Hmm, tempting, if only to have that creepy body in black for other Mythic customs. Cloth goods are really nice, and Dorklair's review really shows off the new articulation they're adding into new figures. No need for a blood puddle or a big clock though.
I feel it's the same as Sun Wukong, a great figure that I have no connection to and will end up in a bin in the toy closet for 99% of it's life. Of course, I'm still tempted when I see Sun Wukong go up for sale, so there's a non zero chance I may pick him up down the road.
I already have a 4H-sculpted Mumm-Ra as a spell caster on my skelly shelf so when I first saw this Red Death in all of its robes, I decided to pass because he's visually similar to Mumm-Ra. Then I went to show my wife an hour later and saw the photos of this figure disrobed and we both liked it a lot more without the robes, enough that I grabbed one after all. Without his robes, he has a certain Tarman resemblance that I really enjoy.
I figured this was going to be a kind of reaper type figure with that clock teaser. I didn’t think Father Time like some since this would be the Halloween figure of the year and assumed it would be more horror centric. I knew it wouldn’t be THE grim reaper though since they’ve got that coming in Mythic Legions already. I didn’t think of the Red Death, but it’s perfect as it’s another literary horror legend like the Horseman.
I did see someone suggest Scrooge and the ghosts for Christmas at some point and I love that idea. Just not sure they have the buck for those yet, certainly not Scrooge at least. Maybe an ogre size body for Present and a skeleton or this red death kind of body for Yet to Come? Might work for Marley too? So I don’t think we are there just yet. I’d think more something like Jack Frost this year.
Man, this is a creepy AF figure. It looks evil. A smart choice, considering all the skellies they are releasing next year, he'd fit right in with Necronominus' crew.
Pass for me, I'm not much of a ghoul guy. But loving the range of the new articulation. I hope this body is what goes underneath the wizard's robes in the future.
Was hoping for something more "fun" Halloween than truly scary Halloween, but I suppose this makes sense. If they made something like a Mothman or Jersey Devil, or even just a parody of a Vincent Price / Caretaker trope, I'd probably go for that. I wont be buying this, though I really like the grandfather clock. That would look great in someone's Haunted Mansion-style diorama.
Thankfully I have enough Mythic Legions coming my way to warrant saving some money this go-round.
This may be my favorite thing the Four Horsemen have ever done. It’s legitimately horrifying, like viscerally unsettling. I love it very much.
I went from "neat but pass" this morning to "all in" this evening. Around noon a memory of reading Poe's story in middle school was unlocked and I decided I needed this figure.
This was not for me, unfortunately, it looks too gruesome for me honestly. Besides I don't even have any cash right now for something like this.
The DorkLair review pushed me over the edge. The nods to Edgar Allan Poe, the inclusion of the short story and that sweet clock (and raven at the top!) just make this a really great overall package.
The more disturbing, the better. This guy was an instant buy for me.
I'm actually rather thrilled at how many folks find the figure so legitimately creepy.
@runestonecowboy Go ahead. Ask me what rabbit hole I fell down for three hours this afternoon. I was going to do laundry.
Because I've been cleaning house I put up a few older Four Horsemen on ebay today (Ramathorr from Seventh Kingdom and the early templars from Mythic Legions) and they sold in under an hour. That with some other stress today pushed me into grabbing this as my first Figura Obscura. Love that it's a Poe reference, the fig itself is gorgeous, and the dio piece with it just makes it perfect.
Can't really afford Mythic Legions the way I'd like (and I'm running low on space, hence the cleaning out), but I think I'll hang on to this one for a long while.
I passed on Red Death. I don’t have much attachment to the source material. And frankly, it just becomes too expensive after taxes and shipping ($80). Again, it looks nice but I need to be a little more discerning with my purchases.