I’m also still waiting for the She-Ra, Ram Man, Mantenna wave, along with Masterverse New Eternia Evil Lyn. And just got the processing email for Skelcon.
I did receive TriKlops, Man-E-Faces, and Hordak from EE yesterday but I’m waiting to open until the others arrive from BBTS.
I had Necro-Conda hit my PoL, I wanted to wait for Grrasp and Terroar to hit but I have a Road Pig sitting there that I have to ship within 7 days...dang it.
@panthercult whimsy! he's got it in spades. although I'm thinking he might look better with the back of his face plates painted white
I got the Red, Prime Horde Tropper and Hover Bot in from Wal-Mart today. Both are fun figures. Not what I think of or expect out of my Horde Troopers or Hover Bots, but still nice variations to have.
BBTS is just taking too long to fill that She-Ra wave, but they’re all in stock on Amazon, so I had to cancel at BBTS. I feel bad, but I’m also saving $2 per figure.
I did the same thing NORM. Saves me $2 a figure, plus the $4 shipping. So, $10 and I get them by this weekend. I've almost bought them a couple times at Wal-Mart, but they never have the entire set at once. They had Ram Man and She-Ra for a while, but no Mantenna. Now they have She-Ra and Mantenna, but no Ram Man.
I hate to do that to BBTS. But.......I did. But I still have the other Wave pre ordered there with Man E Faces, Tri Klops, and Hordak. And they too are supposed to be processing soon.
But like you said, it was just taking too long with the She-Ra Wave.
I'll grab them from Amazon since I don't have a preorder. One of the area comic shops here in CT posts their new stock on Instagram. They got this wave way back on Nov 6. Haven't been there all of Nov and Dec, but one of my last purchases there was the Clawful wave.
I need to have a word with BBTS about a figure I have a deposit on. I ordered the same figure from BBTS and a store in Japan. The figure from Japan arrived in July, while BBTS continues to change the arrival date at the begining of each month. I don't even care if it doesn't arrive, but I'm not going to cancel and lose my small deposit ($10.50). I'll give them a little while longer, but I'm going to have to ask them if they ever plan on getting this figure. The other store, HLJ, lists it as discontinued, so they don't plan on getting any restocks.
I only have She-Ra on order with BBTS. I'm not in any rush for her, so maybe I'll just let my BBTS order ride. I am tempted to get Ram Man from Amazon. I'm trying to limit my Cartoon collection figures but may get RM since his Origins figure is disappointing to me.
I got two Ram Man figures, one to keep with Cartoon collection, and one for the Classics scale Filmation set, since he fits in with them size-wise also. Second Ram Man is coming, but the first one I got has a stuck left knee. Be careful with yours. I haven't tried heat to loosen it yet, but it definitely feels like it could break if I force it.I only have She-Ra on order with BBTS. I'm not in any rush for her, so maybe I'll just let my BBTS order ride. I am tempted to get Ram Man from Amazon. I'm trying to limit my Cartoon collection figures but may get RM since his Origins figure is disappointing to me.
I got my Ram Man and Mantenna in from Amazon today (looks like She-Ra is coming tomorrow), but I also picked up an extra She-Ra at Wal-Mart. So, I do now have the entire set in hand. I always buy two of He-Man, Skeletor, and She-Ra in every MOTU/POP line since they are the main characters.
But I really like all 3 of these Cartoon figures. I think She-Ra is my favorite though. Great likeness on the head sculpt, and she really captures the look and feel of the Classic POP Cartoon.
But honestly, so do Mantenna and Ram Man. They all look great. This Cartoon Series in Origins has been a lot of fun.
I think The Origins Cartoon Series even had my favorite piece of 2024 in the Prince Adam and Cringer Set.
One of my She-Ra figures arrived today, and the hype is real. Her face sculpt is superb. Body proportions are excellent. I’m keeping that one carded until the second arrives so I can compare, but I’m looking forward to opening once that shows up.
Amazon has been sending me figures every two days. I got Ram Man on Friday, Mantenna on Sunday, and She-Ra arrives Tuesday. Mantenna arrived in a trashed package with bubble completely separated from the card. I had to look up whether or not he was missing an accessory. He doesn't appear to have one? Amazon shipped in one of those one-use boxes with the self adhesive. That also looked rough with clear tape holding both ends closed. USPS delivered and must've needed to tape up the box. I guess I'm lucky it even had a figure inside, lol. Ram Man had a perfect, unpunched card and delivered in a properly sized Amazon box, but I'm an opener 🤷
Never had the original Mantenna and it doesn't look like my younger brother has one either, since I have a box of his old figures.
Can't blame Mattel for a figure package being smashed, but I've been seeing that the adhesive they use to attach the bubble to the card has been weak on nearly every other figure. Half the time, if I squeeze the bubble a little, it'll separate almost entirely from the card.
@normdapito Yeah Transformers had that issue for a little while as well. Hopefully the factory gets a heads up about the issue and changes the adhesive they are using.
So any word on the possible Origins Rio Blast? The rumour seemed to indicate that today would be the day to have him go up for order on Mattel Creations. However nothing has shown up. I am going to assume he will show up later in the month.
I opened She-Ra, Mantenna, and Hordak yesterday. All are excellent figures. The evil Horde were really the first to experiment with new body types, getting their own individual sculpts. I thought that was really special when I was a kid, so I'm always gonna have a soft spot for that first wave of Horde. Antenna came out so nicely. No accessories, but an all unique sculpt. AND an action gimmick that works really well!
Hordak is great, I love the head sculpt. I saw on Reddit or somewhere that the arm cannon from the old Super7 "As Seen on TV" figure could fit this figure, but it doesn't. Regardless, I really like how the figure came out.
She-Ra is among the best figures in the line. The head and torso look completely new, and really elegantly sculpted. She also has an up-down hinge in her right hand! Her sword is a little thin; I felt like I almost broke it taking it out of the plastic bubble.