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Secret Wars Anniversary Retro Card Wave

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I really like the plastic used on this wave. I was comparing Secret Wars Cap with 20th Cap and Secret Wars in noticeably heavier. I mean very noticeable. My 20th Cap's joints have gotten looser overtime, not horribly but definitely looser. I don't feel like that will happen with Secret Wars Cap.

NORM reacted
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If anyone is interested in upgrading an older figure, retro Captain America shares the same blue with Secret Wars Cap. The heads can be swapped so the unused SW head can be put on the Retro body.

sgtstinky reacted
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OK...   Secret Wars Wave 2 -  who says no?



















TheGillMan, puckace, rocko and 2 people reacted
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Besides your list, @panthercult, my big wants from Secret Wars is an updated Wrecking Crew.

Lucid Silverback, Akatsuki, puckace and 1 people reacted
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@normdapito I totally get that.   

The problem with the Wrecking Crew is that 4 figures is an overwhelming amount to put in a single wave -  it's not feasible  from a market perspective to take up 2/3 of the wave with that contingent of villains.   Even putting two in a second wave and two in a third wave is probably too much, frankly.     But... there's no way they can drip feed them one at a time into waves like this because the Secret Wars imprint isn't going to last another 4+ waves.   So how do you get it done?     


Maybe they can consider an Amazon Secret Wars 5-pack...   Wrecking Crew and Thor in Secret Wars trade dress?     It would depend how much new tooling would be necessary to pull that off probably.     

Or maybe two three packs...   Thor,  Thunderball and Bulldozer  and a second with  Captain America(?) or Iron Man (??), Wrecker and Piledriver.     

But pulling off a group of four semi-mort villains like the Wrecking Crew all at once is tricky business for a line like this.


I said somewhere else, the other thing I'd love would be a Fan Channel Secret Wars 2-pack of Black leotard Thing and FF Costume She-Hulk,  representing their swap coming out of Battle World.  Maybe there could be a series of those Fan Channel 2-packs;  to round out Secret Wars cast ....  Thor and Bulldozer,   Wasp and Thunderball,  Storm and Wrecker,  etc...


Or maybe the Wrecking Crew will have to find their way into the line outside of the Secret Wars branding...

puckace and NORM reacted
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I like your choices, but I'd substitute a new Absorbing Man on the latest Luke Cage buck instead of Daredevil. But aside from that, solid wave I'd happily pick up!

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I think Wrecking Crew just needs to be a box set of the four. Make it Amazon exclusive, assuming they're not shying from those kinds of sets as the Spider-Man Villains, X-Men Villains, WCA sets languish. They obviously shouldn't be as big as the previous Hasbro offerings. But maybe the Pym jump suit body could work for Wrecker? I don't know of an updated bruiser body. I feel like Vulcan is close, but definitely seems small for the rest of the Crew. Maybe the 2pk Punisher body? I think they've gotta be around the size of modern Luke Cage from the 2pk.

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That's a solid wave 2 lineup PC.

A box set of the Wrecking Crew is the obvious way to go. I like the 2-pack idea too though, and it seems like the best way to get unique/dedicated figures of the Crew if they're packed with more mainstream characters to ensure sales and offset costs. The 3-3/4" Marvel Universe line released some of them that way. Wrecker was solo packed, and the other three came in Secret Wars themed 2-packs.

NORM reacted
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Wrecking Crew could come in a boxed set with Thor.   The big boxed sets are typically 5 figures.  Packing in Thor as an anchor for the boxed set would help sell the idea to retailers.   Thor could have a bearded head, whereas something like a Secret Wars carded Thor could be non-bearded.

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I feel like that's probably too much Thor for any Secret Wars tie in and bearded Thor wasn't involved in any Secret Wars shenanigans


Characters that were tied in to Secret Wars II (which is apparently fair game given the Beyonder's appearance in wave 1) and make more sense than bearded Thor:   

Rachel Summers Phoenix,  Armadillo, the New Mutants - including Magma, Doug Ramsey and Warlock,  Power Man and Iron Fist, Hate Monger, Malice, Kingpin, Psycho Man, Jarvis,  Molecule Man, Volcana, The Rose,  Starfox, Wasp, Nebula, Firelord,  Dazzler,  Alpha Flight - including Box and Talisman, Diamond Lil, Kurse,  Vance Astro, Dr. Strange,  Power Pack (Zero-G, Energizer, Mass Master, Lightspeed and Tattletale),  Mephisto,  In-Betweener, Eternity, Living Tribunal, Gardener,  Cloak, Dagger,  Micronauts (Acroyear, Marionette, Bug, Huntarr, Scion, Biotron II, Devil, Solitaire),  Beta Ray Bill, Loki,  red costume Iron Fist, Misty Knight, Nick Fury,  Baron Mordo, Absorbing Man, Titania, Abomination, Dr. Octopus, Vanisher, White Queen, Kraven the Hunter, Silver Samurai,  Vulture, Hobgoblin, Wizard, Wrecker, Kang, Anaconda, Batroc, Crimson Dynamo, Diablo, Graviton, Living Laser, Mole Man, Blastaar, Ringmaster, Puma, Valkyrie, Gargoyle, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Moondragon, Zarathos, Namor,  Starjammers (Hepzibah, Raza), Uatu the Watcher, Silver Surfer


And that's not counting the main line ups of the X-Men, Avengers and Fantastic Four - most of whom appeared in Secret Wars 1.

TheGillMan reacted
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I’d love to get updates of Absorbing Man and the Wrecking Crew. I’d like them bigger like on a body similar to Hercules—which is such a great big muscular sculpt. Pinless would be ideal. 

Volcana would be amazing. And a larger Magneto like with a build similar to Vulcan. 

An actual classic armor Dr. Doom would be super nice to finally get in Legends  

Colossus could use a full redo as well. 

puckace and NORM reacted
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I feel like Secret Wars is maybe not the place for true classic comic Dr. Doom figure.    I'm betting there will be opportunity surrounding the Fantastic Four film to take advantage of that and feel like he could even get treatment similar to Kang in his time chair -  get a nice classic armor Dr. Doom with a throne as a deluxe offering -  for Pulse Con after the FF movie comes out.     


The X-Men have a lot of other opportunity as well so not totally sure this line would be where a revised Colossus would best come in.   


But who knows what Hasbro will do or if Secret Wars will be anything more than a one-and-done sub-line. 

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Posted by: @panthercult

OK...   Secret Wars Wave 2 -  who says no?



















I would buy that 2nd wave in a heartbeat! Spidey might be the only one I pass on unless he was on the RYV body as I don't have a classic Spidey on that buck. I bet though with Maximum Spidey coming this year  a Spidey won't be in wave 2. Maybe a new Doc Ock since he was in that wave? or Hobgoblin?


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Posted by: @sgtstinky

I would buy that 2nd wave in a heartbeat! Spidey might be the only one I pass on unless he was on the RYV body as I don't have a classic Spidey on that buck. I bet though with Maximum Spidey coming this year  a Spidey won't be in wave 2. Maybe a new Doc Ock since he was in that wave? or Hobgoblin?


Oh, I think they would put a red/blue Spidey in the wave if for no other reason than to get Target/WalMart et al to carry it.   They have to have big names in the wave for retail to hop on board  -  Spidey makes sense thematically and as an anchor to ensure retail interest.     Doc Ock or Hobgoblin don't move the needle for a Target corporate buyer the way Spider-Man does.


sgtstinky reacted
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If they released a red/blue Spider-Man with a more classic Ditko head on the AF15 body, it would sell even better than the symbiote Spidey in wave one. I know a lot of people prefer the RYV body, I just find it too be too big/tall - especially for a classic Spidey. 

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