After being disappointed with the Playmates Original Comics Donatello I thought I’d hit Ebay to see if anyone had come up with any fixes for the figure and ended up finding all kinds of nice TMNT related customs. So I thought I’d show them all to you!
First off, the repaint of the Mirage style Turtle that makes me want to do the same. It actually looks like shading instead of being gnawed on by a small animal.
From there I started looking at weapons, and these wood and metal replacements for Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo are awesome, especially when paired with the NECA versions.
Then it was on to customs. This black and white NECA style foot soldier fits perfectly. The paint match is so close. Are those LCBH Judge Dredd knee pads?
This Zombie Donatello strays way out of my comfort zone when I think of Turtle variants, but the decaying flesh is really well done. But I wish the shell was as dead looking as most of the body. The stock google eyes that we saw with the cartoon classic figures works great here though…
I’m a closet fan of mash-ups. I’m not creative enough to make them myself but when I see them I geek out a bit. You mix two properties I love and I’m all over it. So these Batman/Turtle mashes strike me right where it tickles. In my fancy.
DC not yo’ thang? How about a Wolverine and a Deadpool? Yeah, that’s a gun hidden inside a turtle shell. Cowabunga.
Then I started straying way out of my price range. Hot Toys scale and quality? Yup, but you can’t deny that this 1/6 scale Krang is fantastic.
That led me to what just may be my new holy grail. Besides my holy grail of a kickass 6 inch articulated version, that is. A custom Hot Toys style 1/6 scale Casey Jones, both in street look and armored up for battle. Both are looks that you don’t want to run into on the street, but I prefer the street look just because it makes him even crazier, fighting ninja and dudes with weapons with nothing more than a hockey mask and sports equipment.
From there I got even crazier, running across this nice cosplay Shedder helmet. Could you imagine? No, really, could you imagine? I can.
But I stray from what I love, smaller scaled action figures. So back to some repaints. Some awesome ones at that. This repainted Metalhead makes me want to go out and find one. I’m a big fan of the scrap metal look and this nails it.
Anyone who knows me knows that Donatello is my favoritest Turtle. Favoritest! Everything about this repainted NECA Donatello auction fires my cylinders. The awesome paint and shading, the base figure itself, the poses, the photography, all top notch.
And finally, some of the best repaints of the Playmates Nicktoons Turtles I’ve seen yet. I love these figures out of the package but the rework just brings them to life, to a whole new level even. Front, back, weapons, I can’t stand it. Just great work.
Repaints aside, these made me take another look at my Nicktoons TMNT figures. Why couldn’t Playmates put as much love into the Mirage style Turtles as they did with the first series of Nicktoon Turtles? Sad.