Lady Slither already sold out.
Huh, weird. She showed sold out for a while.
Dangit... totally forgot about the Lady Slither sale yesterday and missed out. I've only been buying Origins figures of characters that didn't appear in the vintage line up, but this is one I really wanted. I'm wondering if it will go back up for sale or if it's secondary market only for me..... bummer.
I ordered Lady Slither. Like someone else mentioned, she wasn't part of the original line, but she really seems like she could have and should have been. I missed/passed on Fang-Or, but something about this one I find way more appealing. I think she looks great.
I felt really dirty and shameful after spending $40 on Moss Man at a local Wal-Mart. In my defense, it was the only one they had. Nowhere near the toy section and was the only one I've ever seen. I figured I'll probably never come across one again because my Wal-Marts are the absolute worst ever.
I got a similar feeling of shame when I ordered Lady Slither today, but at least the extra parts and the fact that part of that cost is shipping makes it not feel as bad as ole Mossy...
I felt really dirty and shameful after spending $40 on Moss Man at a local Wal-Mart. In my defense, it was the only one they had. Nowhere near the toy section and was the only one I've ever seen. I figured I'll probably never come across one again because my Wal-Marts are the absolute worst ever.
I got a similar feeling of shame when I ordered Lady Slither today, but at least the extra parts and the fact that part of that cost is shipping makes it not feel as bad as ole Mossy...
Can't wait to find Moss Man on clearance at Ollies for $7.99 jk
I spent the $40 on him... I feel dirty too, but it's Moss Man. Can't pass him up and Mattel knows that. Not sure if he'll even get a second run.
I've been keeping an eye out but so far there's no Snake Mountains, as far as I can figure, in this part of Canada. I also haven't seen them being sold legitimately on yet. Just some bullshit secondary seller where it still comes up as 'fulfilled by Amazon' and was like 50-60 dollars more than it should be. Fucking people.
Nothing at any Walmarts or TRUs yet, though. I want this playset pretty bad. ALMOST bad enough to get it through BBTS, but that's a hefty shipping charge and I will almost definitely get nailed with customs on it as well.
The more I think about it, the more annoyed I am by this fan vote thing. Why is the Fright Zone on there? They said at SDCC during all the shuffling over to MC discussion that they were still committed to finishing the vintage line. Which the Fright Zone is part of. Which means the Fright Zone shouldn't need a vote - it should just be getting made as part of their little commitment to the fans that got them here thing.
It's giving me Fry's narrowed eyes at Mattel.
I agree, Fright Zone shouldn't be part of that fan vote. It doesn't fit with the "never been made" theme of the others. If FZ wasn't included, they'd get a much better unbiased vote, I think.
I also think if they release a Fright Zone, they better do something really good with the interior, in the way they made Snake Mountain twice as much fun as the original. I think FZ should be combined with the Slime Pit.
I felt really dirty and shameful after spending $40 on Moss Man at a local Wal-Mart. In my defense, it was the only one they had. Nowhere near the toy section and was the only one I've ever seen. I figured I'll probably never come across one again because my Wal-Marts are the absolute worst ever.
I got a similar feeling of shame when I ordered Lady Slither today, but at least the extra parts and the fact that part of that cost is shipping makes it not feel as bad as ole Mossy...
Can't wait to find Moss Man on clearance at Ollies for $7.99 jk
I spent the $40 on him... I feel dirty too, but it's Moss Man. Can't pass him up and Mattel knows that. Not sure if he'll even get a second run.
hahaha oh man, if we start seeing report of him at Ollies I will definitely lose my shit!
Yeah, I think you're right, and this is gonna be it for a flocked Moss Man in the line.
I've been keeping an eye out but so far there's no Snake Mountains, as far as I can figure, in this part of Canada. I also haven't seen them being sold legitimately on yet. Just some bullshit secondary seller where it still comes up as 'fulfilled by Amazon' and was like 50-60 dollars more than it should be. Fucking people.
Nothing at any Walmarts or TRUs yet, though. I want this playset pretty bad. ALMOST bad enough to get it through BBTS, but that's a hefty shipping charge and I will almost definitely get nailed with customs on it as well.
The more I think about it, the more annoyed I am by this fan vote thing. Why is the Fright Zone on there? They said at SDCC during all the shuffling over to MC discussion that they were still committed to finishing the vintage line. Which the Fright Zone is part of. Which means the Fright Zone shouldn't need a vote - it should just be getting made as part of their little commitment to the fans that got them here thing.
It's giving me Fry's narrowed eyes at Mattel.
I think we just have to be patient. I have only seen it online with local sellers, but they are all sold out now. So it is wait and see at the big retailers for me. Considering we are just at the beginning of stocking for the holiday season I can wait. I'm sure at least TRU will get some in stock, if not Walmart and others.
Speaking of Walmart, they have a few of one of the latest waves up on their .ca site. And for $18.58!! Managed to snag a Roboto (orange repaint) and Tung Lashor. Already have Snake Armour Skeletor, and unfortunately but not surprisingly Rattlor is sold out already.
Speaking of feeling dirty I did go in on one Lady Slither. I really like it so I don't feel too bad, but man just shy of $72Cdn for one is painful. I would have gone for two but with so many items coming up this month I had to stick with just one. Still nice to have it.
Now bring on Lady Slither's Lair (Snake Men Lair). I can't believe at the beginning of August I had only a couple of Snake Men and now I have 9 (with a possible 2 more soon). Yikes.
I got the final Wave before the Filmation switch today. The Wave with Spikor, Squeeze, Serpent Claw MAA, and Snake Eternian Palace Guard.
So happy to get Squeeze and Spikor.
Having Squeeze now, I was thinking, whenever my lady Slither arrives, I think I will have 11 unique Snake Men characters. (Thats not counting things like Snake Teela, or the Snake Palace Guard)
But I will have
King Hiss
Kobra Kahn
Tung Lashor
Snake Face
Fang Or
Lady Slither
Rattle Hood
Thats really cool. I would have loved to have had all those as a kid in the 80's. But even better, I have them now!
I never had ANY Snake faction growing up, even into Classics, I only got King Hiss. Origins has given me the most. I skipped the 4pk with three Snake Men and Fang-Or, but Creations already sent me a shipping notice for Lady Slither!
Just received Spikor, Sssqueeze, and two Skeleton Warrior packs. I don’t know if Spikor is huge or the skeletons are small, or both, but there’s a notable size discrepancy between them.
Spikor looks great, dead on to his vintage look with swappable left trident hand and extended version. Colors are perfect down to his cartoony eyes.
Sssqueeze is nice too. His arms are removable, but the shoulders have no hinges. His wrists are swivel/hinge though.
The Skeleton Warriors are great. The GitD plastic hides the sculpts though. They come with an arsenal of weapons like the ones in Castle Grayskull and Snake Mountain. The armors are the same sculpt with only orange and purple accents differentiating them. They can pull off a two handed sword pose, so that’s really impressive.
Very happy with this new batch. Glad I went in on two skeleton sets.
Hey, did anyone ever have Snake Mountain ship or hit their Pile of Loot at BBTS? I remember some of you saying you got e-mails saying it would process soon. I never got an e-mail saying that, but I wondered if any of you that did have had the playset ship yet (or hit POL).
Also, you are right NORM, there is a size discrepancy between Spikor and the Skeleton Warriors. The Skeletons are smaller than all the previous Origins figures. A bit slimmer and a bit shorter. But hey, they're skeletons! I got two packs like you did, and I was glad I did as well. They are such fun figures to have.
All this talk of Snake Men, I actually bought a flawless vintage Tung Lashor today. Loose, complete, and with mini comic. I had a vintage Tung Lashor already, but this one was just so much nicer.
Not even a single flaw, bend, crease, or tear in the tongue.