Spotted my first one of these at Target — Beyonder. Left it, got all I need.
So what happened to his alternate head? It seems this was supposed to be the sculptors original intention. Even the regular head doesn't seem to be proportioned the same.
Those sculpted renders of the heads look pretty good. Way better than the released figures versions. If the same sculptor did those dried peas for shouders though, boo for that sir.
"Dried peas" - yep, that's what they look like.
Finally saw these at Target...
Was tempted to pick up another Wolverine to keep carded, but figured I'd leave for someone who doesn't have him yet.
Just nice to finally see some new Marvel Legends in the wild!
Finally saw a restock a couple days ago at my Target. Wolverine and Spidey were already gone. Left the other 4 for someone else as I already got them from Amazon. Today they were all gone.
I know they've been in my area Targets, but I hadn't seen any until today. One Titania left, who I bought another to remove the excess purple. I canceled my extra Titania preorders after BBTS shipped expecting to easily come across her in store.
If I find a Titania on the shelf at Target I will definitely pick her up - despite already having her. One, just to give another sale to promote the idea that female figures don't rot at retail - but two - large lady base bodies can be useful. I might start by using her to do the cleavage repaint, and then if I like that, use the other one I have a s a potential base for another bigger gal that needs doing.
It won't be Volcana just yet, because I'm hoping Hasbro will actually release her. Maybe Diamond Lil if I can find the right head... she's supposed to be 6 foot 4 - though maybe not as thicc ... hmm
@panthercult I think the purple can be removed from the flesh colored area of her torso with acetone or the like. You don't even have to worry about avoiding acetone contact with the dark purple parts of the torso because that's purple plastic. The exposed chest is also flesh colored plastic. There's just the little end bit that continues to the lower torso where acetone will only reveal dark purple underneath.
Loving the plastic quality on this Spidey. Wish Retro Venom had plastic anywhere near this stiff and matte. Even after spraying him with two layers of Dullcote, he's still more rubbery than Secret Wars Spiderman. I do wish they'd find a way to seal the white paint they use on his body, or harden it, it feels relatively soft and thick like Venom's and I'm afraid I'm going to scrape it just the same.
Happy to have found a fresh restocking of the wave at Target early Sunday morning. I was finally able to grab Wolverine-the only one I wasn't able to preorder at Gamestop. I have to say right now he is my favorite Wolverine. I may be in the minority but I prefer this body than the 85th anniversary Astonishing Wolverine. Somehow Astonishing has more articulation but seems more limited to me especially with dumbbell head joint. The brown suit has always been my favorite look.
I have to admit, Wolverine from this wave has grown on me. No, it's not the ideal brown i'd want. I don't love those head sculpts. And those tiny shoulders are not it. BUT with some head swaps, he definitely jumps a few notches. The sculpted trunks help. The pinless limbs are preferred. The claws are great. I'm definitely satisfied with this figure.
But are you satisfied enough that you are happy you own six? 🙂
But are you satisfied enough that you are happy you own six? 🙂
Oddly, I am! Well, I haven't been ready to let go of the extras I have just yet. It kind of helps that the cost of the one I ordered got reduced by the case they delivered. I even received a slightly cheaper one that I ordered from Deep Discount and forgot about. If I had paid full price for just one, I'm sure my satisfaction level would be different.
It's ridiculous how much the comic accurate hairy arms really put him over the top for me. I just instantly see John Byrne's version of Wolverine.
My Cap came in at Gamestop yesterday and I am pleasantly surprised that the 20th Cap's masked head is not as much of a color difference as I feared. It works enough for me to use it on Secret Wars Cap so now lots of head options. The smiling head is cool but probably the one I will use the least. I just love the colors on all the figures in this wave. The just pop and scream comic book to me. Just waiting on Titania and Beyonder to come in now. I sure hope they do a second wave and put the more articulated Daredevil in it since he was in the original 2nd wave. Probably my most wanted figure since he was only available in a 3 pack and 2 pack.