So the 2/3 of the set I was able to order from Amazon are here with me and they are wonderful... the two I had to order from BBTS - Beyonder and Wolverine - hit my Pile of Loot, but are not yet in hand - but will be soon.
I really do hope this is not a one and done line. I want more.
I want to get Captain America, Spider-Man & Beyonder. I have only seen Iron Man at Gamestop. I'm sure I will come across them somewhere in stores or online when I'm ready for them. I don't like that Cap has the broken shield but I prefer this version over some of the previous versions that were released but not easy to find now. Then I remembered Ollie's has Cap Bucky. So I bought one of those figures for the shield for like $7.
The Wolverine I ordered through Amazon was delivered today... x6. I'm sure many of you know, I buy multiples of most figures. But this was an order of a single Wolverine from Amazon, I double checked. I was charged for only one, but they sent a case of six. The case was pretty crushed too, so five of the six had smashed bubbles. Fortunately, one was in pristine condition thanks to the others padding him. So there's one to keep carded, but I've already opened two of the crushed.
I have some gripes that I definitely anticipated. I hate hate hate the tiny shoulders. I don't understand why they went with those. I'm not in love with the "cut" of his costume - I prefer a wider taper of the brown from his midsection to his belt. I also prefer brown, not whatever this red-orange is. But that's really about it. While the heads seem a little too specific, with that smirk and the beady eyes, I think they have a lot of personality. There are definitely heads I prefer, but I don't mind these. They do resemble Art Adams' work to me, and I enjoy that. I will likely play around with extra masked and unmasked heads to see if there are some that color match. But I'm digging him more than Iron Man or Cap as far as redos go. Cap is actually fine, just needs a shield. This Wolverine is really growin on me though.
Got Cap from Amazon. I don't buy a ton of Legends but I have soft spot for Captain America so I generally pick them up. He's so much what I want from a Captain America figure but the planned obsolescence is obvious. This figure has the best and the worst of what Hasbro makes.
First off, I know people hate to hear it, but Secret Empire Cap is the best Cap they've ever made. It's clear they can do better Caps. He's got flesh-toned plastic for his face rather than these ugly painted flesh tone faces they've done on recent "main" Caps. The Secret Wars Cap face, on my copy, is horribly-painted especially around the mask edges. The paint is clearly too thick on the eyes because they're just a blobby mess. The face sculpt looks soft due to the thick paint.
The ab crunch sucks. It barely functions and when you pull it back, it exposes a HUGE gap. Clearly Cap's design could fit an upper-body barbell torso, the sculpt is *right there*. Again, Secret Empire has this articulation instead of the ab crunch, and not only can he crunch better than Secret Wars Cap, but he can rotate and tilt his body.
The shield. I'm not even going to get into it because all these C clip shields suck, but it's pretty obvious that most people just want a good shield over the gimmick ones. I'm still using the MCU ones with the rubber straps whenever possible.
The positive: Love the colors, I've always wanted a light-blue Cap, like MvC2-style. The newer pinless knees are way sturdier than most pinned legends which have felt really wobbly as of late. I like the helmet wings molded in a soft white plastic. He just looks like a nice, bright, TOY. But like, he really could be SO MUCH BETTER if Hasbro gave it 100%. Which apparently since they're a publicly-traded company is illegal for them to give us what we want. Lol.
I’ve got to disagree about the new Cap. It’s the best one they’ve made yet, and it directly addresses some issues I’ve heard collectors complain about with prior Cap figures. We get the smiling head people wanted since back when Capwolf came out, plus a bonus angry head. It’s in bright blue and red colors, joints are pinless, pupils on the head aren’t too wide apart. The package and design resembles the old secret wars toy it’s homaging without being slavishly accurate (i.e., the Super 7 Ultimate Shredder head). And on top of all that, it feels great in hand.
Anybody else order from BBTS? I've had Titania sitting in my PoL for a minute now, but the Spidey doesn't want to show up.
The new Cap face sculpts being on such opposite ends of the spectrum is the main planned obsolescence. That and the shield of course. Not that I don't have shields a plenty but the right bigger modern shield? Less of those.
I have found that the best shield to use for Cap is the most recent Marvel Select Cap's shield(s). No c-clip, fits easily into Cap's open grip hands (once you clip the thumb and forefinger apart-I'll never get why they do that). The Select shield harness even fits him. Just FYI for those that have the select cap and ML Cap if you haven't tried it. My preorder for Iron Man came in at Gamestop Saturday. I really love him. The colors and pin less joints just make him pop. My only knock is they keep going with the blue on his chest arc reactor. Otherwise he is great! Can't wait to get the rest. Wolverine will be the hardest to find I feel. He showed up at Gamestop online before I preordered the whole wave and was already sold out. Every local Gamestop I have been to says they never got any of him to sell in store so far. The scalpers or-hopefully-other collectors keep beating me to him at Targets here. Hoping for a Walmart find at this rate.
The Wolverine I ordered through Amazon was delivered today...
I have some gripes that I definitely anticipated. I hate hate hate the tiny shoulders. I don't understand why they went with those...
It is BAFFLING how the tiny shoulder problem keeps going, and this is such an egregious example of it.
I canceled my preorder even though I knew it would be hard to get once I saw those shoulders head on. I would never be able to look at the figure without disgust.
I have found that the best shield to use for Cap is the most recent Marvel Select Cap's shield(s). No c-clip, fits easily into Cap's open grip hands (once you clip the thumb and forefinger apart-I'll never get why they do that). The Select shield harness even fits him. Just FYI for those that have the select cap and ML Cap if you haven't tried it. My preorder for Iron Man came in at Gamestop Saturday. I really love him. The colors and pin less joints just make him pop. My only knock is they keep going with the blue on his chest arc reactor. Otherwise he is great! Can't wait to get the rest. Wolverine will be the hardest to find I feel. He showed up at Gamestop online before I preordered the whole wave and was already sold out. Every local Gamestop I have been to says they never got any of him to sell in store so far. The scalpers or-hopefully-other collectors keep beating me to him at Targets here. Hoping for a Walmart find at this rate.
But then what shield will MS Captain America be left with? That's such a great figure on its own!
Having received six Wolverines from Amazon accidentally, I'm not exactly feeling the pressure of him being rare at the moment. But I foresee Spider-Man being the toughest one to get. Not only because I don't have him yet, but he seems to be the first one I see selling out, and the one figure with the least gripes. People have issues with Cap, Iron Man, Wolvie, but I've seen not one complaint about this Symbiote Spidey. I can't wait to get him, especially on that awesome body.
@normdapito Hahaha. I keep select cap be in his first appearance look all the time! He is the only select figure I own! I love him but since I don't have any other 1st appearance versions of Cap that's how I leave him. Oh and I agree about Spidey. I can't wait to get him!
The ab crunch sucks. It barely functions and when you pull it back, it exposes a HUGE gap. Clearly Cap's design could fit an upper-body barbell torso, the sculpt is *right there*. Again, Secret Empire has this articulation instead of the ab crunch, and not only can he crunch better than Secret Wars Cap, but he can rotate and tilt his body.
While I don't have the Cap figure you're talking about, it's so odd to me we keep getting Cap figures which don't hide articulation at the end of his chainmail. It's perfect the most perfect place to hide articulation, but Hasbro keeps avoiding doing it. If these "ultimate" Hulk and Spider-Man figures actually happen, I imagine Cap and Iron Man won't be far behind. Both of them have had quite of bit of reuse from their current classic design figures and could use some articulation updating.
@normdapito I'd buy one of the crushed bubble Secret Wars Wolvies from you for shipping plus whatever you'd be asking (sending a loose fig would be fine w/me). I've been holding out for one for less than retail in the future. [email protected] if you're willing; thanks in advance for your consideration.
@derrabbi Personally I gave my translucent Commander Rogers shield to Secret Wars Cap, because I am a product of the 90s. However, the Bucky Cap shield is larger, and from what I’ve heard that figure is pretty affordable right now. I personally would never cannibalize my cherished Bucky Cap (that I paid way too much money for).
Still, ML needs to come with a better shield connection option, or some customizer needs to make an adaptor to replace the clip with straps.
Got the rest of the wave— Wolverine and Spider-Man. They are both pretty great. Especially Spider-Man, which has an excellent base body.
Wolverine is very nice with some fun head sculpts. But the deltoids are just so undersized compared to the arms that it throws off the proportions. Delts are amongst the biggest muscle groups in the upper body.
Cap and Iron Man are some of my favorite figures of those characters. I think both of them and Titania make it into my top ten of 2024.