel
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I can't decide if I want to get that set or not.  I do because they'd be fun, random, Horde Soldiers.  I would never use them as Grizzlor or Hordak.  They'd just be generic Horde.

But I kind of don't want to buy it because the set looks kind of bland and lifeless.  I'm sure I'll end up getting it though.

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I like the Grizzlor, even if he is like the most naked MotU figure of all.  Why wear a belt if you got no underpants? Or at least why make his fur the same color as his maybe-loincloth-thing.  Anyways, the Hordak one is kinda boring.  And I don't really collect Origins outside of the ToG stuff, so ... probably a no-go for me too.

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I'm really liking that Hordak and Grizzlor set.  Hordak's color is unique and he looks kind of cool in a 90s edgy vampire kind of way.  Grizzlor has a great head sculpt, but those claws are a big letdown for not having little grips on the inside for him to hold.  I'd probably paint him some darker brown underwear because I agree 100% belt + no pants is a weird look! 

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