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Super Camel
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Yeah, BBTS must have got backed up, or product just isn't arriving as fast as they expected due to the holiday season.

Like you said, around Thanksgiving, and a little after I got notice stuff would be processing soon that still hasn't.  Like the next Cartoon Wave with She-Ra, Ram Man, and Mantenna.  And Necro-Conda.

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I'm not sure what you guys are talking about... I shipped an enormous pile of loot - over 25 figures -  and it arrived at my house yesterday exactly six days after they told me it shipped and less than two weeks after I hit the Ship button on my POL.    I did hit the ship button before I got the notice that my NecroConda was there that has to wait until there's enough stuff piled up in my PoL to be worth shipping it again.

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@panthercult we are talking about how long it takes for BBTS to get the items after they send the processing soon emails, not how long it takes for them to actually ship something once they have it.  They are always quick on that end for me.  Apparently they expected to get a lot of figures in from the manufacturers but then they all got delayed.

Funnily enough today I got the notice that my Shadow Demons and Dekkion had hit my PoL so I went ahead and shipped it, knowing full well that my doing so would create a deluge of arrivals of everything teased recently in "processing soon" emails.  Right after that I got notice that the OMF Kiloworg had hit my PoL and I fully expect the rest to follow this week, but I wanted to get the original PoL here before Christmas and time was running out.

NORM reacted
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@supercamel-1982 I think the only MOTU I have outstanding at BBTS that I received emails on are Necro-Conda and NE Evil Lyn.  I got She-Ra, Mantenna, Hordak, Man-e-Faces, and Tri-Klops all from EE (the latter three being held for Christmas opening).

Super Camel reacted
Super Camel
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There is word going round that the following will be coming to the Cartoon Line.

Fang Man
Shadow Weaver

Nice to see a unique Filmation character like Fang Man.  I was hoping they might get to him, Lizard Man, Batros, etc.

The Filmation character I always wanted in Classics was Dragoon.  Maybe they will make a Deluxe of him in the Cartoon origins line.

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@supercamel-1982 They have done a really good job with the Cartoon line, even though up here they are a bitch to get (can only get them through e-tailers, no regular retail).  Out of that list Grizzlor is the one I would not be interested in the most.  I actually prefer the vintage toy look over the cartoon look.

Heads up for Canadians on the board.  Dollarama (nationwide chain dollar store) has more MOTU stuff showing up.  Reported lately is the Chaos Attack playset from the CGI show, Origins Landshark and Windraider.  All $5Cdn each.   

Today I took a look but only saw the Chaos Attack playset.  However I did find the Mega Construx Battle Ram ($4.50Cdn) and larger 537 piece Battle Cat ($5Cdn).   Also a couple weeks ago I found the Roton Mega Construx set as well ($5Cdn).

So if you are in Canada and have a Dollarama near you it might be worth checking out.

Super Camel reacted
Super Camel
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Hells yeah!  Rio Blast on Mattel Creations on January 6th.  One more piece of the vintage collection puzzle.

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Posted by: @supercamel-1982

Hells yeah!  Rio Blast on Mattel Creations on January 6th.  One more piece of the vintage collection puzzle.

Glad to see him getting a release finally.  

Going by the $$ on the Creations teaser page I assume he'll be a bit more expensive than the more standard releases like Geldor.


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I just read something about a "invisible skeletor? its a translucent figure, anyone heard about this?

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Invisible Skeletor Cartoon Collection MOTU Origins Official 1

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That seems pretty episode specific, and I don’t remember it, so I’ll pass on that.

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I had no reference to the accessories.  I thought that was Orko's robe and according to an Instagram comment, He-Man throws the robe over an invisible Skeletor's shoulders to see him 😉 .  This kind of makes me want to buy him.

I have to remember to get Rio Blast. There's a few MC Origins figures I wanted, but unfortunately missed due to getting involved in something at work and forgetting to order. Look at me actually working instead of ordering action figures!

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Mattel should have done that with Orko instead of Skeletor

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That Skeletor is ridiculous... and yet, there is something oddly appealing about it... I don't know.   If I see it on a Target peg I will almost certainly buy it.

Super Camel
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I got pre order processing soon e-mails from BBTS for the next Wave of Cartoon Origins with Man E faces, Hordak, and Tri Klops.

I had received processing soon e-mails for the Wave before that a week or two ago with She-Ra, Ram Man, and Mantenna.  But they haven't shipped yet.  Necro Conda did ship though from BBTS though, so hopefully all this other stuff will soon too.

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