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Someone on Collector Forum has posted pics (from someone else's Facebook) of the Scarecrow

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First review I have seen of Mondo Scarecrow 

The Scarecrow Guy
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Hot diggity dogs, he looks beautiful! Can't wait to get mine. The tracking for my special edition has been updating, and should hopefully be here this week, but no movement on my regular edition since the 20th of December. Wonder if they just shipped all the special editions first, since that's what I'm seeing in all the photos/videos people have shared so far.

jag2045 reacted
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My Scarecrow has arrived. 

The accessories are fun. Very scene-specific stuff. Nice homage to Kenner with the crows.

Sadly, I continue to feel the value is simply not there, given the price point. At the very least, these should have double knees and elbows. There are some defects in the sculpt from the mold, and some very sloppy factory paint errors, neither of which should exist at this price. And the plastic always feels like it’s one mishap away from breaking. (And I’m not crazy about the inner tray being taped to the box, so some level of destruction has to occur in order to remove the accessories.)

Despite the excellent artistry involved, these continue to feel like scaled-up versions of the DC Direct (and now Todd re-packaged) 6” versions. I’d like to see Mondo step up their game to at least the same level as their prices.

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The Scarecrow Guy
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Sorry for the long review with no pics; I still don't entirely have the hang of taking good figure photos, let alone posting them, but I'm thinking of investing in a lightbox soon, so maybe this is the year I'll give it a try.

Got my 2 limited editions yesterday. Still waiting on the 2 regular editions to arrive. Obviously spent WAY more than I should have, but this is like the ultimate Scarecrow figure, so I had to (if it helps, I did sell some things to help make up for it). You can call me many things, but financially responsible is not one of them!

Obviously, as my first Mondo figure, I have nothing to compare it to, but I really like it. I was worried that, mostly just due to the thinner design of the character, he may suffer in a lot of the same ways that the DCC/McFarlane version does, but for the most part he feels pretty sturdy. The joints all feel nice and smooth, and he stands pretty well even without the stand (though I'll probably end up using the stands anyway, just to avoid potential tumbles, which I fear he wouldn't survive). The paint all looks vibrant and clean on mine; I really like that they took the time to give the scythe a little painted glare on both sides, and not just the one like many others have. Between the accessories and box art, they managed to fit in something from pretty much all his appearances.

All 4 headsculpts are quite nice. It's still hard to believe that this is the first time in the 30-ish years the show has been out that we've gotten the first mask and a fear toxin head. The first mask turned out really well, I think. It's obviously the most simplistic, but I really dig that, due to the design of it and the plastic used, it kinda comes across as skin-like. A happy accident, I'm sure, and maybe I'm letting my excitement get the best of me, but it's really cool. The fear toxin head is a really cool inclusion as well, and while I wish they would've done something different for the lips- as is, it looks a bit too much like heavy lipstick, and seems reminiscient of something out of Aaah, Real Monsters!, but I'm still tickled pink they included it at all. Definitely going to find a way to display it under the animation cel I have of the moment. I was originally hoping they'd have included the disguise he wears in Fear of Victory, but I'd much rather have this extra head, even if its on-screen appearance was so short. The unmasked Crane head is nice too; it's my least favorite of the 4, only because it's essentially just a guy, but he does get unmasked a lot in the series, so it makes sense.

Accessory-wise, it feels pretty fair. There's plenty else he could've come with- a flare, a briefcase, etc., but I think they did a pretty good job at picking the most character-specific. I've always found it odd that all BTAS Scarecrow figures come with the scythe, even though he only ever used it once (in an episode he doesn't even speak in). That said, it's a cool accessory, and definitely adds a lot of menace to him. I really like the scythe here- it feels nice and sturdy, and he has no issue holding it because of all the alternate hands. Speaking of alternate hands, I'm so happy to finally get the fear toxin cloud hands too. They look fantastic, and while I was worried they may weigh down the arms, they've managed to hold their pose really well so far. The vial and stopwatch are really fun inclusions as well, even if he doesn't have the easiest time holding them- none of the hands are perfectly designed for them- some hold them well, but don't exactly allow you to show it off well, but it's a small price to pay. The crows are a fun touch too and add a lot to the display (even if they too ironically were never featured in the show) . The Joker Rat is a really fun piece; nothing that I ever even considered I'd need or have one day, but now that I have it, I'm definitely amused by it. Not sure what I'll do with my extra one, but I'm glad to have it. That plus the 2 extra heads are well worth the extra $15, I think.

I did have one of the wrist pegs snap off on mine, but it all turned out alright in the end- it was the open claw hand, which I'd planned on using for the fear toxin head anyway, so I'll glue it on and keep it posed and you won't even be able to tell. My other figure was perfectly fine, and as long as the other 2 cooperate, all will be well. Not sure if this is the case across all Mondo figures, but the hands were relatively easy to swap- just had to make sure to kinda twist and pull gently- but the headsculpts were a lot tougher to swap. The neck peg, for one, isn't loose at all, and kept getting stuck pushed to the side. I'd definitely recommend heating up the head's sockets before attempting to put them on. After the wrist peg snapped off, I didn't even really try to force anything on again, just due to how thin he was.

I can certainly see why someone who isn't as attached to the character wouldn't feel like it's a good value, especially for the standard edition. 2 of the accessories are rather small, and 2 of the (arguably) more interesting heads are locked behind the sold out limited edition. The scythe, while a cool accessory, isn't necessarily something he's known for, and the crows never appear in any episodes. He's also on the thinner side and a little fragile feeling, nothing like the bulkier Batman, Freeze, Joker, etc.

For me, however, this really is the ultimate Scarecrow figure (at least as far as BTAS is concerned). I've wanted the first mask and toxin hands for ages, and it makes me so happy to finally have them; the monstrous fear toxin head is icing on the cake. There's tiny nitpicks here and there, sure, and plenty they could've included, but as it is, everything turned out so perfect- I absolutely loved (and still love) the DCC/McFarlane figure, but the larger size of the Mondo figure means they're able to capture all the details all the more. I absolutely cannot wait for my other 2 to get here so I can have all 4 looks on the shelf (and may the Toy Gods help me if they ever make the TNBA version). I really am just the happiest of campers. Now the trick is to just keep things confined to this Mondo figure, and not want to grab all the others.

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Posted by: @joshsquash729

Hot diggity dogs, he looks beautiful! Can't wait to get mine. The tracking for my special edition has been updating, and should hopefully be here this week, but no movement on my regular edition since the 20th of December. Wonder if they just shipped all the special editions first, since that's what I'm seeing in all the photos/videos people have shared so far.


my Timed Edition hasnt moved since 20th Dec 🙁


The Scarecrow Guy
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@jag2045 Sorry, my friend. I certainly feel your pain. I was getting nervous that my regular edition hasn't updated since December 25th, but seeing how many other folks are still waiting on theirs at least sets me at ease. I always worry when it comes to customs; I know I'm not trying to smuggle anything illegal, but I always have that silly thought of "well, what if someone snuck something in, or it isn't filled out right and they think I don't exist?" 🤣  If it helps, once there was finally some movement on my timed editions, they were delivered pretty quickly. Fingers crossed you'll get yours soon!

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Clayface on Mondo's social media "IGN will have the full reveal Monday..."




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And me with a big new Mondo gift card after the holidays....

The Scarecrow Guy
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Just going off the con photos alone, that Clayface is seeeexxxxyyyy. I know it'll probably be locked behind the timed/limited edition, but the magnetic Batman face is such a cool accessory and would look so unbelievably cool on the shelf. Mondo seems really good with giving those accessories you always wanted from a show but never thought you'd get. I always had a thing for shape-shifters, even if they look like big piles of poopy like Clayface. I do worry about the softer material for him breaking down over time (though I suppose it would fit with his arc in the show) and the cost of a larger figure like him, but I'm gonna have to try and get at least one.

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From Collector Freaks forum

$280 - Exclusive limited to 1500 units - on sale Noon CT 21st Jan

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The price is steep, but expected. He looks so awesome, hopefully that soft body works well for those who go in. I don't have the funds and space to collect this and X-Men so I'm just admiring from afar, but they don't make it easy. I'd have to get that limited one too because that image of Clayface popping those claws out of his fingers that was shown all of the time in the promos for the show when it first premiered is seared into my brain.

jag2045 reacted
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I got a total of $250 in Mondo gift cards over the holidays, and this is exactly what I put them on the list for.  Getting the exclusive as soon as it goes up today!

jag2045 reacted
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Finally had some movement on my Scarecrow order (after a month of no movement whatsoever!) 

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Yes, that Clayface figure is really special, but still way out of my budget.

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