Ironic that the best Batman face depiction that Mondo's done comes from inside of Clayface's chest. I'm trying to talk myself out of this figure just based on the sheer impressiveness of it. I didn't need any Mondo X-Men either until I saw animated Omega Red and especially Rogue either. Truthfully if they redid the Batman figure with actual good looking heads I'd probably buy it, but I don't want to start buying THESE cool as TwoFace will probably look...
Q1 already? Was trying to see if there was a price on that tag too, but couldn't make one out. Definitely considering it. The only other one I have is the SDCC Man-Bat, which I received as a gift, but those are my favorite Bat-villains.
Price is just TBD
The only price I'm willing to pay. I'll let them know how much it is after I've got it and decided what it's worth.
I only JUST NOW noticed that one of those heads has Batman's grappling hook shooting up out of it. 🙂
Mad Hatter booth tour (and gets to pose the figure to show off the joints etc) - the Batman from the chest is a magnet piece to attach to Clayface's body
They confirm there will be limited and regular editions but are still deciding what will be with the limited version
Starts at 15.50:
Clayface looks phenomenal. Only other thing I can think of for him to come with would be some mid-transformation effect like at the end of Clayface part 2, but I don't know how they'd go about sculpting that.
I promised myself I'd be good and only get Scarecrow from this line, but now I'm eyeing at least Batman to go with him. But I've always loved Clayface too, and teeechnically this could still be in-scale with the DCC/McFarlane figures, since Clayface often goes monstrously large. 🤣 See how I rationalize these kinds of purchases? BTAS is a slippery slope for me, though. I can't imagine Clayface will end up being on the cheaper side, so the price may be my only saving grace here.
Alex Brewer talking about the new reveals
Clayface part starts about 22 mins in
There's a great conversation about sculpting in there and the emphasis placed on the 3/4 likeness. That Clayface looks incredible. I'm not in on this line so I'm admiring it from afar, but it's hard to imagine that thing ever being topped in any scale. If Mondo was ever permitted to go 1:12 BTAS I'd have to make some room for it.
Heads up for anyone still planning to get Harley Quinn - Mondo's site is showing her as "Almost Gone"
Heads up for anyone still planning to get Harley Quinn - Mondo's site is showing her as "Almost Gone"
Harley now sold out
Just had shipping notification for BTAS Scarecrow 🙂
Just had shipping notification for BTAS Scarecrow 🙂
Mondo has been shipping a lot of stuff in the last month from DC and Marvel — both versions of Cyclops, both versions of Spider-Man, and now this.
Agreed & cant wait for him to arrive - wonder if Poison Ivy will ship soon to (especially since she went up for pre-order before Scarecrow)
I believe they said to expect Uncanny / non-animated Omega Red in January as well.
Got shipping notices for my Scarecrows too. Beyond stoked for him- not just for the character, but to finally have my first Mondo figure. They ended up shipping the regular edition and limited edition separately, but that's okay. As long as they get here. I'll probably be insufferable with excitement when they arrive, so prepare yourselves. 🤣