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Happy Hour- Marvel Select Captain America and Falcon, Play Arts Kai Rorschach, and threezero Titanfall Atlas

I ventured out and watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier this past weekend. I also found Legends Infinite Black Widow at Toys R Us. So you can imagine the Cap high my brain is riding on right now with that much awesomeness surging around in it. But now I need two Widows since I really wanted her to go in my Avengers but I also ended up loving her in CA:WS. I can’t win.

Riding that Captain America wave, Diamond Select posted some teaser pictures of Marvel Select Captain America and Falcon!

I already have the Legends Cap in this suit and it’s fantastic but I’m definitely getting both MS Cap and Falcon. After seeing the movie I need this team. And you dang well know Cap in going to be on Falcon’s left.

Speaking of Cap (I’m going for a record for how many times I can type “Captain America” here), here’s an updated pic of Figma Captain America in his Avengers costume.

Figma Avengers Captain AmericaI’m liking the colors a lot more than they have looked in other pictures so far.

Here’s new pictures of the Play Arts Kai Rorschach figure. Bad new: The price at this time is around $95. Gaaah! I still must have it.

We shared SuperheroStuff‘s post with this poster on our Facebook page but it’s too good not to show here. I love this Guardians of the Galaxy poster and hope it becomes a print soon. But I wonder why Drax isn’t holding knives?

Guardians of the Galaxy Poster

threezero posted a full shot of their 20 inch Titanfall Atlas figure and this thing looks massive!

threezero Titanfall Atlas full

It looks like Tamashii Nations flubbed and put the S.H. Figuarts Mark 42 Iron Man on a poster before actually revealing him. Still, he looks great, even if seeing him in a line up with Godzilla and the Ring chick is a little off-putting.

Tamashii Nations S.H. Figuarts Mark 42 Iron Man

And then there’s this…

RIPT Apparel Winter is ComingOh man, so perfect. This is Ript Apparel’s shirt for today and you can order it for about the next three hours, as I type this.

Happy Hour’s over!