I ventured out and watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier this past weekend. I also found Legends Infinite Black Widow at Toys R Us. So you can imagine the Cap high my brain is riding on right now with that much awesomeness surging around in it. But now I need two Widows since I really wanted her to go in my Avengers but I also ended up loving her in CA:WS. I can’t win.
Riding that Captain America wave, Diamond Select posted some teaser pictures of Marvel Select Captain America and Falcon!
I already have the Legends Cap in this suit and it’s fantastic but I’m definitely getting both MS Cap and Falcon. After seeing the movie I need this team. And you dang well know Cap in going to be on Falcon’s left.
Speaking of Cap (I’m going for a record for how many times I can type “Captain America” here), here’s an updated pic of Figma Captain America in his Avengers costume.
I’m liking the colors a lot more than they have looked in other pictures so far.
Here’s new pictures of the Play Arts Kai Rorschach figure. Bad new: The price at this time is around $95. Gaaah! I still must have it.
We shared SuperheroStuff‘s post with this poster on our Facebook page but it’s too good not to show here. I love this Guardians of the Galaxy poster and hope it becomes a print soon. But I wonder why Drax isn’t holding knives?
threezero posted a full shot of their 20 inch Titanfall Atlas figure and this thing looks massive!
It looks like Tamashii Nations flubbed and put the S.H. Figuarts Mark 42 Iron Man on a poster before actually revealing him. Still, he looks great, even if seeing him in a line up with Godzilla and the Ring chick is a little off-putting.
And then there’s this…
Oh man, so perfect. This is Ript Apparel’s shirt for today and you can order it for about the next three hours, as I type this.
Happy Hour’s over!