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Masters of the Universe Origins

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I just placed an order, easy peasy lemon squeezy. Done by 12:02.

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Super Camel
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I placed an order too.  I got two of them.  But it was very easy, and I'd say I was done around the same time as you NORM.

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It's still available over an hour later.........IT'S THE END OF ORIGINS!!!!!!!!!!   DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ANYMORE!!!!!!   SCOTT "Toy Guru"  NEITLICH WAS RIGHT!!!!!!  🤣

I'm surprised that I am not getting in on this guy.   I think I have stretched myself too thin with all the lines I collect and this month has been a doozy thanks to the Cobra Rattler (and all the stuff showing up early).   I'm kind of on the "outs" with Origins right now, unless it is something I consider essential.   Probably because they have pooched me on Extendar (still says "processing" and no word back on if I can cancel.  Thanks MC).

Doesn't mean I am out completely, but Demo Man just doesn't hold much import for me in the MOTU universe, even though I know his history.

Hope everyone gets one, or more, if they want.   It should be interesting to see how long it lasts.

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I'm not super connected to Demo Man (after all, I've been pronouncing his name wrong all this time). But to me, there's no denying his visual impact on the collection. He pops so much. I would pair him with Vikor or Vykron if they made one for Origins. As is, he'll probably fight Wun-Dar or Keldor.

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Did anybody else see the supposed leak on-line about an upcoming origins two-pack for horde characters based on early concept designs for Grizzlor and Hordak?   It was posted to a Facebook group by user PlanetEternia -  I wish I could link to it from here...  


Hard to tell if it's mocked up customs but the post says it's an image obtained from a wholesaler.


If it were to be true, I'd be kind of excited because I always love all new characters being introduced.   But a little weird to release something like that before a vintage Horde figure like Blast Attak.   

Super Camel
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I hadn't heard that.  That is interesting though.  So new characters, but based off of unused concept art meant for Grizzlor and Hordak?  That sounds like a fun set.

But it is crazy to let something like that out when we still need 13 figures to complete the vintage collection.  I really wish Mattel would get on this a bit more.

Even today, I was excited to get Demo-Man, but I much rather would have knocked off one of the 13.

But hey, it's fun to get anything MOTU really.

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Toy Habit's got a post about it:

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I would put those with all the comic style figures we’ve gotten.

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Yeah... not gonna lie - I dig those and will be stoked if they are real.   

I think back in the days they might have coined a name for the one concept pic as Goretusk ... 


So, I will have to order two sets of these because in addition to adding them to the origins collection I always try to retrofit them into the Classics collection as well.   The Heads can usually port over pretty well and the parts are almost always borrowed from existing figures -   for the Goretusk (or whatever they'll name him) it's Squeeze thighs, Beastman torso and arms;  Grizzlor chest harness, boots and feet.    And for the other guy it's mosquitor boots,  Hordak right arm and just normal body parts with a Hordak armor...  yeah these shouldn't be too hard to cobble together I don't reckon.

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I am always hyped to get new characters for Origins, so I hope these are real. I feel for those who are eager to finish the originals but I have to ask, after they do, are you done? That’s likely why they’re dragging it out, they don’t want people to feel like they have a stopping point. Now they could always take too long and lose those people anyway, but I get their mindset even if it’s not a popular one. 

Edit: I just realized this concept art for Grizzlor…Origins is about to make ManBearPig. 

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So, I really like Demo-Man. I had the MOTUC version and he survived quite a few purges before I finally sold him off. While I was looking forward to this release, ultimately I decided not to order. And, while I know how this sounds, it was largely for FUCK MATTEL reasons.

Honestly. I'm so sick of this drip-feed release schedule that absolutely fucks over non-US collectors by making every figure ludicrously expensive. Bad enough that they're over-pricing the figures, but then you're going to add International shipping to -each- release? There's zero, fucking zero, reasons why they can't release multiple figures at a time. It's anti-consumer bullshit practices and I want nothing to do with it.

If Demo-Man is still there when Rio Blast comes out, I'll get them both. Otherwise Mattel can sell them to someone else. I know they don't care about my particular dollar. They'll get someone's dollar and that's all that matters. So I'm not deluding myself into thinking this matters to them, but still.. fuck 'em.

Super Camel
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To answer your question, I absolutely will not be done when they finish the vintage collection lineup.  I love this line and there is so much that can be done still.  The Cartoon Collection, Mini Comic characters, the POP vintage collection, New Adventures or 200X figures, concept characters etc.  I'm in on Origins until the line is done.

But all that being said, I want to be guaranteed I get all of the vintage collection in Origins form before the line ever ends.

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@supercamel-1982 that’s fair, I certainly wouldn’t want a World of Springfield situation with any of the vintage figures, I have seen some comments from people especially on FB who seem to only want the originals and nothing else, and I can understand the connection to previous releases but I find myself more excited for the new than a lot of the figures that are missing from the classic lineup, and I’m concerned about the long term health of the line once they’re completed. I didn’t necessarily need to buy the same characters all over again in their Filmation appearance but I’m glad they can use them to give the line a boost, and the crossover lines are so much fun to me, I can’t wait to see what Thundercats will be and I was never a huge Thundercats fan. I guess I’m as concerned about the line ending when they finish the originals as some people seem to be about them never being completed.

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I just got ship notice for Demo-Man, but I saw someone on Reddit already received it!

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My Demo-Man should be here any minute! They do go fast with those site exclusives. Looking forward to a similar quick turnaround when they FINALLY put the Masterverse Horde Trooper up.

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