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I went with Doom Tower and Snake Lair too. Though I'm sure they could do some interesting things to expand the Fright Zone in ways they did for Snake Mountain. I'd like a shot at something brand new. Though a Filmation Attak-Trak looks like fun too. The Horde tank did nothing for me.

Super Camel
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I voted for the Fright Zone and the Snake Lair Playset.  Make no mistake, it's MOTU. Whatever it is, I'm backing it.  Like I said in a previous post, my two biggest wants are the Fright Zone and Slime Pit.  But any and all things for the Origins line I would back and buy.

I remember KnightsDamien mentioned the Preternia Dinos, AND Starship Eternia.  I'd buy all of that!  I'd also love someday a Palace Eternos Playset and the vintage Crystal Castle.  But like I said, any MOTU Origins item they put up to crowdfund, it's almost certain I will buy it.

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Interesting that they seem to be using a tiered voting system so if we all end up having the same second choice as some peoples' first choice, then that item is going to end up getting made because it has more likelihood of making most people reasonably happy versus a split between two things with 50% maybe not even wanting it at all.

It's actually a smart way to handle voting. I wonder if there's any other kind of voting we could use a system like that for.

So I went with ATTAK TRAK. It's the best choice. I've got a lot of nostalgia wrapped up in that stupid, ugly, boxy vehicle. And with Filmation Origins coming out next year, this is just such a natural piece to add to the collection. In fact, I'd say it's currently the only larger MOTU item (that I can see them actually making) that I need or even want in my collection after I track down Snake Mountain. It won't win, because they put a bunch of tertiary stuff next to the friggin' Fright Zone that virtually every MOTU fan has been asking for. So... not even sure what the purpose of this vote is.

That said, my second choice was not the Fright Zone. I strongly dislike that playset and I always have. I don't even think I'd buy it for 50 bucks at Walmart, let alone whatever inflated Mattel Creations Tax is going to get added on. And I think that try-hard tower thing is ugly and the least MOTU of these items. I'm sure there's something in here about me also just not liking the Horde at all or any of their junk, because I also thought the tank was lame as hell.

So obviously my second choice was ANOTHER ATTAK TRAK!
Except it wouldn't let me do that, so I picked the Snake Lair. Which I don't even really want. But if the price is really good and the playset turns out extra nice I -can- imagine picking it up. But I doubt it'll actually be priced well at all, being on MC. So really, what I'm saying is, I just want the Attak Trak.

@supercamel-1982 -- Crystal Castle would be cool and I could see that getting it's own MC Crowdfund because it would need like an entire wave of figures to go with it or there's no point to even making it. But crowdfund a Crystal Castle with Bow, Flutterina, Glimmer, and Frosta figures, for example, and I can see it selling.

An Eternos Palace would be -awesome-. I can definitely see them at least considering it to go with all the Filmation figures, but I guess we'll see. I'm not going to get my hopes up. At least Dinos and Starship Eternia were vintage toys, even if I think even those things have very little chance of ever happening.

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Don’t care for the Attack Track.  Never really cared for the Filmation cartoon, (although I will be buying the Origins Filmation figures) so any driving force of nostalgia for Filmation stuff is limited.  And the cartoon Attack Track design is just boring.  It feels like it wandered in from another universe.

The Tower looks nice and evil but doesn’t seem like it would have much play value.  And like KD said, it doesn’t seem very MOTU.

Fright Zone is and always has been a bit boring.  I think I must have moved on from the original line by the time it came out, so once again very little nostalgic appeal for me.  It’s ok.  And could work fine to have figures fight/pose on.  Just a bit boring.

The Horde Tank is probably my number two pick (unless I crack on Fright Zone).  I had started moving away from MOTU by the time Hordak arrived.  Had a few of the Horde but they as a group don’t mean much to me.  I’ve come to like the Snakemen more.  I do think a giant tank with Hordak’s face on it is rather appealing though.  Just so stupidly evil and ego-maniacal.

Snake Lair is my number 1 pick.  I was just looking at the back card art for Origins Fangor and saw the Snake Lair.  Immediately loved it.  As stated earlier, I’ve come to love the Snakemen and find a playset for them to call home is super appealing.  I don’t even have Snake Mountain (I have little attachment to the design) but may some day crack if it comes down in price.  The Snake Lair is just more appealing to me.  And it could even work with 3.75” Cobra figures from GIJoe.  Maybe paint the cobra head gold  to make that work more.

I’m assuming Fright Zone will win, since a lot of Origins fans just want to replicate the original line.  Attack Track could do well due to its prominence in the original cartoon.  I have seen a number of people picking the Snake Lair (which would potentially have the most bang for the buck), so it could stand a chance.  It’ll be interesting to see what the results are and what the price ends up being. 



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I went with Snake Lair & Doom Tower. 


Like others, Fright Zone never did much for me. 

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If they do the Fright Zone, I would want them to dramatically upgrade it so it looks like SOMETHING instead of just a dark stretch of Eternian real estate, but that kind of defeats the purpose to their approach to Origins.  

Also, I don’t know if you guys have enjoyed these as much as I have, but here’s part 3 of Ssstolen:

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That animation is so smooth and dope.

Super Camel
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Has there been any word on when that last Rulers of the Sun 3 Pack will be coming out at Target? 

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Love that animation, and nice to see Mek-A-Neck getting some love.

I went for the Snake Lair and Horde Tank as my two picks.

Snake Lair is just a perfect addition to the playsets/castles of the line, and I missed out on Eternia ($1200Cdn was just way too much).  So as a consolation prize I would love the Snake Lair.  Also it does look great and well designed to fit in with the other castle aesthetics.  I do worry about what the price would be from MC.

The Horde Tank was just so out of left field, and crazy cool that I couldn't help but pick it as my second choice.  Plus if that Horde Trooper for scale is even remotely accurate it would be an absolute BEAST of a tank.  And you can't go wrong with any vehicle with Hordak's face right on the front.

The Fright Zone is nice, but I just don't know that even with all that "extras" in the pictures if it would be worth it for an inflated crowdfunding price.  I'm sure it will be made sooner, rather than later, but it wasn't a big want for me to start.

Doom Tower looks funky and could be an interesting playset, but I don't love it enough to vote for it.  Also it looks like it should  be part of a playset rather than the whole playset itself. 

Attack Track looks great, and spot on to the show, but I really hate the look of it and the way the treads work.  As someone else mentioned it reminds me of the Mystery Machine from Scooby-Doo, and while I am not against a box on treads (I did get the HISS), I don't want this before other items.

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I just hit ship on a pile of Origins and Masterverse. Looking forward to Squeeeeze and Spikor and the Skeleton Warriors. I might make Scareglow their general. 

Space Cadet
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Voted for Fright Zone and the Snake Lair but I don't know if I need another giant base that I have no attachment to. I would get the Fright Zone without a doubt though.

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Posted by: @supercamel-1982

Has there been any word on when that last Rulers of the Sun 3 Pack will be coming out at Target? 


No, but I just approved yet another delay for my pre-order.  This is like the 7th or 8th one I think.


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I just got around to opening Snake Mountain after getting it in the mail a few weeks ago.  I love this playset.  There are so many fun little details and I especially like that figures can be displayed sinking in the swamp or whatever that is.

I also found Moss Man yesterday.  I picked him up, but may return him.  To think that he cost 1/2 the price of a large playset is kind of crazy.  He looks nice and I get that flocking is extra money today, but I feel kind of stupid for letting myself get ripped off.  If a normal deluxe is $22, I don't know how flocking justifies $18 more.

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Yeah, Moss Man is a rip off. But I'd rather have him than not have him. He fills a significant hole in the collection.

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That is kind of where I'm at with Moss Man.  $40 is more than I want to spend on him but if it's that or not having him then I think I'd rather just bite the bullet.  I don't see Mattel re-releasing him later unflocked for less.


Lady Slither is up on MC.  I think I'm actually going to draw the line on this one.  $44.57 after shipping and tax for a character I honestly didn't know existed before she was revealed.  Unlike Moss Man this figure doesn't fit in my "recreate the vintage line" goal either.

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