Secured mine. The exclusive is too cool for me not to get while realizing I may never get it if I don't. Here's hoping I don't like their TwoFace and Riddler when they eventually do those. As I don't want to start into the Batman line. Oddly the Batman on ClayFace's chest to me looks more accurate to the animated show than the heads that come on the actual Batman figure, those just look flat and like the cel shading is supposed to make the sculpt look less genetically geometric. So just Clayface for me.
I also secured mine with the help of the aforementioned gift cards. Likely this is the last of the BtAS Mondo figures for me. My Big Three for BtAS are Mr. Freeze, Man-Bat, and Clayface. I missed out on Freeze, received Man-Bat as a gift, and now Clayface is ordered.
I got Clayface too. I've never bought a Modo figure before, but I couldn't pass up on the exclusive version. I love the Batman attachment.
Well, ya'll, they got me too. Was able to snag an order for the exclusive version of Clayface. Way I see it, it's like 1.5 (or, I guess, 1.2-ish) figures in one, with the puddle. Such a fun idea- where the heck else are you gonna get a Clayface puddle? And the Batman magnet is just too darn cool not to have. Worse comes to worse, he would still technically be in scale with the smaller DC/McFarlane figures, so even if I don't get any more Mondo figures, I can still work Clayface into the display somehow.
My 2 regular Scarecrows started moving as well. Really looking forward to having all 4 looks on the shelf. Gonna be a dream come true!
Did anyone else watch the Clayface BTS Mondo released? I didn't, but I saw it summarized somewhere. Was really interesting seeing how much went into making him. Apparently Clayface is the main release for 2025, but they do have a few more releases planned. Said Killer Croc isn't next, but he is on the list of ones they want to do. Christmas Joker is also a possibility, as is a re-release of Mr. Freeze with some slight fixes.
Recap from the Collector Freaks forum of the Toy Talk video
Brief summary of the BTAS related info:
- While Clayface is their big BTAS release of the year, they have a couple more BTAS releases planned for 2025
- Next BTAS figure in early summer
- Their choices for the other releases are based on what collectors/customers online are saying (hopefully they’ve been following our little thread)
- Killer Croc won’t be next but they really want to get him in the line
- Peter liked chat's idea of holiday figures, specifically mentioning "Christmas with the Joker" as a great opportunity to bring Joker back in a different way
- To this Hector responded by saying “wait and see” and that they’ve been talking about alt variants for certain characters
- They have full autonomy over what they decide to make, it’s just a matter of "if time permits"
- They haven’t yet considered dioramas for the BTAS line but are kind of dipping their toes in this with the X-Men Sentinel bases and upcoming X-Men releases
- Hector said they get a lot of requests for them to restock Freeze (
) and then said “never say never” (
) and even though he considers it a perfect figure and one of the best they’ve done, there are a couple of things he would want to adjust
Clayface really is awesome.
There's no way for me to collect these but dang...they're great.
How big is Clayface? Like how tall?
@disneyboy 13.5 inches
It just sucks to have to wait until the summer to get it.
Way I see it, it's like 1.5 (or, I guess, 1.2-ish) figures in one, with the puddle. Such a fun idea- where the heck else are you gonna get a Clayface puddle? And the Batman magnet is just too darn cool not to have.
Pretty much the same justification I had. Even if I never buy another BTAS figure from Mondo the Batman head magnet is basically like it's own fight scene going on just standing there posed. I wish they had some better looking heads for Joker as I wanted to get him, but nothing wow-ed me about any of the heads. I do wish Mondo was able to do the 1/12th equivalent of these figures as I've never wanted an oversized "doll collection" to call my own, and 1/12 stuff just stores easier. I'd happily pay for the whole BTAS line via Mondo, and this is after I've bought almost all the McFarlane / DC Direct original stuff.
Scarecrow has cleared customs 🙂
Well heck, a re-release of Freeze would be best-case scenario for my heart, worse-case scenario for my wallet.
My 2 regular edition Scarecrows arrived yesterday. Took forever to clear customs, but once they did, they arrived within 24 hours.
Oddly enough, there was a clear difference in how tight the joints were on these 2. The 2 limited edition were much tighter, which was nice, but did lead to the one wrist peg snapping off, whereas these 2 were much looser. Not quite to floppy levels, but I did handle them a lot more gingerly just in case. That said, I was able to swap heads and hands with no issue on these 2.
Now I have all 4 looks on the shelf, and boy, am I a happy camper. Like I said, this is like the ultimate Scarecrow figure, so while it was a terrible financial decision to get 4, it was well worth it. Does anyone happen to know of any good stands I could use for the additional heads? Feels silly to have so many just lying around, so to work them into the display somehow would be nice, and something a little more flashy than just setting them on the shelf.
I also finally get the appeal of the Mondo figures, and am desperately trying not to go back and fill in the blanks (a struggle I don't foresee myself winning). Already have Clayface pre-ordered, and I'd love to at least get Batman, and I really have my eye on Freeze and Joker. Ah, the struggles.
My 2 regular edition Scarecrows arrived yesterday. Took forever to clear customs, but once they did, they arrived within 24 hours.
Oddly enough, there was a clear difference in how tight the joints were on these 2. The 2 limited edition were much tighter, which was nice, but did lead to the one wrist peg snapping off, whereas these 2 were much looser. Not quite to floppy levels, but I did handle them a lot more gingerly just in case. That said, I was able to swap heads and hands with no issue on these 2.
Now I have all 4 looks on the shelf, and boy, am I a happy camper. Like I said, this is like the ultimate Scarecrow figure, so while it was a terrible financial decision to get 4, it was well worth it. Does anyone happen to know of any good stands I could use for the additional heads? Feels silly to have so many just lying around, so to work them into the display somehow would be nice, and something a little more flashy than just setting them on the shelf.
I also finally get the appeal of the Mondo figures, and am desperately trying not to go back and fill in the blanks (a struggle I don't foresee myself winning). Already have Clayface pre-ordered, and I'd love to at least get Batman, and I really have my eye on Freeze and Joker. Ah, the struggles.
Glad you got yours - mine arrived in the UK last week, cleared customs... and hasnt moved since - now I've had to contact DHL to investigate what is going on 🙁
Opened up Harley Quinn yesterday at long last and the tall part of the plastic stand split at the seams when I inserted the metal rod. Is that a known issue with Mondo DC stands or did I just get lucky? And do all the DC stands have the two "arms" that point up instead of the waist grab? I've got her perched but feels dangerous.
Opened up Harley Quinn yesterday at long last and the tall part of the plastic stand split at the seams when I inserted the metal rod. Is that a known issue with Mondo DC stands or did I just get lucky? And do all the DC stands have the two "arms" that point up instead of the waist grab? I've got her perched but feels dangerous.
I've had Mondo parts break (far too often), but never the stand. That being stand, the crotch stands are garbage. I recommend switching to a much better quality Kaiser or Yaocom doll stand.