I need to start trimming down on toys, and Origins has long been on the chopping block. I got the main cartoon characters so far, but I think I can call them done. I did order Modulok since I had him as a kid. I just don't think there's too much more I feel I need. An Origins toy Two-Bad and Rio-Blast maybe being the last two I feel I need.
I never had Extendor, so I didn't go for him. Was tempted when they restocked him temporarily but just didn't pull the trigger. Geldor does next to nothing for me, so he was an easy skip. Was tempted by Demo Man, but I decided to keep to that line I drew in the sand. If Demo Man and Extendor were available elsewhere, I may have broken and gotten them. Just don't want to rush to decisions, which you have to do with Creations releases. They're almost last second announcements and can sell out within a day. I need more time to decide, dammit.
I don't even have to put up with the hassles those of you in Canada do, and I'm still losing enthusiasm in this line. MOTU is my favorite toy line/property too. But just the way they keep slowly putting out non cartoon figures that are almost always only on Mattel Creations, combined with how Mattel refuses to finish the vintage characters in a timely manner after promising us, before all was said and done with this line, they would complete.
I just want those final vintage characters, and I want them at a faster pace than 2 per year. If I was getting more vintage characters a year, I think I'd be a lot more excited about the line.
The Cartoon line kind of annoys me too. They look awesome in their toony form, but they are just making me buy Origins all over again, a second time at the end of the day.
I will say, when MOTU Origins and Masterverse are done, I will not start another MOTU toy line. I have every MOTU toy line to this point vintage-now. I just don't want to do it again.
I feel that about a lot of things currently. DC Multiverse, Star Wars Black Series, Marvel Legends. When they are done, I just don't want to buy anything from that property again. Because I have done it SO. MANY. TIMES!
But damn these toy companies. They just keep making new, updated, cool versions of these things I love. I think that's why I'm still pretty enthused about Masterverse. They keep putting out those awesome New Eternia figures. And though they are the same characters I have bought so many times, they are these really cool looking new takes on the characters.
They always nail giving you just enough new about the design, while still retaining what you know and love about the character from the past iterations.
I forgot, but I got in Geldor a couple days ago. I opened him up today. Cool figure. it's Geldor, for sure. And like I believe NORM mentioned, this guy has a lot of axes. And that's fine with me.
Did we need this character now? Was he a priority? No. But the figure looks good, and I'm happy to add Geldor to the collection.
Not being to find anything up here in Canada at retail did really help take the wind out of my sails, but it's already been a few years where I had to resort to getting everything online anyways.
I've got the Stranger Things skeletor two-pack I was able to grab from target online, and am hoping the He-man pack comes back in stock. Don't care about the Stranger Things figures and will sell them, but I feel like this Skeletor and He-man are the last hurrah from the line, and will be the two figures that I end up displaying while the rest go into storage until I decide to sell them. Which only reminds me of how many unopened boxes of big stuff I still have. I have unopened Wind Raider, Rotor, Stridor, and both Castle Grayskull and Snake Mountain sitting boxed in storage. I don't have space for playsets. I've become the keep it sealed and in storage collector I shake my head at.
I'll grab a Two-bad if it ever comes out, and have Modulok on order from BBTS, but I'm asking myself why. They're great toys, there's no denying it, but it's hard to get excited for anything at this point. Oh well, we'll always have the amazing Trap-jaw, who is easily my fav from the line.
@cmoney Looks good. That is a two pack I could get behind, but c'mon Mattel let's also get some more of the unfinished vintage characters.
That turned out nice. I like the figures and the packaging. Even though it's old concepts of Hordak and Grizzlor, I will definitely get this set and use them as unique Horde Raiders. I'll have to come up with some new names for them.
Maybe Gor-Ak and Tusk-Or.
I’m gonna skip that set. The designs don’t do anything for me.
Yeah, this set is kind of what I'm talking about. If Mattel were semi-regularly releasing the figures they literally promised they would make, then stuff like that two-pack would be a lot more appealing to me (as well as Demo-Man and Geldor). The longer we go without guys like Rio Blast, Two Bad, Saurod... maybe a Turbodactyl... the more likely it is those things will just never get made before this line prices itself out of existence or Mattel, the fans, or both, lose interest.
So I just cannot support these releases. Finish the vintage line and I'll be way more interested in continuing to add to that collection. I still want some Masks of Power Demons, Vikor, Vykron, Skelcons (and other army builders), etc etc. I -want- those things. But I cannot support them being made while Mattel is mostly ignoring the promise they made to get the vintage line finished up for those that supported the line all this time.
I actually love the idea of them doing figures of old concepts/designs. I only wish they'd do it sometimes for Masterverse too!
Has anyone else found Origins figures to be fragile? My Scareglow's leg snapped right off the other day when I was reposing and then my ToG Mikey (not Origins I know, but same plastic and all) fell off the 3rd shelf up on a bookcase onto carpet with padding underneath and his leg also snapped off. I haven't had this problem with Masterverse or even the older MOTUC figures (though I know there were some recurring issues with some figures like Green Goddess).
Looks like I will be replacing Scareglow and Mikey. Maybe Scareglow will be one of the rereleases in a cartoon collection case later on?
I only have Turtles of Grayskull stuff in the Origins style, but I have always thought they felt softer than most of the figures I'm used to handling. I'm almost surprised to hear that things snapped off on them, my feeling would've been that theyre more likely to tear than actually break.
It's interesting hearing folks finding their interest is waning - I LOVE this line but I'm in the same boat. I feel like I have most of what I want (I think not getting Rokkon slowed my roll a bit). I think they've done a magnificent job with the line so far but I also think I have most of what I want. I didn't even know Geldor went up for sale! I actually just ordered him this moment because there were a few Masterverse I'd skipped steeply discounted on Mattel Creations so why not, but I'm no longer auto-preordering everything that pops up. There are a few classic characters I would absolutely jump on, though.
I've been cherry picking the cartoon and TOG lines, but the slow trickle of 'main' Origins is definitely a downer.
I have never had anything break personally, but I also just put the accessories in their hands and stand them up in a very standard pose for display. So, I haven't bent the joints on the arms or legs too much.
That being said, I have read on here and other forums and seen in YouTube videos that people have had breakage issues with the arms and legs. ESPECIALLY the legs. And this seems to be common with all forms of these figures Mattel makes.
MOTU Origins, MOTU Origins Cartoon, MOTU/TMNT Crossover, WWE/MOTU Crossover, and the WWE Superstars line where they make Classic WWE Stars on the MOTU Origins bodies. All of them I have seen reports on leg breakage the most, but then also arm breakage where it bends at the elbow.
It seems like it got worse around the time the Cartoon Origins figures started coming out. Like maybe around then Mattel started using cheaper material. But I have heard these reports the entire history of the line.
I'm sorry that happened though man. Hopefully you can replace them easily.