Personally I'm a little disappointed at how basic her body sculpting looks. She looks like a barbie doll. Give her at least a little bit of musculature and curves...the heads and all the equipment are amazing though!
Also, is it just me or are her knees really, really low? Just overall weird proportions.
@toonturts I did a Google search and it looks like the earliest release was 2021. So maybe a year, or two, before that would have been the first reveal. That would put it close to the earliest reveals for the Origins line which started in 2020 (reveals in 2019).
Which would make some sense in that if Mattel was ramping up to release new MOTU product they would get things going in house and any licensee would try and get close to the release as well.
I believe that the first Mondo MOTU figure was revealed in July 2015, so this line has been around for a long while.
Personally I'm a little disappointed at how basic her body sculpting looks. She looks like a barbie doll. Give her at least a little bit of musculature and curves...the heads and all the equipment are amazing though!
Also, is it just me or are her knees really, really low? Just overall weird proportions.
I like that she comes with a really cool looking sheath for her sword, I love the snake armour, the head sculpts look good but the main head seems like a slight downgrade to what was shown at D-Con in December 2023, so that is disappointing. It may just be the final paint job that they have decided to go with, isn't quite as good as the earlier one.
I think you are right about her knee positioning. It seems like her upper legs are a tad too long, (with not enough musculature like you say), and her lower legs are a tad too short.
I don't like how her knee pads seem attached to the top of her boots, or they sit loosely so they slip down onto her boots, as they then don't cover her knees properly.
I will be getting her still, as there aren't enough female characters in a line like this, so I need to get the few that there are in order to feel like I have a balanced collection. I pick and choose with this line, I certainly don't get every figure, but this is a fairly happy pick-up for me.
Didn't know she's been up since the 2nd. Those kneepads were unnecessary. It's like they were stuck on designing them in a way to attach to the boot top. Instead of designing some kind of free moving kneepad, they decided to lower her knees. Nobody would've been questioning a lack of knee armor. She-Ra has high boots, so she has higher knees?
I didn't notice the knees from whatever Con she was at, so maybe in hand it won't be too noticeable.
Didn't know she's been up since the 2nd. Those kneepads were unnecessary. It's like they were stuck on designing them in a way to attach to the boot top. Instead of designing some kind of free moving kneepad, they decided to lower her knees. Nobody would've been questioning a lack of knee armor. She-Ra has high boots, so she has higher knees?
I didn't notice the knees from whatever Con she was at, so maybe in hand it won't be too noticeable.
At the Con, I don't think she had soft-goods at the top of her boots on that prototype, they looked sculpted. As a result of the change, the soft goods don't seem to support the weight of the loose knee pads very well, so the knee pads fall down lower than her knees instead of covering the knees fully.
Perhaps this is something that they can fix before release.
Mondo video discussing the new Teela figure (starts around 9:40)
New reveal - Trap-Jaw (mini comic version) - BBTS exclusive limited to 1000 pieces
...and it looks like it's gone.
...and it looks like it's gone.
Looks like its back now>
It looks like one or two people may have cancelled their pre-order so there are a tiny amount of the 1,000 left!
It is now sold out again, so those extra couple of Mini Comic Trap Jaws that were briefly available have been snagged up by eager collectors. I can't blame them, this is a cool figure and is a new silhouette for the line, as it has He-Man's lower half and left arm combined with most of Trap Jaw's top half. It's not really a new sculpt in the traditional sense, but a new silhouette is certainly something that adds to the quality of the figure and isn't something to be sniffed at.
I wonder when it will show as 'sold out' on Mondo's own website. Perhaps after the BBTS exclusive Batman figures sell out on BBTS.
Does anyone know which character is on the bottom right of the box art:
Does anyone know which character is on the bottom right of the box art:
It appears to be one of the guards who is chasing Trap-Jaw when Skeletor finds him in the original mini comic 🙂