Anyone know where I can get a PO in for comic Man E Faces? Amazon canceled my PO, and BBTS and EE have both sold out. Why is this a challenge? Is he really in demand? I’m trying not to get anxious about it, but I’d like to not miss this figure and would prefer to have a PO secured. Has there been any explanation as to why Amazon canceled their orders?
With how nuts this line has been to buy I am surprised how easy I was able to get Moss Man. All out of dumb sheer luck at that. But still struggling to get my pre-orders of the Snakemen from a year ago off EE.
Just had to approve a delay for Spikor and Ssssqueeze on Amazon. Sounds like this wave might be a bit delayed.
BBTS has Snake Mountain processing soon. I missed the Amazon preorder and thought BBTS would keep me waiting a while.
I decided to go ahead and ship my PoL yesterday, so of course Snake Mountain is now about to hit. You're welcome.
So, have you all seen that September 5th a MOTU Crowdfund will be announced by Mattel? Apparently, there will be options to vote for which item gets offered as the Crowd Fund Project. My main concern at this point is finishing the vintage MOTU collection. So, I hope vehicles or playsets from that are among the items to vote for.
At SDCC it was hinted that it was likely Slime Pit and Fright Zone would be Crowd Fund Items/Mattel Creation Exclusive items.
So, hopefully they are among the items to vote for.
Also, I have two Snake Mountains on pre order at BBTS and have since day one. I have yet to get the e-mail they are processing or coming soon. Hopefully I do some time soon. I can't wait to get this playset.
@supercamel-1982 I kind of hope we get a left field option like a 'Preternia Pack' with the giants, a turbodactyl, and a bionotops. Something that they're just never going to release any other way. Like, with the rest of the vintage line going to MC to make room for the Filmation stuff at retail, it seems like the Slime Pit is a shoe-in to happen because it IS part of the vintage line that everyone remembers. Whereas the dinos and giants really fall into that category of stuff that would be great to have, but many/most MOTU fans never actually owned and therefore don't consider an absolutely essential part of a new collection. Like Eternia was.
OR.. hear me out... Starship Eternia with a bunch of NA He-Man Origins figures. Flogg would look GREAT as an Origins figure.
I just really hope we get a new Tyrantisaurus before this line ends...
Has anyone else seen this? It's making the rounds on Twitter. I've been impressed with Mattel's output for the Origins line but this is a surprisingly lazy effort.
I just got e-mails from BBTS saying Spikor, Squeeze, and that whole wave will be shipping soon too. I still haven't got any e-mail about Snake Mountain though. I have 2 of them pre ordered, and I want them! Hopefully, I get something about them soon.
Snake Infiltrator Eternian Guard also about to hit.
Moss Man is one of my favorites and getting an Origins version would have been fun.....but not at the price they decided to set him at. Absolutely unacceptable. I've seen Panthor hit clearance more than once in my area, and although I am not optimistic that the same will happen with Moss Man, I'll wait it out before I tell Mattel with my wallet that this price is OK with me.
I managed to preorder King Randor (the first version) when we got another chance and I'm looking forward to him in the coming months.
I don't know about the line being done, but I'm close to it. Got just about everyone I want. I would like to get a Swift Wind for my She-Ra to ride before it's over. My girls love unicorns.
For me the crowdfunding poll was easier than I expected, I know the Fright Zone is the classic release but I find the Snake Lair and the Doom Tower much more enticing on a purely aesthetic level. What did you guys vote for?
Where was the poll?
Where was the poll?
I wondered the same thing, but I found it. Probably going to be Fright Zone and Snake Lair for me. I was honestly hoping for the giants but oh well. The price might scare me away from any of it.
Also, Lady Slither goes up on MC next Tuesday. $35, so ouch, but I'll grab one or two for sure. I've decided Origins is the line I'm going to splurge on a bit.