Mattel had a few reveals on hand for Masters of the Universe Classics, many of which had not already been leaked online earlier in the week. They also had some older figures, the new jumbo re-dos of vintage He-Man and Skeletor, new minis and some artfully repainted Skeletor figures.
The highlight for me is the Battle Ram which features a Man-At-Arms repaint with a new head and a new head piece for the jet sled. The original jet sled had a griffin head piece, which was on the original Battle Ram, but in Filmation, Skeletor’s crew flew jet sleds with a snake head piece like this one. It’s a subtle difference, but I’m glad they are getting both versions out there.
The above figures have been shown to different extent online, but it was cool to see them up close. Eldor is looking so great and Sweet Bee looks straight out of Filmation. I love that bee gun.
I’m not sure what the purpose of the art-skeletors is, other than just creating something fun. Perhaps they want to sell larger versions of the minis as a type of urban vinyl custom base.
I was very glad to see that the new min-figures. These figures are pricey, but they look so great together. I think I need to get them…