Terroar was supposed to ship from Wal-Mart in a couple days. Now it looks like he's been pushed back a month. I'm kind of surprised. People have been finding Terroar and G'Rasp in stores for a while. And Lord G'Rasp shipped out from Wal-Mart.com last month to those who pre ordered.
I pre ordered an extra Terroar on BBTS when it went up to be safe. But it looks like as of now BBTS has taken Terroar and G'Rasp down. But they should get them back at some point, since these 2 are just timed Wal-Mart exclusives.
Looks like Demo-Man will go on sale on Mattel Creations at 12:00 PM EST on September 25th. Which is a Wednesday.
I will definitely get him, but man I wish they'd focus more often on finishing up the vintage MOTU line. We just have 13 left. Two of which we know are getting made soon in Rio Blast and Amazon Exclusive Modulok.
But Mattel is really making this last lol.
I am excited about demo-man though.
Do you guys pronounce it Demo as in demolition or Demo as in demon? I go with demolition, but that makes less sense for the character.
I say Demo like demon. Deemo man if you will. But you pronounce it however you want NORM. Words don't control us. Not yet.
I also pronounce it with the long-E sound... to me if you use the short E sound it evokes a guy who is showing off products for sale in a Costco or at the State Fair or something. Come kids, watch my demo of this cool new product...
My first instinct was always to pronounce it demo like demonstration of demolition. It only recently occurred to me that it could possibly be intended to sound like DEMON. Going forward, I'll try to remember that, but old habits die hard.
I always assumed Demo like Demon, but to be honest, I guess it never outright says Demo Man IS a Demon. I just know he is a being from another dimension merged with Keldors dying body. The merger drives Keldor insane but keeps him alive. And he eventually harnesses all the powers within him and becomes Skeletor.
Of course, Demo Man was originally just a concept sketch for Skeletor.
But I really do think it is pronounced Demo (Like Demon, long E) Man. I believe I have even heard people from Mattel say it that way, Including Scott Neitlich who I believe had a hand in creating this newer bio for Demo Man as a unique character during Classics. But again, it's your toys and your world. Say it how you want to say it. Skeletor is the Lord of Destruction. Lords of destruction demolish stuff. So........Demo like demolition or demolish makes sense too.
But if you pronounce it with a short 'O" I will always picture him with an apron and a nametag showing people how to use this amazing new product...
D-Mo man is how I see it being pronounced. Also with all the Pulse craze, I totally forgot this guy is coming out soon. My wallet!
I got in Terroar from Wal-Mart.com. I'm glad it finally shipped. I got G'Rasp last month and it seems like forever since I ordered him and Terroar. Glad to finally have them both.
I'm really excited about this Demo-Man figure coming up next week. Especially now knowing these cool extra heads come with him.
Had some bad luck with Mattel figures yesterday. The shoulder ring inside cartoon Clawful's shoulder has a chipped piece giving him a wobbly, easy to pop out shoulder. Then later that day I tore Becky Lynch's elbow joint within 5 minutes of opening the package.
I hate to hear that. I hate QC issues and breakages. I haven't had that happen with any MOTU Origins. But to be fair, I also haven't moved them around very much. I just put some weapons in their hands, maybe pop on an alternate head or something, then display them.
But I have definitely had breakages occur with other toy lines, and it blows.
Clawful being so new, can you return him from where you got him due to the issues he's having?
@supercamel-1982 Clawful, I can live with. I just have to push down and adjust his shoulder a little in the socket if I pose it. He and Spikor were bought at a comic shop and I'd hate to bug the local guys about an exchange. They're the only comic shop around here with no mark up on their Hasbro and Mattel figures. The other figure can go back to Amazon 😀.
First issue I had with Mattel's Origins style figure across the MotU and WWE lines.
Remember Demo-Man goes on sale today at noon Eastern time.