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One A Day: Day #1155 - Hildegarde, plus Speedfreek

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Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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Yes to both. 🙂 & also yes to Josten Goliath. 😀

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Thanks for bringing this thread back, Beamish!!

I'm still bitter that we never ended up getting that Lyra as a variant for Red She Hulk as I really wanted that figure!! Still do! I'd still buy that exact figure today in a heartbeat - but hopefully Hasbro can do her even better since that one was is years old now.

Pixie is #2 overall on my most wanted listed these days right behind Rockslide, so a big yes please for her!

I don't need a new Wesley Snipes Blade, so I'd pass on that one. I'd definitely be up for Atlas, though! The question is at what size? There might be some outside chance he's included in the upcoming HasLab, perhaps?

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I'd be happy with Lyra and Pixie ina BaF wave.

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I'd be interested in both.  Prefer the yellow suit for Pixie.

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Nope to Lyra, sure to Pixie.

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Posted by: @beamish

This is the only version of Pixie I want.  In fact I think she was the only thing I liked about the Utopia / San Francisco era.  From what I've seen of the Krakoan era I would thank my lucky stars for Utopia again.


But I like the cookie
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Yes, to first version of Lyra and the first version of Pixie.  I really do want New X-Men figures (Pixie, Dust, Rockslide and Anole).  I like figures from all time periods, as long as they aesthetically please me.

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Lyra would likely be a yes, Pixie past my time...

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Yes to Lyra!

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Posted by: @beamish



This is crazy.  Looks like there were a lot of these bodies floating around from Chinese factories from ebay.



JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Yay, glad OAD is back! I'd joyfully take any version of Erik Josten. I'd pass on Snipes Blade, Lyra and Pixie.

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Yes to Blade,  no to Lyra, yes to Pixie in her black/yellow costume.

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Day #647 - Cyttorak and Dracula (archive day #3)

Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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Yes 🙂 The classic look for both. 😀

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First of all -   Super glad this thread is back.    Love it and look forward to it:


As for the choices now


[b]645 -  Wesley Snipes Blade[/b]:     Nope.   I quit doing movie figures a while ago so this isn’t something I need on my shelf -  though I do appreciate the Snipes Blade films  and recognize why people would like a modern figure of this version of the character.


[b]646 -  Lyra:[/b]    Yes – I want it and would take it.    I know we were supposed to get her back in the day as a variant and it didn’t materialize.   She is a character I would enjoy having on my shelf -  and they have a couple of She-Hulk versions that need updates anyway, so she makes sense to get more use out of that tooling


[b]647 -  Cytorrak:[/b]   So to be honest, this isn’t something I need as a figure in my collection.   I don’t need a personification of the power that fuels the Juggernaut.    And that first image with the pink and purple smock just looks kind of ridiculous.   The other versions don’t do much for me either.



Classic list rehash:


(1) Josten -   Yes to a figure in all his forms.   1st appearance Power Man – sure.   Classic  orangeish tan (does that color have an actual name?)/brown Goliath costume – absolutely.   Atlas -  a thousand percent want and need.


(2) Pixie -  Yes.   I’m all in on X-Men anyway,  but Pixie became a big part of the team and she is definitely a figure I need to round out the more modern roster.


(3) Dracula -  Yes:   Classic look from the 70’s -  ideally paired with a first appearance Blade;  and then yes to a more modern Elric of Melnibone inspired look for ol’ Vlad as well.

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