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Mondo 1/6 Batman

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The Scarecrow Guy
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Those do look pretty dang good. Scarecrow is of course priority, but Clayface is mighty tempting too; he's always been another favorite of mine. But it's a line I really gotta be good not to get sucked into. Phantasm looked gorgeous, as did Freeze, and from there, it's a slippery slope. Lord help me if they ever dip into TNBA. 

jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @jag2045

Escaping Clayface (slug figure accessory)


Well looks like at least one guess I had for Clayface was correct 🙂


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Man those all look good! Might have to try and get them all (especially Batman Beyond!)

I just pray they don't pull any of that BS they did with the exclusive edition Rogue! Just make them Timed Editions with open pre-orders for a week!

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Mad Hatter's tour of the Mondo booth (timed to start at the BTAS section)

Clayface will have seamless joints. Will come with multiple heads and hand accessories - they mentioned the ep where Batman is stuck inside Clayface specifically. The Clay puddle will be part of the exclusive but the head is removable and all heads will be swappable 


Scarecrow will have an unmasked head (didnt say if only for the Timed edition like Catwoman & Harley) and a scythe among other items


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These look great! Really hoping they’re timed editions and not limited editions.

jag2045 reacted
The Scarecrow Guy
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Really cool to hear Clayface will have the soft plastic overlay. It'll make him seem even more putty-like. I don't entirely mind cut joints, especially on a character like Clayface, if you can disguise them to just look like some of the runny clay, but an overlay is cool too, as long as it'll hold up over time.

For Scarecrow, I'm excited (but trying not to read too much into) him saying there'll be different head sculpts AND the unmasked head as well. Makes me think maaaaybe we will get the two different masks, and maybe a fear toxin head. Considering how much some of the other characters come with, I hope he doesn't just come with the unmasked head, scythe, and Joker rat. Interchangeable hands too, I'm sure, but since those are such a given for any figure, I don't really count them (unless it's something unique to him, like one with the Fear Toxin gas coming out of the fingers). Maybe a briefcase of money, his gun, or the little stopwatch with the reaper on it.

Regarding the timed edition vs. limited edition- does the public have equal shots at both? There's no Mondo Club or anything that gets first dibs? Never bought anything directly from Mondo before, so not sure how it works (and too lazy to do research currently)

jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @joshsquash729

Regarding the timed edition vs. limited edition- does the public have equal shots at both? There's no Mondo Club or anything that gets first dibs? Never bought anything directly from Mondo before, so not sure how it works (and too lazy to do research currently)


Yes, everyone has an equal shot at their products. However some of their most popular items do sell out after literally only a few minutes, so you don't have long to secure certain items, (Mondo's Rogue with Sentinel Head sold out after about 4 or 5 minutes not so long ago for example). There are also limited editions that take a few days or longer to sell out. Because you have no idea ahead of time when the particular item might sell out, the only safe way is to be there ready to order the moment the item goes live. It's certainly not stress-free being a Mondo collector.


Timed editions are generally the more popular release among collectors, as you usually get about a week to put an order in, and so long as you order in that time, you are guaranteed to get one. Mondo's Bane I think was available for a week recently as a timed edition.


The above only applies to Mondo's special edition versions of their figures, the normal versions of their figures are available for much longer and can also be bought from other retailers most of the time.


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Posted by: @toonturts

Posted by: @joshsquash729

Regarding the timed edition vs. limited edition- does the public have equal shots at both? There's no Mondo Club or anything that gets first dibs? Never bought anything directly from Mondo before, so not sure how it works (and too lazy to do research currently)


Yes, everyone has an equal shot at their products. However some of their most popular items do sell out after literally only a few minutes, so you don't have long to secure certain items, (Mondo's Rogue with Sentinel Head sold out after about 4 or 5 minutes not so long ago for example). There are also limited editions that take a few days or longer to sell out. Because you have no idea ahead of time when the particular item might sell out, the only safe way is to be there ready to order the moment the item goes live. It's certainly not stress-free being a Mondo collector.


Timed editions are generally the more popular release among collectors, as you usually get about a week to put an order in, and so long as you order in that time, you are guaranteed to get one. Mondo's Bane I think was available for a week recently as a timed edition.


The above only applies to Mondo's special edition versions of their figures, the normal versions of their figures are available for much longer and can also be bought from other retailers most of the time.



Timed Editions are IMO much better than the Limited Editions (which only seem to have low numbers anyway, Rogue was 1000, Cyclops was 1500 for example) as they are available for a week as an open pre-order

I really hope these new reveals are Timed Editions (AFAIK the only limited release was SDCC Man-Bat at 1000 pieces which they later did as a regular edition)


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My big three BtAS villains, for whatever reason, were always Man-Bat, Mr. Freeze, and Clayface.  I missed Freeze because there was no way I was getting into a line this big and expensive, but then my brother went and bought me Man-Bat as a gift and now they're making Clayface...

jag2045 reacted
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Those "seamless" joints on Clayface may not be so seamless in 15 years. Soft rubber/vinyl/plastic tends to crack with age.

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Interview with the Mondo team from SDCC


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Poison Ivy will be the next Mondo 1/6

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More pics of Poison Ivy - Regular and Timed Edition (on sale for 7 days from 27/8) 

the Timed Edition features exclusive extras including additional portraits and her half-human children from “House & Garden.”

Timed Edition $210. Regular Edition $195.


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Poison Ivy is now one sale

Time Edition (Available from 8/27 at 12PM CT time through 9/3 date at 11:59AM CT time)

Regular Edition

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